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Leapmotion 感悟

2016-08-16 14:26 204 查看

我觉得首先要了解leapmotion自带的 core asset中的相关内容





可以看到它其实就是一个empty object里面加了两个脚本控制。

(1)leap hand controller脚本:


public class LeapHandController : MonoBehaviour

protected virtual void Start() {
Provider = GetComponent<LeapProvider>();
Factory = GetComponent<HandFactory>();
/** Updates the graphics HandRepresentations. */
protected virtual void Update() {
Frame frame = Provider.CurrentFrame;//frame里面包含了所有的信息,譬如手的位置,角度等等
if (frame.Id != prev_graphics_id_ && graphicsEnabled) {
UpdateHandRepresentations(graphicsReps, ModelType.Graphics, frame);//说明每一帧都会调用这个函数哦
prev_graphics_id_ = frame.Id;

/** Updates the physics HandRepresentations. */
protected virtual void FixedUpdate() {
Frame fixedFrame = Provider.CurrentFixedFrame;

if (fixedFrame.Id != prev_physics_id_ && physicsEnabled) {
UpdateHandRepresentations(physicsReps, ModelType.Physics, fixedFrame);//也是一样不断调用这个函数
prev_physics_id_ = fixedFrame.Id;

* Updates HandRepresentations based in the specified HandRepresentation Dictionary.
* Active HandRepresentation instances are updated if the hand they represent is still
* present in the Provider's CurrentFrame; otherwise, the HandRepresentation is removed. If new
* Leap Hand objects are present in the Leap HandRepresentation Dictionary, new HandRepresentations are
* created and added to the dictionary.
* @param all_hand_reps = A dictionary of Leap Hand ID's with a paired HandRepresentation
* @param modelType Filters for a type of hand model, for example, physics or graphics hands.
* @param frame The Leap Frame containing Leap Hand data for each currently tracked hand
void UpdateHandRepresentations(Dictionary<int, HandRepresentation> all_hand_reps, ModelType modelType, Frame frame) {
foreach (Leap.Hand curHand in frame.Hands) {
HandRepresentation rep;
if (!all_hand_reps.TryGetValue(curHand.Id, out rep)) {
rep = Factory.MakeHandRepresentation(curHand, modelType);
if (rep != null) {
all_hand_reps.Add(curHand.Id, rep);
if (rep != null) {
rep.IsMarked = true;
rep.UpdateRepresentation(curHand, modelType);
rep.LastUpdatedTime = (int)frame.Timestamp;

(2)还有一个leap service provider 脚本


provides access to the tracking data and images as well as access to the Leap.|Controller|_ object. The LeapServiceProvider transforms the tracking data so that the coordinates are relative to the transform of the Unity GameObject to which it is attached. For example, if you rotate the GameObject, the hands are also rotated in the Unity scene. Likewise, a hand 200mm above the Leap Motion device is placed 200mm above the GameObject in the Unity scene. The LeapServiceProvider also converts the coordinate system from the right-handed convention used by the Leap Motion software to the left-handed convention used by Unity。








public class CapsuleHand : IHandModel {
private const int THUMB_BASE_INDEX = (int)Finger.FingerType.TYPE_THUMB * 4 ;
private const int PINKY_BASE_INDEX = (int)Finger.FingerType.TYPE_PINKY * 4 ;

private const float SPHERE_RADIUS = 0.008f;
private const float CYLINDER_RADIUS = 0.006f;
private const float PALM_RADIUS = 0.015f;

private static int _colorIndex = 0;
private static Color[] _colorList = { Color.blue, Color.green, Color.magenta, Color.cyan, Color.red, Color.yellow };
public override void InitHand(){...}//初始化
public override void UpdateHand()//每帧调用

还有一个hand enable disable脚本顾名思义了吧就


这个rigidroundhand也是一个empty object,它含有的脚本如下

其中关键的就是这个rigid hand脚本了

public override void UpdateHand() //里面含有这个关键的方法
for (int f = 0; f < fingers.Length; ++f) {
if (fingers[f] != null) {


thumb 含有一个rigid finger 脚本

再往下走,就是thumb下的三个bone,都含有rigidbody和capsule collider组间
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标签:  unity leapmotion