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Vertex and fragment shader examples

2016-08-15 19:16 447 查看
Vertex and fragment shader examples


This page contains vertex and fragment program examples. For a basic introduction to shaders, see the shader tutorials: Part 1 and Part 2. For an easy way of writing regular material shaders, see Surface Shaders.


You can download the examples shown below as a zipped Unity project.


Setting up the scene


If you are not familiar with Unity’s Scene View, Hierarchy View, Project View and Inspector, now would be a good time to read the first few sections from the manual, starting with Unity Basics.

你不熟悉Unity的Scene,Hierarchy,Project和 Inspector面板的话,需要先去学习Unity的基础部分。

The first step is to create some objects which you will use to test your shaders. Select Game Object > 3D Object > Capsule in the main menu. Then position the camera so it shows the capsule. Double-click the Capsule in the Hierarchy to focus the scene view on it, then select the Main Camera object and click Game object > Align with View from the main menu.

建立一些物体可以用来测试我们的着色程序,这里选择创建一个胶囊体,用主摄像机聚焦它,在Hierarchy面板中双击它,Scene视图的视角聚焦于它,选中主摄像机,在主菜单栏中选择Game object > Align with View就完成了。

Create a new Material by selecting Create > Material from the menu in the Project View. A new material called New Material will appear in the Project View.

在工程视图中新建一个材质球,工程视图中可以看到初始名为New Material 的一个材质。

Creating a shader


Now create a new Shader asset in a similar way. Select Create > Shader > Unlit Shader from the menu in the Project View. This creates a basic shader that just displays a texture without any lighting.

用同样的方式创建一个着色器资源,主菜单栏中选中Create > Shader > Unlit Shader,这是最基本的不带任何光照只显示一张纹理贴图的着色器。

Other entries in the Create > Shader menu create barebone shaders or other types, for example a basic surface shader.

其他类型通过 Create > Shader选择,比如最基本的表面着色器。

Linking the mesh, material and shader


Make the material use the shader via the material’s inspector, or just drag the shader asset over the material asset in the Project View. The material inspector will display a white sphere when it uses this shader.


Now drag the material onto your mesh object in either the Scene or the Hierarchy views. Alternatively, select the object, and in the inspector make it use the material in the Mesh Renderer component’s Materials slot.

现在拖拽材质到你的网格对象上无论是用Scene还是 Hierarchy视图,或者选中对象的检视面板,让它网格渲染材质的地方使用我们的材质。

With these things set up, you can now begin looking at the shader code, and you will see the results of your changes to the shader on the capsule in the Scene View.


Main parts of the shader


To begin examining the code of the shader, double-click the shader asset in the Project View. The shader code will open in your script editor (MonoDevelop or Visual Studio).

想查看着色器源码直接在工程视图中双击着色器,它就会被脚本编辑器(MonoDevelop or Visual Studio)打开。

The shader starts off with this code:


This initial shader does not look very simple! But don’t worry, we will go over each part step-by-step.


Let’s see the main parts of our simple shader.


The Shader command contains a string with the name of the shader. You can use forward slash characters “/” to place your shader in sub-menus when selecting your shader in the Material inspector.


The Properties block contains shader variables (textures, colors etc.) that will be saved as part of the Material, and displayed in the material inspector. In our unlit shader template, there is a single texture property declared.


A Shader can contain one or more SubShaders, which are primarily used to implement shaders for different GPU capabilities. In this tutorial we’re not much concerned with that, so all our shaders will contain just one SubShader.


Each SubShader is composed of a number of passes, and each Pass represents an execution of the vertex and fragment code for the same object rendered with the material of the shader. Many simple shaders use just one pass, but shaders that interact with lighting might need more (see Lighting Pipeline for details). Commands inside Pass typically setup fixed function state, for example blending modes.

每个子着色器被许多通道编译,每个通道代表了关于该着色器材质渲染的同一个对象的顶点和片段程序的执行。许多简单的着色器只有一个通道,关于光照作用的需要多个通道(详情查看Lighting Pipeline)。通道中的指令用来设置功能状态,比如混合模式。

These keywords surround portions of Cg/HLSL code within the vertex and fragment shaders. Typically this is where most of the interesting code is. See vertex and fragment shaders for details.


Simple unlit shader


The unlit shader template does a few more things than would be absolutely needed to display an object with a texture. For example, it supports Fog, and texture tiling/offset fields in the material. Let’s simplify the shader to bare minimum, and add more comments:


The Vertex Shader is a program that runs on each vertex of the 3D model. Quite often it does not do anything particularly interesting. Here we just transform vertex position from object space into so called “clip space”, which is what’s used by the GPU to rasterize the object on screen. We also pass the input texture coordinate unmodified - we’ll need it to sample the texture in the fragment shader.


The Fragment Shader is a program that runs on each and every pixel that object occupies on-screen, and is usually used to calculate and output the color of each pixel. Usually there are millions of pixels on the screen, and the fragment shaders are executed for all of them! Optimizing fragment shaders is quite an important part of overall game performance work.


Some variable or function definitions are followed by a Semantic Signifier - for example : POSITION or : SV_Target. These semantics signifiers communicate the “meaning” of these variables to the GPU. See the shader semantics page for details.

一些变量或者函数定义来源于语义标记符,比如 POSITION ,SV_Target,这些语义符号意味着可以与GPU中的这些变量通信,详情查看shader semantics这章。

When used on a nice model with a nice texture, our simple shader looks pretty good!


Even simpler single color shader


Let’s simplify the shader even more – we’ll make a shader that draws the whole object in a single color. This is not terribly useful, but hey we’re learning here.


This time instead of using structs for input (appdata) and output (v2f), the shader functions just spell out inputs manually. Both ways work, and which you choose to use depends on your coding style and preference.

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标签:  shader