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pandas 最基本的时间序列类型就是以时间戳(TimeStamp)为 index 元素的 Series 类型。


[P4J 0.6: Periodic light curve analysis tools based on Information Theory]
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dateparse = lambda dates: pd.datetime.strptime(dates, '%Y-%m')
data = pd.read_csv('AirPassengers.csv', parse_dates='Month', index_col='Month',date_parser=dateparse)
print data.head()


index_col:使用pandas 的时间序列数据背后的关键思想是:目录成为描述时间数据信息的变量。所以该参数告诉pandas使用“月份”的列作为索引。
date_parser:指定将输入的字符串转换为可变的时间数据。Pandas默认的数据读取格式是‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’?如需要读取的数据没有默认的格式,就要人工定义。这和dataparse的功能部分相似,这里的定义可以为这一目的服务。The default uses dateutil.parser.parser to do the conversion.


时间序列分析和处理Time Series

pandas has simple, powerful, and efficient functionality for performingresampling operations during frequency conversion (e.g., converting secondlydata into 5-minutely data). This is extremely common in, but not limited to,financial applications.


c = pandas.Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:08')

In [103]: rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2012', periods=100, freq='S')

In [104]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 500, len(rng)), index=rng)

In [105]: ts.resample('5Min', how='sum')
2012-01-01    25083
Freq: 5T, dtype: int32
Time zone representation
In [106]: rng = pd.date_range('3/6/2012 00:00', periods=5, freq='D')

In [107]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)

In [108]: ts
2012-03-06    0.464000
2012-03-07    0.227371
2012-03-08   -0.496922
2012-03-09    0.306389
2012-03-10   -2.290613
Freq: D, dtype: float64

In [109]: ts_utc = ts.tz_localize('UTC')

In [110]: ts_utc
2012-03-06 00:00:00+00:00    0.464000
2012-03-07 00:00:00+00:00    0.227371
2012-03-08 00:00:00+00:00   -0.496922
2012-03-09 00:00:00+00:00    0.306389
2012-03-10 00:00:00+00:00   -2.290613
Freq: D, dtype: float64


Convert to another time zone
In [111]: ts_utc.tz_convert('US/Eastern')
2012-03-05 19:00:00-05:00    0.464000
2012-03-06 19:00:00-05:00    0.227371
2012-03-07 19:00:00-05:00   -0.496922
2012-03-08 19:00:00-05:00    0.306389
2012-03-09 19:00:00-05:00   -2.290613
Freq: D, dtype: float64
Converting between time span representations
In [112]: rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2012', periods=5, freq='M')
In [113]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)
In [114]: ts
2012-01-31   -1.134623
2012-02-29   -1.561819
2012-03-31   -0.260838
2012-04-30    0.281957
2012-05-31    1.523962
Freq: M, dtype: float64

In [115]: ps = ts.to_period()
In [116]: ps
2012-01   -1.134623
2012-02   -1.561819
2012-03   -0.260838
2012-04    0.281957
2012-05    1.523962
Freq: M, dtype: float64

In [117]: ps.to_timestamp()
2012-01-01   -1.134623
2012-02-01   -1.561819
2012-03-01   -0.260838
2012-04-01    0.281957
2012-05-01    1.523962
Freq: MS, dtype: float64
Converting between period and timestamp enables some convenient arithmeticfunctions to be used. In the following example, we convert a quarterlyfrequency with year ending in November to 9am of the end of the month followingthe quarter end:
In [118]: prng = pd.period_range('1990Q1', '2000Q4', freq='Q-NOV')
In [119]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(prng)), prng)
In [120]: ts.index = (prng.asfreq('M', 'e') + 1).asfreq('H', 's') + 9
In [121]: ts.head()
1990-03-01 09:00   -0.902937
1990-06-01 09:00    0.068159
1990-09-01 09:00   -0.057873
1990-12-01 09:00   -0.368204
1991-03-01 09:00   -1.144073
Freq: H, dtype: float64

[pandas cookbook Timeseries]


 pandas.to_datetime(*args, **kwargs)
    Convert argument to datetime.
Series.dt.normalize(*args, **kwargs)
    Return DatetimeIndex with times to midnight. Length is unaltered.直接调用应该就是只取datetime的date部分,即重置time部分,而保持datetime类型不变。
        Return DatetimeIndex with times to midnight. Length is unaltered


Note: pandas时间序列series的index必须是DatetimeIndex不能是Index,也就是如果index是从dataframe列中转换来的,其类型必须是datetime类型,不能是date、object等等其它类型!否则在很多处理包中会报错。
返回DatetimeIndex(['2015-07-02', '2015-07-03', '2015-07-04', '2015-07-05', ... '2016-10-26', '2016-10-27', '2016-10-28', '2016-10-29'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='time', length=481, freq=None)

series对象的dt存取器 .dt accessor

    Accessor object for datetimelike properties of the Series values.

    >>> s.dt.hour
    >>> s.dt.second
    >>> s.dt.quarter
Returns a Series indexed like the original Series. Raises TypeError if the Series does not contain datetimelike values.

Series datetime类型处理


s.map(pd.Timestamp.date) 或者 s.map(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.date()))


Converting to datetime64[D]:df.dates.values.astype('M8[D]') Though re-assigning that to a DataFrame col will revert it back to [ns].
所以可以这样实现user_pay_df['time'] = user_pay_df['time'].dt.date.astype('M8[D]')或者user_pay_df['time'] = user_pay_df['time'].dt.date.astype(np.datetime64)

user_pay_df['time'] = user_pay_df['time'].dt.normalize()[Reset time part of a pandas timestamp][Keep only date part when using pandas.to_datetime]

        uid   sid                time
0  22127870  1862 2015-12-25 17:00:00
1   3434231  1862 2016-10-05 11:00:00
2  16955285  1862 2016-02-10 15:00:00
uid              int64
sid              int64
time    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object
        uid   sid       time
0  22127870  1862 2015-12-25
1   3434231  1862 2016-10-05
2  16955285  1862 2016-02-10
uid              int64
sid              int64
time    datetime64[ns]



pandas 的 TimeStamp

pandas 最基本的时间日期对象是一个从 Series 派生出来的子类 TimeStamp,这个对象与 datetime 对象保有高度兼容性,可通过 pd.to_datetime() 函数转换。(一般是从 datetime 转换为 Timestamp)lang:python
>>> pd.to_datetime(now)
Timestamp('2014-06-17 15:56:19.313193', tz=None)
>>> pd.to_datetime(np.nan)

pandas 的时间序列

pandas 最基本的时间序列类型就是以时间戳(TimeStamp)为 index 元素的 Series 类型。lang:python
>>> dates = [datetime(2011,1,1),datetime(2011,1,2),datetime(2011,1,3)]
>>> ts = Series(np.random.randn(3),index=dates)
>>> ts
2011-01-01 0.362289
2011-01-02 0.586695
2011-01-03 -0.154522
dtype: float64
>>> type(ts)
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
>>> ts.index
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2011-01-01, ..., 2011-01-03]
Length: 3, Freq: None, Timezone: None
>>> ts.index[0]
Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00:00', tz=None)


时间序列只是 index 比较特殊的 Series ,因此一般的索引操作对时间序列依然有效。其特别之处在于对时间序列索引的操作优化。

1 使用各种字符串进行索引:lang:python
>>> ts['20110101']
>>> ts['2011-01-01']
>>> ts['01/01/2011']

2 Import the datetime library and use 'datetime' function:
from datetime import datetime
ts[datetime(1949,1,1)]3 你需要1949年所有的值,可以这样做:ts['1949']。可见,月份部分已经省略。如果你要获得某月所有的日期,日期部分也可以省略。
对于较长的序列,还可以只传入 “年” 或 “年月” 选取切片:>>> ts
2011-01-01 0.362289
2011-01-02 0.586695
2011-01-03 -0.154522
2012-12-25 0.111869
dtype: float64
>>> ts['2012']
2012-12-25 0.111869
dtype: float64
>>> ts['2011-1-2':'2012-12']
2011-01-02 0.586695
2011-01-03 -0.154522
2012-12-25 0.111869
dtype: float64
4 除了这种字符串切片方式外,还有一种实例方法可用:ts.truncate(after='2011-01-03')。
值得注意的是,切片时使用的字符串时间戳并不必存在于 index 之中,如 ts.truncate(before='3055') 也是合法的。

Time/Date Components

There are several time/date properties that one can access from Timestamp or a collection of timestamps like a DateTimeIndex.
yearThe year of the datetime
monthThe month of the datetime
dayThe days of the datetime
hourThe hour of the datetime
minuteThe minutes of the datetime
secondThe seconds of the datetime
microsecondThe microseconds of the datetime
nanosecondThe nanoseconds of the datetime
dateReturns datetime.date
timeReturns datetime.time
dayofyearThe ordinal day of year
weekofyearThe week ordinal of the year
weekThe week ordinal of the year
dayofweekThe numer of the day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6
weekdayThe number of the day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6
weekday_nameThe name of the day in a week (ex: Friday)
quarterQuarter of the date: Jan=Mar = 1, Apr-Jun = 2, etc.
days_in_monthThe number of days in the month of the datetime
is_month_startLogical indicating if first day of month (defined by frequency)
is_month_endLogical indicating if last day of month (defined by frequency)
is_quarter_startLogical indicating if first day of quarter (defined by frequency)
is_quarter_endLogical indicating if last day of quarter (defined by frequency)
is_year_startLogical indicating if first day of year (defined by frequency)
is_year_endLogical indicating if last day of year (defined by frequency)
Furthermore, if you have a Series with datetimelike values, then you can access these properties via the .dt accessor, see the docs.
[Time/Date Components]


pandas 中的时间序列一般被默认为不规则的,即没有固定的频率。但出于分析的需要,我们可以通过插值的方式将序列转换为具有固定频率的格式。一种快捷方式是使用 .resample(rule) 方法:lang:python
>>> ts
2011-01-01 0.362289
2011-01-02 0.586695
2011-01-03 -0.154522
2011-01-06 0.222958
dtype: float64
>>> ts.resample('D')
2011-01-01 0.362289
2011-01-02 0.586695
2011-01-03 -0.154522
2011-01-04 NaN
2011-01-05 NaN
2011-01-06 0.222958
Freq: D, dtype: float64


pd.date_range() 可用于生成指定长度的 DatetimeIndex。参数可以是起始结束日期,或单给一个日期,加一个时间段参数。日期是包含的。lang:python
>>> pd.date_range('20100101','20100110')
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2010-01-01, ..., 2010-01-10]
Length: 10, Freq: D, Timezone: None
>>> pd.date_range(start='20100101',periods=10)
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2010-01-01, ..., 2010-01-10]
Length: 10, Freq: D, Timezone: None
>>> pd.date_range(end='20100110',periods=10)
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2010-01-01, ..., 2010-01-10]
Length: 10, Freq: D, Timezone: None
默认情况下,date_range 会按天计算时间点。这可以通过 freq 参数进行更改,如 “BM” 代表 bussiness end of month。lang:python
>>> pd.date_range('20100101','20100601',freq='BM')
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2010-01-29, ..., 2010-05-31]
Length: 5, Freq: BM, Timezone: None


pandas 中的频率是由一个基础频率和一个乘数组成的。基础频率通常以一个字符串别名表示,如上例中的 “BM”。对于每个基础频率,都有一个被称为日期偏移量(date offset)的对象与之对应。可以通过实例化日期偏移量来创建某种频率:lang:python
>>> Hour()
>>> Hour(2)
<2 * Hours>
>>> Hour(1) + Minute(30)
<90 * Minutes>
>>> pd.date_range('00:00','12:00',freq='1h20min')
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2014-06-17 00:00:00, ..., 2014-06-17 12:00:00]
Length: 10, Freq: 80T, Timezone: None
可用的别名,可以通过 help() 或 文档来查询,这里就不写了。


移动(shifting)指的是沿着时间轴将数据前移或后移。Series 和 DataFrame 都有一个 .shift() 方法用于执行单纯的移动操作,index 维持不变:lang:python
>>> ts
2011-01-01 0.362289
2011-01-02 0.586695
2011-01-03 -0.154522
2011-01-06 0.222958
dtype: float64
>>> ts.shift(2)
2011-01-01 NaN
2011-01-02 NaN
2011-01-03 0.362289
2011-01-06 0.586695
dtype: float64
>>> ts.shift(-2)
2011-01-01 -0.154522
2011-01-02 0.222958
2011-01-03 NaN
2011-01-06 NaN
dtype: float64
上例中因为移动操作产生了 NA 值,另一种移动方法是移动 index,而保持数据不变。这种移动方法需要额外提供一个 freq 参数来指定移动的频率:lang:python
>>> ts.shift(2,freq='D')
2011-01-03 0.362289
2011-01-04 0.586695
2011-01-05 -0.154522
2011-01-08 0.222958
dtype: float64
>>> ts.shift(2,freq='3D')
2011-01-07 0.362289
2011-01-08 0.586695
2011-01-09 -0.154522
2011-01-12 0.222958
dtype: float64


本节使用的时期(period)概念不同于前面的时间戳(timestamp),指的是一个时间段。但在使用上并没有太多不同,pd.Period 类的构造函数仍需要一个时间戳,以及一个 freq 参数。freq 用于指明该 period 的长度,时间戳则说明该 period 在公园时间轴上的位置。lang:python
>>> p = pd.Period(2010,freq='M')
>>> p
Period('2010-01', 'M')
>>> p + 2
Period('2010-03', 'M')
上例中我给 period 的构造器传了一个 “年” 单位的时间戳和一个 “Month” 的 freq,pandas 便自动把 2010 解释为了 2010-01。
period_range 函数可用于创建规则的时间范围:lang:python
>>> pd.period_range('2010-01','2010-05',freq='M')
<class 'pandas.tseries.period.PeriodIndex'>
freq: M
[2010-01, ..., 2010-05]
length: 5
PeriodIndex 类保存了一组 period,它可以在任何 pandas 数据结构中被用作轴索引:lang:python
>>> Series(np.random.randn(5),index=pd.period_range('201001','201005',freq='M'))
2010-01 0.755961
2010-02 -1.074492
2010-03 -0.379719
2010-04 0.153662
2010-05 -0.291157
Freq: M, dtype: float64


Period 和 PeriodIndex 对象都可以通过其 .asfreq(freq, method=None, how=None) 方法被转换成别的频率。lang:python
>>> p = pd.Period('2007',freq='A-DEC')
>>> p.asfreq('M',how='start')
Period('2007-01', 'M')
>>> p.asfreq('M',how='end')
Period('2007-12', 'M')
>>> ts = Series(np.random.randn(1),index=[p])
>>> ts
2007 -0.112347
Freq: A-DEC, dtype: float64
>>> ts.asfreq('M',how='start')
2007-01 -0.112347
Freq: M, dtype: float64


以时间戳和以时期为 index 的 Series 和 DataFrame 都有一对 .to_period() 和 to_timestamp(how='start') 方法用于互相转换 index 的类型。因为从 period 到 timestamp 的转换涉及到一个取端值的问题,所以需要一个额外的 how 参数,默认为 'start':lang:python
>>> ts = Series(np.random.randn(5),index=pd.period_range('201001','201005',freq='M'))
>>> ts
2010-01 -0.312160
2010-02 0.962652
2010-03 -0.959478
2010-04 1.240236
2010-05 -0.916218
Freq: M, dtype: float64
>>> ts.to_timestamp()
2010-01-01 -0.312160
2010-02-01 0.962652
2010-03-01 -0.959478
2010-04-01 1.240236
2010-05-01 -0.916218
Freq: MS, dtype: float64
>>> ts.to_timestamp(how='end')
2010-01-31 -0.312160
2010-02-28 0.962652
2010-03-31 -0.959478
2010-04-30 1.240236
2010-05-31 -0.916218
Freq: M, dtype: float64
>>> ts.to_timestamp().to_period()
2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 -0.312160
2010-02-01 00:00:00.000 0.962652
2010-03-01 00:00:00.000 -0.959478
2010-04-01 00:00:00.000 1.240236
2010-05-01 00:00:00.000 -0.916218
Freq: L, dtype: float64
>>> ts.to_timestamp().to_period('M')
2010-01 -0.312160
2010-02 0.962652
2010-03 -0.959478
2010-04 1.240236
2010-05 -0.916218
Freq: M, dtype: float64


重采样(resampling)指的是将时间序列从一个频率转换到另一个频率的过程。pandas 对象都含有一个.resample(freq, how=None, axis=0, fill_method=None, closed=None, label=None, convention='start', kind=None, loffset=None, limit=None, base=0) 方法用于实现这个过程。
本篇最前面曾用 resample 规整化过时间序列。当时进行的是插值操作,因为原索引的频率与给出的 freq 参数相同。resample 方法更多的应用场合是 freq 发生改变的时候,这时操作就分为升采样(upsampling)和降采样(downsampling)两种。具体的区别都体现在参数里。lang:python
>>> ts
2010-01 -0.312160
2010-02 0.962652
2010-03 -0.959478
2010-04 1.240236
2010-05 -0.916218
Freq: M, dtype: float64
>>> ts.resample('D',fill_method='ffill')#升采样
2010-01-01 -0.31216
2010-01-02 -0.31216
2010-01-03 -0.31216
2010-01-04 -0.31216
2010-01-05 -0.31216
2010-01-06 -0.31216
2010-01-07 -0.31216
2010-01-08 -0.31216
2010-01-09 -0.31216
2010-01-10 -0.31216
2010-01-11 -0.31216
2010-01-12 -0.31216
2010-01-13 -0.31216
2010-01-14 -0.31216
2010-01-15 -0.31216
2010-05-17 -0.916218
2010-05-18 -0.916218
2010-05-19 -0.916218
2010-05-20 -0.916218
2010-05-21 -0.916218
2010-05-22 -0.916218
2010-05-23 -0.916218
2010-05-24 -0.916218
2010-05-25 -0.916218
2010-05-26 -0.916218
2010-05-27 -0.916218
2010-05-28 -0.916218
2010-05-29 -0.916218
2010-05-30 -0.916218
2010-05-31 -0.916218
Freq: D, Length: 151
>>> ts.resample('A-JAN',how='sum')#降采样
2010 -0.312160
2011 0.327191
Freq: A-JAN, dtype: float64[pandas 时间序列操作]

from: http://blog.csdn.net/pipisorry/article/details/52209377

ref: [时间序列预测全攻略(附带Python代码)]
[概率论:假设检验-t检验和Augmented Dickey–Fuller test ]

[Complete guide to create a Time Series Forecast (with Codes in Python)]
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