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2016-08-13 18:16 393 查看

package com.spark.App

import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}

* Created by Administrator on 2016/8/13 0013.
object Transformations {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Transformations").setMaster("local")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

//    mapTransformation(sc)
//    filterTransformation(sc)
//    flatMapTransformation(sc)
//    reduceByKeyTransformation(sc)
//    groupByKeyTransformation(sc)
//    joinTransformation(sc)
//    leftOuterJoinTransformation(sc)
//    rightOuterJoinTransformation(sc)


* 将函数应用于RDD的每个元素,将返回值构成新的RDD
* @param sc
def mapTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val numbers = sc.parallelize(1 to 10)   // 根据集合构建RDD
val mapped = numbers.map(item => 2 * item)  // 每个元素扩大2倍

* 返回一个由通过filter()的函数的元素组成的RDD,结果为true的元素会返回
* @param sc
def filterTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val numbers = sc.parallelize(1 to 10)
val filtered = numbers.filter(item => item % 2 == 0)

* 将函数应用于RDD中的每个元素,将返回的迭代器的所有内容构成新的RDD。通常用来切分单词
* @param sc
def flatMapTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val lines = Array("What makes life dreary is the want of motive", "Hello Spark", "Hello World")
val linesRDD = sc.parallelize(lines)
val words = linesRDD.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))

* reduceByKey必须用于元素是(key value) 的元素,把key相同的元素进行merge操作
* 它能够在本地先进行merge操作,并且merge操作可以通过函数自定义
* @param sc
def reduceByKeyTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val lines = Array("What makes life dreary is the want of motive", "Hello Spark", "Hello World")
val linesRDD = sc.parallelize(lines)
val words = linesRDD.flatMap(_.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1))
val wordsCount = words.reduceByKey(_ + _)

* groupByKey也是对每个key进行合并操作,但只生成一个sequence.
* groupByKey本身不能自定义操作函数.
* @param sc
def groupByKeyTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val data = Array(Tuple2("David", "Math"), Tuple2("David", "Music"),
Tuple2("Mary", "Math"), Tuple2("Mary", "Art"),
Tuple2("Allin", "Computer"))
val dataRDD = sc.parallelize(data)
val grouped = dataRDD.groupByKey()

* 对两个RDD进行内链接。
* 只有两个RDD中都有的key才会输出
* @param sc
def joinTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val idAndName = Array(Tuple2(1, "David"), Tuple2(2, "Mary"), Tuple2(3, "Allin"))
val idAndScore = Array(Tuple2(1, 98), Tuple2(2, 90), Tuple2(3, 86))

val names = sc.parallelize(idAndName);
val scores = sc.parallelize(idAndScore)
val nameAndScore = names.join(scores)

* 对两个RDD进行连接操作,确保第一个RDD的键必须存在
* 连接后,缺省的val为None,这里的结果为:
* (1,(David,Some(98)))
* (3,(Allin,None))
* (2,(Mary,Some(90)))
* @param sc
def leftOuterJoinTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val idAndName = Array(Tuple2(1, "David"), Tuple2(2, "Mary"), Tuple2(3, "Allin"))
val idAndScore = Array(Tuple2(1, 98), Tuple2(2, 90))

val names = sc.parallelize(idAndName);
val scores = sc.parallelize(idAndScore)
val nameAndScore = names.leftOuterJoin(scores)

* 对两个RDD进行连接操作,确保第二个RDD的键必须存在,与leftOuterJoin正好相反
* 输出结果:
* (1,(Some(David),98))
* (3,(None,86))
* (2,(Some(Mary),90))
* @param sc
def rightOuterJoinTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val idAndName = Array(Tuple2(1, "David"), Tuple2(2, "Mary"))
val idAndScore = Array(Tuple2(1, 98), Tuple2(2, 90), Tuple2(3, 86))

val names = sc.parallelize(idAndName);
val scores = sc.parallelize(idAndScore)
val nameAndScore = names.rightOuterJoin(scores)

* 将两个RDD中用有相同键的数据分组到一起
* 输出结果:
* (1,(CompactBuffer(David, Frank),CompactBuffer(98, 93)))
* (3,(CompactBuffer(Allin, Carry),CompactBuffer(86, 83)))
* (2,(CompactBuffer(Mary, Duncan),CompactBuffer(90, 80)))
* @param sc
def cogroupTransformation(sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
val idAndName = Array(Tuple2(1, "David"), Tuple2(1, "Frank"),
Tuple2(2, "Mary"), Tuple2(2, "Duncan"),
Tuple2(3, "Allin"), Tuple2(3, "Carry"))
val idAndScore = Array(Tuple2(1, 98), Tuple2(1, 93),
Tuple2(2, 90), Tuple2(2, 80),
Tuple2(3, 86), Tuple2(3, 83))

val names = sc.parallelize(idAndName);
val scores = sc.parallelize(idAndScore)
val nameAndScore = names.cogroup(scores)

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标签:  spark