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mybatis sqlserver 分页查询报错:'@P0' 附近有语法错误

2016-08-11 10:52 531 查看

<select id="searchEcoInfoPaged" resultMap="cm">
select TOP #{rows} * from eco_info where ID in
SELECT top (#{rows}*#{page}) ID FROM eco_info WHERE 1=1
<foreach collection="fieldMap" index="key" item="item" open="" separator=" " close="">
<if test="item != null and item != ''">
AND ${key} LIKE '%'+#{item}+'%'
order by ID DESC
order by ID ASC

<select id="searchEcoInfoPaged" resultMap="cm">
select TOP ${rows} * from eco_info where ID in
SELECT top (#{rows}*#{page}) ID FROM eco_info WHERE 1=1
<foreach collection="fieldMap" index="key" item="item" open="" separator=" " close="">
<if test="item != null and item != ''">
AND ${key} LIKE '%'+#{item}+'%'
order by ID DESC
order by ID ASC

将第一个# 改为 $,具体原因有待研究。
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