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2016/07 Week1

2016-08-08 22:07 169 查看

major in 主修; 专攻; 专修(某课程)

in rush hour 高峰期

car pool 拼车

1. Regarding [rɪ'ɡɑːdɪŋ] prep.关于;至于


with regards to = when it comes to

至于..对于.. (当涉及到; 当谈到)

2. Convention [kən'venʃn] n.大会;协定;惯例;公约

conference ['kɒnfərəns] n.会议;讨论会;协商会;会谈 侧重于技术、学术等等专业领域的会议

3. specific [spə'sɪfɪk] adj.明确的;细节的;具体的


4. unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪ'dɪktəbl] adj.不可预知的

prediction [prɪ'dɪkʃn] n.预言;预报

unforgettable 难以忘记的

unexpected 意料之外的

5. Primarily [praɪ'merəli] adv.主要地;起初地

Mainly adv.主要地

6. Afford

afford sth. 支付,负担

afford consequence 负担结果(后果)

affordable [ə'fɔːdəbl] 负担的起的

7. Grant




8. Priority [praɪ'ɒrəti]

give priority to 给 ... 以优先权; 优先考虑 ...

9. Algorithm ['ælɡərɪðəm] 算法

10. Excess [ɪk'ses] 过量的,过度的,过多的,过剩的

access ['ækses] 入口;接近,进入

1. ride [raɪd] v.骑;乘

give sb. a ride/lift 让某人搭便车/帮某人忙

lift 有电梯、举起,也有顺便搭载的意思

vehicle ['viːɪkl] n.车辆;交通工具

2. stub [stʌb] n.烟蒂;残段;票根


pay stubs工资条

3. Fraternity/Sorority

[frə'tɜːnəti] 兄弟会

Sorority [sə'rɔːrəti] 女学生联谊会

4. Outstrip [ˌaʊt'strɪp] 超出,超过


5. Boost 提高;增加;鼓励

boost the economy

6. Let out 散场

7. No-brainer 不伤脑筋的事;无需用脑的事

easy task

8. tick off 给 ... 标;用记号勾出;责备;激怒

Constant delays ticked me off.


Constant ['kɒnstənt] adj.不变的;经常的 n.常数;恒量

piss off 滚开,走开;使厌烦,使生气

Everybody is pissed off (with all the changes of plan).


9. The end/Period 到此为止

10. class action 集体诉讼

1. Worth it 值得的

2. Turn out 结果是.. 被证明是..

turn out 结果是..;关掉; 制造; 出席

turn out to be n.

turn out that..

3. On demand 应运而生;在要求时,一经请求

in demand 很热手,很受欢迎,炙手可热

demand [dɪ'mɑːnd] n.要求;需求

4. On average 平均起来;

approximately [ə'prɑːksɪmətli] adv.大约;近似地

5. In place 在对的位置; 适当的; 在工作; 准备就绪;

6. Keep up with 紧跟;跟随

7. In advance 提前

8. End up 结束;告终

end up with n.

end up doing sth.

9. Put it (in a certain way) 以某种方式陈述

To put it in a nutshell, we are broken. 简言之,我们破产了。

puts it more bluntly 更直截了当地说

bluntly [ˈblʌntli] 率直地; 迟钝地

10. come in (技术等)被用到了,起作用了;加入,上市

11. in a long term 长期的

in a long run 从长远来看, 终究

12. Given 可引导条件句,当假设,如果讲;鉴于

prep. (表示原因)考虑到; (表示假设)倘若,假定

adj. 指定的,确定的; 假设的

13. phase out [feɪz aʊt] 逐渐停止; 逐步淘汰;逐渐淡出

phase [feɪz] 方面;局面;阶段;时期

14. keep something as it is


15. at the top of the list 名列前茅

feasible ['fiːzəbl] adj.可行的;可能的

effective [ɪ'fektɪv] adj.有效的;生效的;实际的

due to 因为,由于

owing to 因为,由于

factors ['fæktə(r)] 因素

fail to do sth. 没能够做

blizzard ['blɪzəd] n.暴风雪

garage [gəˈrɑ:ʒ] 车库

passenger ['pæsɪndʒə(r)] n.乘客;旅客

either or 不是…就是…

definitely ['defɪnətli] adv.肯定地;当然地;明确地

sporting events 体育赛事

surpass [sə'pɑːs] vt.超越;胜过

foolproof ['fuːlpruːf] adj.极简单的;可靠而操作简便的;傻瓜式的

fare [feə(r)] n.车费;路费;乘客

To be clear 需要明确的是

take-home pay 扣税后的实得工资

make or break 要么成功 要么毁灭 不成则败

market failure [ˈfeɪljə(r)] 市场失灵

It is a well-known fact that, 众所周知

self-driving car 无人驾驶汽车; 自动驾驶汽车

there's a ton of demand 有一吨的需求;有很多需求

anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt] v.预见; 预料; 预感

announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt] n.宣告; 通告; 布告

unpleasant [ʌnˈpleznt] adj. 讨厌的; 使人不愉快的

wage [weɪdʒ] n.工资;报酬

fluctuation [ˌflʌktʃu'eɪʃn] n.波动;起伏

norm [nɔːm] n.规范;标准

attitude +towards/to (sb./sth.) :表示 "对...的看法 "

recruitment [rɪ'kru:tmənt] n.招聘

taxicab ['tæksɪkæb] n.出租车

compile [kəmˈpaɪl] v.编译; 编制; 汇编; 编辑;收集

certify ['sɜːtɪfaɪ] vt.证明;保证;证实

tip 小费

settlement ['setlmənt] n.解决;结算;协议

voluntarily [ˌvɑ:lənˈterəli] adv.志愿地; 自动地,自发地

take away v.拿走;减去;解除

Inform customers that their ride is going to cost more — maybe way more


Uber Plans To Kill Surge Pricing, Though Drivers Say It Makes Job Worth It
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