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374. Guess Number Higher or Lower *

2016-08-07 16:45 323 查看
We are playing the Guess Game. The game is as follows:

I pick a number from 1 to n. You have to guess which number I picked.

Every time you guess wrong, I'll tell you whether the number is higher or lower.

You call a pre-defined API 
guess(int num)
 which returns 3 possible results (
-1 : My number is lower
1 : My number is higher
0 : Congrats! You got it!


n = 10, I pick 6.

Return 6.

My code: 40ms 0.86

# The guess API is already defined for you.
# @param num, your guess
# @return -1 if my number is lower, 1 if my number is higher, otherwise return 0
# def guess(num):

class Solution(object):
def guessNumber(self, n):
:type n: int
:rtype: int
guess_num = n/2
high_index = n
low_index = 0
flag = guess(guess_num)
while high_index-low_index !=1:
if flag ==-1:
high_index = guess_num
low_index = guess_num
guess_num = low_index +(high_index-low_index)/2
flag = guess(guess_num)
if flag == 0 :
return guess_num
if flag ==0:
return guess_num
return high_index

   It's efficient to use binary search method in this problem.However, when the difference between high_index and low_index is 1, the code would loop indefinitely.


 How to understand the overflow problem ?

 Is it essential to judge low_index<high_index every time?
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