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// lj_mc.C
// Monte Carlo simulation code for a Lennard-Jones system.
// Written by: Yanting Wang                      October 24, 2009

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "vector.h"

// Define reduced units

double epsilon = 1.0;   // LJ energy constant
double sigma = 1.0;     // LJ distance constant
double kB = 1.0;        // Boltzmann constant

// Define global variables

Vector *r;               // particle positions

int np;                  // number of particles
double L;                // cubic simulation box size

double Ep;               // total potential energy

double Ecut;             // potential energy contribution beyond cutoff
double rc;               // cutoff distance of the potential

int step;                // total simulation steps
int sample_int;          // sampling interval
int acc_count = 0;       // acceptance count
double dx;               // maximum displacement
double T;                // temperature
double beta;             // 1/( kB*T )

long seed;               // seed for generating random numbers

// Periodic boundary condition (PBC)

Vector pbc( Vector r )
// PBC correction

double hL = L / 2.0;

if( r.x > hL )  r.x -= L;
if( r.x < -hL ) r.x += L;

if( r.y > hL )  r.y -= L;
if( r.y < -hL ) r.y += L;

if( r.z > hL )  r.z -= L;
if( r.z < -hL ) r.z += L;

// Check if the vector is now inside the box

if( r.x > hL || r.x < -hL )
cerr << "r.x = " << r.x << " is out of simulation box." << endl;

exit( -1 );

if( r.y > hL || r.y < -hL )
cerr << "r.y = " << r.y << " is out of simulation box." << endl;

exit( -1 );

if( r.z > hL || r.z < -hL )
cerr << "r.z = " << r.z << " is out of simulation box." << endl;

exit( -1 );

return r;

// Random number generator for a uniform distribution
// "Minimmal" random number generator of Park and Miller with Bays-Durham
// shuffle and added safeguards. Returns a uniform random deviate between
// 0.0 and 1.0 ( exclusive of the endpoint values ). Call with seed a
// negative integer to initialize; thereafter, do not alter seed between
// successive deviates in a sequence. RNMX should approximate the largest
// floating value that is less than 1.
// From Numerical Recipies in C by Press et al. with slight modifications.

double gen_uni_rand()
const long IA = 16807;
const long IM = 2147483647;
const double AM = 1.0 / IM;
const long IQ = 127773;
const long IR = 2836;
const long NTAB = 32;
const long NDIV = 1 + (IM-1) / NTAB;
const double EPS = 1.2e-7;
const double RNMX = 1.0 - EPS;

static long iy = 0;
static long iv[NTAB];

long k;
int j;

// Initialize. Be sure to prevent nSeed = 0.

if( seed <= 0 || !iy )
if( -seed < 1 )  seed = 1;
else  seed = -seed;

// Load the shuffle table ( after 8 warm-ups ).

for(j= NTAB+7;j>=0;j-- )
k = seed / IQ;
seed = IA * ( seed - k * IQ ) - IR * k;
if( seed < 0 ) seed += IM;
if( j < NTAB ) iv[ j ] = seed;
iy = iv[ 0 ];

// start here when not initializing.

k = seed /IQ;

// Compute idum=(IA*idum)%IM without overflows by Schrage's method.

seed = IA * (seed - k * IQ ) - IR * k;
if( seed < 0 ) seed += IM;

// Will be in the range 0..NTAB-1.

j = iy / NDIV;

// Output previously stored value and refill the shuffle table.

double temp, ran;

iy = iv[ j ];
iv[ j ] = seed;
if( (temp = AM*iy) > RNMX ) ran = RNMX;
else ran = temp;

return ran;

// Calculate potential with the j particle at the p position

double potential( int j, Vector p )
double V = 0.0;

for( int i=0; i<np; ++i )
if( i != j )
Vector dr = pbc( r[i] - p );

double d = dr.r();          // modulus of vector dr

if( d < rc )       // within cutoff distance
double id = sigma / d;
double i2 = id * id;
double i6 = i2 * i2 * i2;

V += 4.0 * epsilon * i6 * ( i6 - 1.0 ) - Ecut;

return V;

// Make one trial of Monte Carlo movement

void mc_move()
// Randomly pick up one particle

int j = int( gen_uni_rand() * np );

// Calculate its old potential energy

double Eo = potential( j, r[j] );

// Make a trial move

Vector dr( ( gen_uni_rand() - 0.5 ) * dx,
( gen_uni_rand() - 0.5 ) * dx,
( gen_uni_rand() - 0.5 ) * dx );

Vector rn = pbc( r[j] + dr );

double En = potential( j, rn );

// Determine if accept this trial move

if( En < Eo || gen_uni_rand() < exp( -beta * (En-Eo) ) )
r[j] = rn;

Ep += En - Eo;

++ acc_count;

// System and variable initialization

void init()
// Read initial configuration

ifstream fc( "mc_init.xyz" );

if( !fc.is_open() )       // failed to open the file
cerr << "File mc_init.xyz can not be opened for reading." << endl;
exit( -4 );

fc >> np >> L;

r = new Vector[np];

string pname;                // particle name;

for( int i=0; i<np; ++i )
fc >> pname >> r[i];


// Read simulation parameters

ifstream fp( "mc_para.dat" );

if( !fp.is_open() )        // failed to open the file
cerr << "File mc_para.dat can not be opened for reading." << endl;
exit( -4 );

fp >> step >> sample_int >> dx >> rc >> T;


if( step <= 0 || sample_int <= 0 || dx <= 0.0 || rc <= 0.0 || T <= 0.0 )
cerr << "Error: input parameter is less than 0." << endl;
cerr << step << " " << sample_int << " " << dx << " "
<< rc << " " << T << endl;

exit( -3 );

beta = 1.0 / kB / T;

// Determine if rc is valid

if( rc > 0.5 * L )
cerr << "Error: rc=" << rc
<< " is larger than half of the box size L=" << L << endl;
exit( -2 );

// Calculate Ecut

double id = sigma / rc;
double i2 = id * id;
double i6 = i2 * i2 * i2;

Ecut = 4.0 * epsilon * i6 * ( i6 - 1.0 );

// Refresh output files

ofstream od( "mc_out.dat" );

ofstream oc( "mc_out.xyz" );

// Initialize seed for the random generator

seed = -abs( time( NULL ) );

// Calculate initial total potential energy

Ep = 0.0;

for( int i=0; i<np; ++i )  Ep += potential( i, r[i] );

Ep /= 2.0;

// Sample and dump thermodynamic data and configurations
// Input: cstep -- current step

void sample( int cstep )
// Output thermodynamic data

ofstream od( "mc_out.dat", ios::app );

od << cstep                      // current simulation step
<< " " << Ep / np             // average potential energy per particle
<< " " << double( 1.0 * acc_count / cstep )   // acceptance rate
<< endl;


// Output an instantaneous configuration

ofstream oc( "mc_out.xyz", ios::app );

oc << np << endl             // number of particles
<< L  << endl;            // simulation box size

for( int i=0; i<np; ++i )
oc << "He"                 // particle name
<< " " << r[i]          // positions
<< endl;


// Termination process

void end()
// Release memory allocated for the arrays

delete []r;

int main()

for( int i=0; i<step; ++i )

if( i % sample_int == 0 ) sample( i+1 );


return 0;
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