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HDU 4804 Campus Design 轮廓线DP

2016-08-05 18:46 417 查看


Nanjing University of Scienceand Technology is celebrating its 60th anniversary. In order to make room forstudent activities, to make the university a more pleasant place for learning,and to beautify the campus,
the college administrator decided to startconstruction on an open space.

The designers measured the open space and come to a conclusion that the openspace is a rectangle with a length of n meters and a width of m meters. Thenthey split the open space into n x m squares. To make it more beautiful, thedesigner decides to cover the
open space with 1 x 1 bricks and 1 x 2 bricks,according to the following rules:

1. All the bricks can be placed horizontally or vertically

2. The vertexes of the bricks should be placed on integer lattice points

3. The number of 1 x 1 bricks shouldn’t be less than C or more than D. Thenumber of 1 x 2 bricks is unlimited.

4. Some squares have a flowerbed on it, so it should not be covered by anybrick. (We use 0 to represent a square with flowerbet and 1 to represent othersquares)

Now the designers want to know how many ways are there to cover the open space,meeting the above requirements.

There are several test cases,please process till EOF.

Each test case starts with a line containing four integers N(1 <= N <=100), M(1 <= M <= 10), C, D(1 <= C <= D <= 20). Then following Nlines, each being a string with the length of M. The string consists of ‘0’ and‘1’ only, where ‘0’ means the square should
not be covered by any brick, and‘1’ otherwise.
Please print one line per testcase. Each line should contain an integers representing the answer to theproblem (mod 10
9 + 7).








代码 C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MOD 1000000007

long long dp[2][1024][22];

int main()
int n, m, c, d, i, j, k, s, cur;
char squre[12];
while(scanf("%d%d%d%d", &n, &m, &c, &d) > 0)
memset(dp, 0, sizeof dp);
dp[cur=0][(1<<m)-1][0] = 1;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
scanf("%s", squre);
for(j=0; j<m; j++)
cur ^= 1;
memset(dp[cur], 0, sizeof dp[cur]);
for(k=1<<m; k--;)
for(s=0; s<=d; s++)
if(squre[j] == '1')
if(k & 1 << j)
dp[cur][k][s+1] = (dp[cur][k][s+1] + dp[cur^1][k][s]) % MOD;
dp[cur][k^1<<j][s] = (dp[cur][k^1<<j][s] + dp[cur^1][k][s]) % MOD;
if(j && !(k&1<<j-1))
dp[cur][k^1<<j-1][s] = (dp[cur][k^1<<j-1][s] + dp[cur^1][k][s]) % MOD;
dp[cur][k^1<<j][s] = (dp[cur][k^1<<j][s] + dp[cur^1][k][s]) % MOD;
else if (k & 1 << j)
dp[cur][k][s] = (dp[cur][k][s] + dp[cur^1][k][s]) % MOD;
for(i=c, s=0; i<=d; i++)
s = (s + dp[cur][(1<<m)-1][i]) % MOD;
printf("%d\n", s);
return 0;

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