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2016-08-05 18:12 183 查看

★ the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) , 即classical VRP

★ the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) , 带时间窗
- VRPHTW 硬时间窗 | VRPSTW 软时间窗 | VRPTD(VRP with Time Deadlines)带顾客最迟服务时间

★ (VRPSD) the Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Deliveries,分割配送

- the Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Demands,需求分割 [二者实质相同]

★ the Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) , 多车场

★ the Period Vehicle Routing Problem (PVRP) , 周期车辆路径问题

★ the site-dependent vehicle routing problem (SDVRP) ,

★ the open vehicle routing problem (OVRP) ,开放式

★ the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls(VRPB), 带回程

★ the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery(VRPPD), 带取送货

- with Simultaneous Distribution and Collection

★ the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips(VRPMT), 多车程

★ the fleet size and mix vehicle-routing problem (FSMVRP) , 异型车辆

- vehicle routing problem with heterogeneous fleet (VRPHE) [貌似这两个是同一类型]

★ the Vehicle Routing Problem with Truck and Trailer(VRPTT), 带拖车

★ vehicle routing problem with multiple uses of vehicles (VRPM) , 车辆复用

★ Stochastic VRP(SVRP) 随机车辆路径问题:

- 随机顾客 | 随机需求 | 随机时间

★ Fuzzy Vehicle Routing Problem(FVRP), 模糊车辆路径问题


★ exact algoritms : direct tree search , 直接树搜索 | dynamic programming , 动态规划 | integer linear programming , 整数线性规划

★ Classical Heuristics :

Saving Heuristic , 节约算法 (Clarke & Wright) Matching Algorithm
Sweep Algorithm , 扫描算法 (Gillet & Miller)
Two-phase Process , 两阶段算法 (Christofides Fisher Jaikumar)

① route construction heuristics , 路径构造算法

- Savings Heuristic Parallel | Sequential | Enhancement

- Insertion Heuristic

② route improvement heuristics , 路径改进算法 Thompson & Psaraftis

- 2-change | 3-change | 1-Relocate | 2-Relocate | Swap | GENI | b-cyclic k-transfer

③ composite heuristics (包括上面两类)

- Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) ,贪婪随机自适应搜索过程

Column Generation Algorithm
adaptive memory algorithms
Ejection Chain Algorithms

set covering based algorithms

Sequential Insertion Heuristic

Hvattum, L.M., A. Løkketangen and G. Laporte. “A Branch-and-Prune heuristic for Stochastic and Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems”.

Hvattum, L.M., A. Løkketangen and G. Laporte. “Solving a Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with a Sample Scenario based Hedging Heuristic”. Forthcoming in Transportation Science.

★ Metaheuristics (Modern Heuristic) :

Simulated Annealing 模拟退火

Tabu Search 禁忌搜索

Genetic Algoritm 遗传算法 | Genetic Programming 遗传规划
Genetic Network Programming 遗传网络规划

Memetic Algorithm : hybrid genetic algorithms are often referred as memetic algorithms.
Parallel Genetic Algorithms | Genetic Local Search

Ant Algorithms : ACO
ACS, Ant Colony System 蚁群算法

PSO,Particle Swarm Optimization 粒子群优化算法

DE,Differential Evolution 差分进化算法
Evolutionary Programming 进化规划

★ Local Search : 属于启发式算法

variable neighborhood search (VNS) ,变邻域搜索 另:变邻域下降搜索(VND, Descent)
Evolutionary local search (ELS) ,进化局部搜索
Iterated Local Search (ILS) ,迭代局部搜索
Iterative Improvement,迭代改进
Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) ,大邻域搜索 | adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS)
Guided Local Search (GLS) ,引导局部搜索
Cyclic Transfer Algorithms

★ 邻域操作方法:
2-opt | 2-opt* | Or-opt
The CROSS exchange

三、obtained books:

图书章节:(in VRP->books\)
1. Carlos Cotta.Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization.Springer.2007.pdf
(P106)Accelerating Local Search in a Memetic Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
(P131) A New Metaheuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Demands
(P152) Edge Assembly Crossover for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
(P176) A Population-Based Local Search for Solving a Bi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem

2. Christofides (ed.). Combinatorial optimization (Wiley, 1978)(L)(T)(212s).djvu

(P159) The Vehicle Routing Problems

3. Springer.Combinatorial.Optimization.and.Applications.Second.International.Conference.COCOA.2008.Sep.2008.pdf

(P296) An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Capacitated Multicast Tree Routing Problem


四、resources on the Internet:

1. The VRP Web 很详尽的网站

2. Solomon's benchmark 数据集 :56个数据集R1、R2、C1、C2、RC1和RC2是VRPTW问题数值实验的经典数据集。

3. Network and Emerging Optimization

4. OR-Library of J. E. Beasley :各种优化问题的数据集。

5. J. E. Beasly 的 publications

Google Code上的项目:

1. vrp-uts-insa2008-5info (Solving the VRP problem with a unified tabu search in JAVA. That project is a last year study project at INSA Toulouse. )

2. VRPSolver (a wizard-like application which solves a basic VRP using the Savings Heuristic Method invented by Clarke and Wright in 1964. )

3. Swan-VRP

4. EVITA-VRP (Project to unify the EVITA(Evolutionary inventory and transportation algorithm) code for VRP book chapter. )

5. vrpft (Vehicle Routing Problem with Full Truckloads. )


1. 基于遗传算法的车辆路径优化的 C# 程序

2. 用C++编写的vrp问题的源码

3. 一个求解车辆路径问题的粒子群算法的源码,用C++编写

4. 蚁群算法解决车辆最优路径问题

5. PSO,通过迭代搜索更新产生更优良的下一代解
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