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2016-08-01 17:22 483 查看
centos 7,root user

install:Get Corkscrew

download: https://pkgs.org/download/corkscrew

Add ProxyCommand to your SSH config file:

You may or may not have a configuration file for SSH already. It should be located in $HOME/.ssh/config and is a simple text file. Create one if it does not exist and add lines such as these to it:

Host *

ProxyCommand corkscrew http-proxy.example.com 8080 %h %p

… replacing http-proxy.example.com with the name or address of your http proxy and possibly replacing 8080 with the port on which the proxy listens, which may be 80 or even some other port. The %h and %p will be replaced automatically by SSH with the actual destination host and port.

These two lines tell the SSH client to start another program (corkscrew) to make the actual connection to the SSH server. The Host * line says that this will be done for ALL hosts. If you wish to restrict the hosts for which this will be done, you can put a limited form of regular expression there. See the ssh_config(5) man page for more information. If you don’t have corkscrew in your path or have put it in a non-standard location, you may specify an absolute path to corkscrew in that file as well.


ssh username@ip -p port

scp -P port -r ./test username@ip:/home/test/


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标签:  centos ssh