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Swift 3.0 Preview 1更新内容中文翻译

2016-07-27 10:46 597 查看


Swift 3.0 Preview 1更新内容中文翻译 http://www.liangkun.info


随着WWDC 2016的召开,苹果正式发布了Swift 3.0 Preview 1,这是苹果Swift3语言的首个稳定开发者预览版。苹果在其Swift.org官方博客中称,Preview 1版本比代码库中打包的Snapshot版本稳定很多。

今天我翻译一下Swift 3.0 Preview





· SE-0002: 删除currying的func声明语法

· SE-0003: 函数参数中不再使用var关键字

· SE-0004: 移除自增运算符++和自减运算符—-

· SE-0005: 将Objective-C的API更好地接入到Swift中

· SE-0006: 将API指南应用于标准库中

· SE-0007: 移除C语言风格的for循环(条件与增量下)

· SE-0008: 为可选序列增加一个Lazy的flatMap

· SE-0016: 添加构造函数Int和UInt进行UnsafePointer和UnsafeMutablePointer之间的转换

· SE-0017: 使用UnsafePointer时,修改Unmanaged

· SE-0019: Swift增加Testing

· SE-0023: Swift API设计指南

· SE-0028: 更新Swift的debug标识符(例如:FILE等)

· SE-0029: 从函数应用中,移除“tuple splat”表达形式

· SE-0031: 调整inout声明的类型修饰

· SE-0032: SequenceType添加first(where:)方法

· SE-0033: 导入Objective-C的常量作为Swift类型

· SE-0034: 消除行控制的Debug标识符声明的歧义

· SE-0037: 注释和操作符之间的交互

· SE-0039: 使Playground字面量现代化(Modernizing Playground Literals)

· SE-0040: 用冒号属性参数替换等号

· SE-0043: 声明变量时可以使用case标识符

· SE-0044: 导入成员

· SE-0046: 函数的所有参数声明方式要一致性,包括第一个参数声明方式

· SE-0047: 默认在非Void函数返回类型下,返回结果未使用时会有警告

· SE-0048: 泛型类型别名

· SE-0049: 将声明式@noescape与@autoclosure改为类型属性

· SE-0053: 从函数参数中移除let

· SE-0054: 废弃ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional类型

· SE-0055: 明确不安全的Nullability指针使用Optional

· SE-0057: 导入Ovjective-C的轻量级泛型

· SE-0059: 更新API命名原则和重写的Set API

· SE-0061: 为autoreleasepool()添加通用结果和错误处理

· SE-0062: 引用Objective-C的关键路径

· SE-0064: 引用Objective-C的getters和setters的属性选择器

· SE-0065: 一种新的模型 Collections和Indices

· SE-0066: 规范函数类型必须使用括号

· SE-0069: 可变性和基础值类型

· SE-0070: 只在Objective-C下制定的Optional要求

· SE-0071: 允许成员引用使用most关键字

· SE-0085: 软件包管理器命令名称

· SE-0094: 为stdlib标准库添加sequence(first:next:) 和sequence(state:next:)


· SE-0002: Removing currying func declaration syntax

· SE-0003: Removing var from Function Parameters

· SE-0004: Remove the ++ and – operators

· SE-0005: Better Translation of Objective-C APIs Into Swift

· SE-0006: Apply API Guidelines to the Standard Library

· SE-0007: Remove C-style for-loops with conditions and incrementers

· SE-0008: Add a Lazy flatMap for Sequences of Optionals

· SE-0016: Adding initializers to Int and UInt to convert from UnsafePointer and UnsafeMutablePointer

· SE-0017: Change Unmanaged to use UnsafePointer

· SE-0019: Swift Testing

· SE-0023: API Design Guidelines

· SE-0028: Modernizing Swift’s Debugging Identifiers (FILE, etc)

· SE-0029: Remove implicit tuple splat behavior from function applications

· SE-0031: Adjusting inout Declarations for Type Decoration

· SE-0032: Add first(where:) method to SequenceType

· SE-0033: Import Objective-C Constants as Swift Types

· SE-0034: Disambiguating Line Control Statements from Debugging Identifiers

· SE-0037: Clarify interaction between comments & operators

· SE-0039: Modernizing Playground Literals

· SE-0040: Replacing Equal Signs with Colons For Attribute Arguments

· SE-0043: Declare variables in ‘case’ labels with multiple patterns

· SE-0044: Import as Member

· SE-0046: Establish consistent label behavior across all parameters including first labels

· SE-0047: Defaulting non-Void functions so they warn on unused results

· SE-0048: Generic Type Aliases

· SE-0049: Move @noescape and @autoclosure to be type attributes

· SE-0053: Remove explicit use of let from Function Parameters

· SE-0054: Abolish ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional type

· SE-0055: Make unsafe pointer nullability explicit using Optional

· SE-0057: Importing Objective-C Lightweight Generics

· SE-0059: Update API Naming Guidelines and Rewrite Set APIs Accordingly

· SE-0061: Add Generic Result and Error Handling to autoreleasepool()

· SE-0062: Referencing Objective-C key-paths

· SE-0064: Referencing the Objective-C selector of property getters and setters

· SE-0065: A New Model For Collections and Indices

· SE-0066: Standardize function type argument syntax to require parentheses

· SE-0069: Mutability and Foundation Value Types

· SE-0070: Make Optional Requirements Objective-C-only

· SE-0071: Allow (most) keywords in member references

· SE-0085: Package Manager Command Names

· SE-0094: Add sequence(first:next:) and sequence(state:next:) to the stdlib


Apple (Xcode)

Swift 3.0 已经集成在Xcode8 beta 1里面。


Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 15.10)




Swift 3.0的《The Swift Programming Language》现在已经可以阅读了,地址:https://swift.org/documentation/#the-swift-programming-language(推荐使用这种,下面中国iBook获取不到)。

你也可以在Apple的 iBooks



迁移到Swift 3

Swift 3与Swift 2.2.1在代码上变化极大,包含了许多语法优化与更新,但在Objective-C

API接入Swift的方式上也有巨大的变化( SE-0005 ),请参见 迁移指南来查看迁移到Swift 3的指南与技巧。
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