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[codeforce ] Vacations [贪心]

2016-07-23 16:38 267 查看
VacationsTime Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64uSubmit StatusDescriptionVasya has n days of vacations! So he decided to improve his IT skills and do sport. Vasya knows the following information about each of this n days:whether that gym opened and whether a contest was carried out in the Internet on that day. For the i-th day there are four options:on this day the gym is closed and the contest is not carried out;on this day the gym is closed and the contest is carried out;on this day the gym is open and the contest is not carried out;on this day the gym is open and the contest is carried out.On each of days Vasya can either have a rest or write the contest (if it is carried out on this day), or do sport (if the gym is open on this day).Find the minimum number of days on which Vasya will have a rest (it means, he will not do sport and write the contest at the same time). The only limitation that Vasya has — he does not want to do the same activity on twoconsecutive days: it means, he will not do sport on two consecutive days, and write the contest on two consecutive days.InputThe first line contains a positive integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100) — the number of days of Vasya's vacations.The second line contains the sequence of integers a1, a2, ..., an (0 ≤ ai ≤ 3)separated by space, where:ai equals 0, if on the i-th day of vacations the gym is closed and the contest is notcarried out;ai equals 1, if on the i-th day of vacations the gym is closed, but the contest is carriedout;ai equals 2, if on the i-th day of vacations the gym is open and the contest is not carriedout;ai equals 3, if on the i-th day of vacations the gym is open and the contest is carriedout.OutputPrint the minimum possible number of days on which Vasya will have a rest. Remember that Vasya refuses:to do sport on any two consecutive days,to write the contest on any two consecutive days.Sample InputInput
1 3 2 0
1 3 3 2 1 2 3
22 2
当遇到3 时,前一项是1或2,3变为2或1,;当遇到1或2时,和前一项一样就记为0;
#include<cstdio>int main(){int n,a[110],b[110];while(~scanf("%d",&n)){int flag=0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){scanf("%d",&a[i]);if(a[0]==3){a[0]=1;b[0]=2;flag=1;}elseb[i]=a[i];}for(int i=1;i<n;i++){if(a[i]==3&&a[i-1]==2)a[i]=1;if(a[i]==3&&a[i-1]==1)a[i]=2;if(a[i]==a[i-1]&&(a[i-1]==1||a[i-1]==2))a[i]=0;}int ans=0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){if(a[i]==0)ans++;}if(flag){for(int i=1;i<n;i++){if(b[i]==3&&b[i-1]==1)b[i]=2;if(b[i]==3&&b[i-1]==2)b[i]=1;if(b[i]==b[i-1]&&(b[i]==1||b[i]==2))b[i]=0;}int cnt=0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){if(b[i]==0)cnt++;}if(cnt<ans)ans=cnt;}printf("%d\n",ans);}return 0;}

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