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使用erlang 的公司/产品

2016-07-21 14:38 232 查看











极光推送 – 推送服务器

云巴推送 – 推送服务器

去哪儿网 – 推送系统

携程网 – IM服务器

美团网 – 云通信平台

国美在线 – 消息推送

4399游戏、明朝网络 – 游戏服务器

佳缘佳信 : http://im.jiayuan.com/

whatsapp: 在ejabberd基础上实现的,被facebook以190亿美元收购




Erlang in Industry

Software projects written in Erlang

Configuration management:

Chef (software), for which the core API server, originally written inRuby,
was completely re-written in version 11 in Erlang[26]

Content Management System:

Zotonic, a content management system and web framework written in Erlang

Distributed databases:

Cloudant, a database service based on the company's fork of CouchDB,BigCouch
CouchDB, a document-based database that usesMapReduce
Couchbase Server (née Membase), database management system optimized for storing data behind interactive web applications[27]
Mnesia, a distributed database
Riak, a distributed database
SimpleDB, a distributed database that is part ofAmazon
Web Services[28]

Message broker:

RabbitMQ, an implementation ofAdvanced
Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

Online messaging:

ejabberd, anExtensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) instant messaging server
MongooseIM, a massively scalable XMPP platform

Solution stacks

LYME (software bundle), to servedynamic
web pages
LYCE (software bundle), to servedynamic
web pages


Wings 3D, a 3D subdivision modeler, used to model and texture polygon meshes

Web servers:

Cowboy (Erlang), a small, fast, modular HTTP server written in Erlang.
Yaws web server

Companies using Erlang

Companies using Erlang in their production systems include:

Amazon.com uses Erlang to implementSimpleDB,
providing database services as a part of the Amazon Web Services offering.[29]
AOL's digital advertising business is using Erlang for its real time bidding exchange systems.[30]
Battlestar Galactica Online game server byBigpoint
Bet365, the online gambling firm uses the language in production to drive its InPlay betting service, pushing live odds of sporting events to millions of customers
in near real-time.[31]
Call of Duty server core[32]
DNSimple, a DNS provider that uses Erlang to run DNS servers in a globally distributed Anycast network, managing billions of requests per day.
Ericsson uses Erlang in its support nodes, used in GPRS, 3G and LTE mobile networks worldwide.[34][35]
Facebook uses Erlang to power the backend of its chat service, handling more than 200 million active users.[36]
It can be observed in some of its
HTTP response headers.[citation

Facebook Chat system was running on ejabberd based servers[37][38][39]

GitHub, a web-based hosting service for software development projects that use theGit
version control system. Erlang is used for RPC proxies to ruby processes.[40]
Goldman Sachs,high-frequency
trading programs[citation
Huffington Post uses Erlang for its commenting system on HuffPost Live.[41]
Issuu, an online digital publisher[42]
Klarna, a Swedish e-commerce company, has been using Erlang to handle 9 million customers and 50 million transaction since 2005.[43]
League of Legends chat system byRiot
Games, based on ejabberd
Linden Lab uses Erlang in its games.[44]
Machine Zone, a developer of
Free-to-play games, uses Erlang in
Game of War: Fire Age.[45]
Smarkets, sportsbetting exchange
Tuenti chat is based on ejabberd[46]
Twitterfall, a service to view trends and patterns fromTwitter[47][48]
Rackspace uses Erlang in some of its internal applications to manage networking devices.[49]
Rakuten uses Erlang for its distributed file system.[50]
Vendetta Online Naos game server[51]
World of Tanks uses Erlang for message delivery and communication between game players.[52]
WhatsApp uses Erlang to run messaging servers, achieving up to 2 million connected users per server.[53][54][55][56]
Whisper, an anonymous social network on mobile[57]
Yahoo! uses it in its social bookmarking service, Delicious, which has more than 5 million users and 150 million bookmarked URLs.[58]
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