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package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe6.core;

import com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe6.task.Buffer;
import com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe6.task.Consumer;
import com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe6.task.Producer;
import com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe6.utils.FileMock;

* Main class of the example
public class Main {

* Main method of the example
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Creates a simulated file with 100 lines
FileMock mock=new FileMock(101, 10);

* Creates a buffer with a maximum of 20 lines
Buffer buffer=new Buffer(20);

* Creates a producer and a thread to run it
Producer producer=new Producer(mock, buffer);
Thread threadProducer=new Thread(producer,"Producer");

* Creates three consumers and threads to run them
Consumer consumers[]=new Consumer[3];
Thread threadConsumers[]=new Thread[3];

for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
consumers[i]=new Consumer(buffer);
threadConsumers[i]=new Thread(consumers[i],"Consumer "+i);

* Strats the producer and the consumers
for (int i=0; i<3; i++){


FileMock.java 生产实体

package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe6.utils;

* This class simulates a text file. It creates a defined number
* of random lines to process them sequentially.
public class FileMock {

* Content of the simulate file
private String content[];
* Number of the line we are processing
private int index;

* Constructor of the class. Generate the random data of the file
* @param size: Number of lines in the simulate file
* @param length: Length of the lines
public FileMock(int size, int length){
content=new String[size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++){
StringBuilder buffer=new StringBuilder(length);
for (int j=0; j<length; j++){
char randomWord;
if((int)(Math.random()*100) %2 == 0){
randomWord = (char)(int)(Math.random()*26+97);
randomWord = (char)(int)(Math.random()*26+65);

* Returns true if the file has more lines to process or false if not
* @return true if the file has more lines to process or false if not
public boolean hasMoreLines(){
return index<content.length;

* Returns the next line of the simulate file or null if there aren't more lines
* @return
public String getLine(){
if (this.hasMoreLines()) {
String contentTemp = content[index++];
System.out.println("Mock getLine: "+contentTemp+", file mock rest size: "+(content.length-index));
return contentTemp;
return null;



package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe6.task;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

* This class implements a buffer to stores the simulate file lines between the
* producer and the consumers
public class Buffer {

* The buffer
private LinkedList<String> buffer;

* Size of the buffer
private int maxSize;

* Lock to control the access to the buffer
private ReentrantLock lock;

* Conditions to control that the buffer has lines and has empty space
private Condition lines;
private Condition space;

* Attribute to control where are pending lines in the buffer
private boolean pendingLines;

* Constructor of the class. Initialize all the objects
* @param maxSize
*            The size of the buffer
public Buffer(int maxSize) {
this.maxSize = maxSize;
buffer = new LinkedList<>();
lock = new ReentrantLock();
lines = lock.newCondition();
space = lock.newCondition();
pendingLines = true;

* Insert a line in the buffer
* @param line
*            line to insert in the buffer
public void insert(String line) {
try {
while (buffer.size() == maxSize) {
System.out.printf("%s: buffer Inserted Line: %d, line content: %s\n", Thread.currentThread()
.getName(), buffer.size(), line);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {

* Returns a line from the buffer
* @return a line from the buffer
public String get() {
String line=null;
try {
while ((buffer.size() == 0) &&(hasPendingLines())) {

if (hasPendingLines()) {
line = buffer.poll();
System.out.printf("--- %s: Line Readed: %d, line content: %s\n",Thread.currentThread().getName(),buffer.size(), line);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
return line;

* Establish the value of the variable
* @param pendingLines
public void setPendingLines(boolean pendingLines) {
this.pendingLines = pendingLines;

* Returns the value of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public boolean hasPendingLines() {
return pendingLines || buffer.size() > 0;



package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe6.task;

import java.util.Random;

* This class reads line from the buffer and process it
public class Consumer implements Runnable {

* The buffer
private Buffer buffer;

* Constructor of the class. Initialize the buffer
* @param buffer
public Consumer (Buffer buffer) {

* Core method of the consumer. While there are pending lines in the
* buffer, try to read one.
public void run() {
while (buffer.hasPendingLines()) {
String line=buffer.get();

* Method that simulates the processing of a line. Waits 10 milliseconds
* @param line
private void processLine(String line) {
try {
Random random=new Random();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {



Mock getLine: 0CxPCRLomHK, file rest size: 100

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 1, line content: 0CxPCRLomHK

Mock getLine: 1cBKAHMczfn, file rest size: 99

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 0, line content: 0CxPCRLomHK

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 1, line content: 1cBKAHMczfn

Mock getLine: 2eqiFkMvCvb, file rest size: 98

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 0, line content: 1cBKAHMczfn

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 1, line content: 2eqiFkMvCvb

Mock getLine: 3IuTHXukRuw, file rest size: 97

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 0, line content: 2eqiFkMvCvb

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 1, line content: 3IuTHXukRuw

Mock getLine: 4jCcRrwmREN, file rest size: 96

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 2, line content: 4jCcRrwmREN

Mock getLine: 5AQfKvjIXGg, file rest size: 95

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 3, line content: 5AQfKvjIXGg

Mock getLine: 6WFpRJraqNf, file rest size: 94

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 4, line content: 6WFpRJraqNf

Mock getLine: 7gEghGXoSQN, file rest size: 93

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 5, line content: 7gEghGXoSQN

Mock getLine: 8VsRSOqtMez, file rest size: 92

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 6, line content: 8VsRSOqtMez

Mock getLine: 9fJIJjymZzM, file rest size: 91

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 7, line content: 9fJIJjymZzM

Mock getLine: 10SNVPQuifJd, file rest size: 90

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 8, line content: 10SNVPQuifJd

Mock getLine: 11VrQmfHiBJn, file rest size: 89

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 9, line content: 11VrQmfHiBJn

Mock getLine: 12kPXHZQPUNQ, file rest size: 88

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 10, line content: 12kPXHZQPUNQ

Mock getLine: 13AdamVwlUWL, file rest size: 87

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 11, line content: 13AdamVwlUWL

Mock getLine: 14monarebeuP, file rest size: 86

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 12, line content: 14monarebeuP

Mock getLine: 15ldeSGkfrsV, file rest size: 85

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 13, line content: 15ldeSGkfrsV

Mock getLine: 16zIrDZyZXxp, file rest size: 84

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 14, line content: 16zIrDZyZXxp

Mock getLine: 17iesVSEPFAH, file rest size: 83

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 15, line content: 17iesVSEPFAH

Mock getLine: 18dAjqolHHkL, file rest size: 82

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 16, line content: 18dAjqolHHkL

Mock getLine: 19WylOcKxquL, file rest size: 81

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 17, line content: 19WylOcKxquL

Mock getLine: 20QKfQhYBjtq, file rest size: 80

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 18, line content: 20QKfQhYBjtq

Mock getLine: 21MgxSEKOjbJ, file rest size: 79

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 19, line content: 21MgxSEKOjbJ

Mock getLine: 22zWuvxkAYXk, file rest size: 78

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 22zWuvxkAYXk

Mock getLine: 23MtytFebQew, file rest size: 77

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 3IuTHXukRuw

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 23MtytFebQew

Mock getLine: 24mXrZBEVrmL, file rest size: 76

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 4jCcRrwmREN

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 24mXrZBEVrmL

Mock getLine: 25yRnKkOsBBi, file rest size: 75

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 5AQfKvjIXGg

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 25yRnKkOsBBi

Mock getLine: 26zhidVgLcQd, file rest size: 74

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 6WFpRJraqNf

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 26zhidVgLcQd

Mock getLine: 27owclROdslC, file rest size: 73

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 7gEghGXoSQN

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 27owclROdslC

Mock getLine: 28xkViZWnnaP, file rest size: 72

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 8VsRSOqtMez

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 28xkViZWnnaP

Mock getLine: 29VqLyQVGjnC, file rest size: 71

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 9fJIJjymZzM

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 29VqLyQVGjnC

Mock getLine: 30RQAzdippjF, file rest size: 70

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 10SNVPQuifJd

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 30RQAzdippjF

Mock getLine: 31eOXTBiXxHt, file rest size: 69

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 11VrQmfHiBJn

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 31eOXTBiXxHt

Mock getLine: 32POBvwgdKGw, file rest size: 68

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 12kPXHZQPUNQ

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 32POBvwgdKGw

Mock getLine: 33ubvdpXOavd, file rest size: 67

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 13AdamVwlUWL

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 18, line content: 14monarebeuP

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 19, line content: 33ubvdpXOavd

Mock getLine: 34xRSPhByFlT, file rest size: 66

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 34xRSPhByFlT

Mock getLine: 35gugQuNfgWr, file rest size: 65

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 15ldeSGkfrsV

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 35gugQuNfgWr

Mock getLine: 36DqHuBavdVX, file rest size: 64

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 16zIrDZyZXxp

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 36DqHuBavdVX

Mock getLine: 37CbzXdiqvnN, file rest size: 63

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 17iesVSEPFAH

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 37CbzXdiqvnN

Mock getLine: 38qVnGwknTel, file rest size: 62

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 18dAjqolHHkL

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 38qVnGwknTel

Mock getLine: 39pengGLstxP, file rest size: 61

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 19WylOcKxquL

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 39pengGLstxP

Mock getLine: 40aZTBYdIxlF, file rest size: 60

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 20QKfQhYBjtq

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 40aZTBYdIxlF

Mock getLine: 41buLnxOrsJK, file rest size: 59

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 21MgxSEKOjbJ

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 41buLnxOrsJK

Mock getLine: 42etUtqrxJSm, file rest size: 58

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 22zWuvxkAYXk

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 42etUtqrxJSm

Mock getLine: 43wkDoSAoUWE, file rest size: 57

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 23MtytFebQew

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 43wkDoSAoUWE

Mock getLine: 44lJXxZqdodt, file rest size: 56

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 24mXrZBEVrmL

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 44lJXxZqdodt

Mock getLine: 45EAOZunlYxS, file rest size: 55

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 25yRnKkOsBBi

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 45EAOZunlYxS

Mock getLine: 46TqqGexuubA, file rest size: 54

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 26zhidVgLcQd

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 46TqqGexuubA

Mock getLine: 47lmOnxvUGxd, file rest size: 53

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 27owclROdslC

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 47lmOnxvUGxd

Mock getLine: 48mHvnUoagQR, file rest size: 52

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 28xkViZWnnaP

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 48mHvnUoagQR

Mock getLine: 49gBIVGjfyXy, file rest size: 51

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 29VqLyQVGjnC

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 49gBIVGjfyXy

Mock getLine: 50LKVfEGKLRG, file rest size: 50

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 30RQAzdippjF

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 50LKVfEGKLRG

Mock getLine: 51eWoQEPPdfa, file rest size: 49

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 31eOXTBiXxHt

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 51eWoQEPPdfa

Mock getLine: 52CxRbZeBYqR, file rest size: 48

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 32POBvwgdKGw

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 52CxRbZeBYqR

Mock getLine: 53ycKrdNhKMx, file rest size: 47

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 33ubvdpXOavd

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 53ycKrdNhKMx

Mock getLine: 54gCdvdDirbi, file rest size: 46

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 34xRSPhByFlT

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 54gCdvdDirbi

Mock getLine: 55ldTQqEogtz, file rest size: 45

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 35gugQuNfgWr

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 55ldTQqEogtz

Mock getLine: 56KFgASfXUQP, file rest size: 44

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 36DqHuBavdVX

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 56KFgASfXUQP

Mock getLine: 57aOSHqBzyuK, file rest size: 43

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 37CbzXdiqvnN

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 57aOSHqBzyuK

Mock getLine: 58VjfmypmfbN, file rest size: 42

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 38qVnGwknTel

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 58VjfmypmfbN

Mock getLine: 59RTZcPYgwIq, file rest size: 41

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 39pengGLstxP

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 59RTZcPYgwIq

Mock getLine: 60xzYMJfzICm, file rest size: 40

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 40aZTBYdIxlF

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 60xzYMJfzICm

Mock getLine: 61sGhOxjkTtE, file rest size: 39

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 41buLnxOrsJK

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 61sGhOxjkTtE

Mock getLine: 62FfXRQflhfn, file rest size: 38

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 42etUtqrxJSm

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 62FfXRQflhfn

Mock getLine: 63JgtUIdmTNs, file rest size: 37

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 43wkDoSAoUWE

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 63JgtUIdmTNs

Mock getLine: 64WkujsGQBPa, file rest size: 36

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 44lJXxZqdodt

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 64WkujsGQBPa

Mock getLine: 65DSfSJuPfWN, file rest size: 35

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 45EAOZunlYxS

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 65DSfSJuPfWN

Mock getLine: 66EuVDEbQYpw, file rest size: 34

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 46TqqGexuubA

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 66EuVDEbQYpw

Mock getLine: 67jKcXsBkHOO, file rest size: 33

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 47lmOnxvUGxd

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 67jKcXsBkHOO

Mock getLine: 68tauuFMAKdJ, file rest size: 32

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 48mHvnUoagQR

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 68tauuFMAKdJ

Mock getLine: 69cMKQtykJrg, file rest size: 31

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 49gBIVGjfyXy

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 69cMKQtykJrg

Mock getLine: 70riWdiqcMUq, file rest size: 30

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 50LKVfEGKLRG

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 70riWdiqcMUq

Mock getLine: 71yfAOjNgoCZ, file rest size: 29

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 51eWoQEPPdfa

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 71yfAOjNgoCZ

Mock getLine: 72VbiIxBIwkH, file rest size: 28

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 52CxRbZeBYqR

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 72VbiIxBIwkH

Mock getLine: 73aoehqBYgvK, file rest size: 27

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 53ycKrdNhKMx

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 73aoehqBYgvK

Mock getLine: 74sGMHTMIroD, file rest size: 26

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 54gCdvdDirbi

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 74sGMHTMIroD

Mock getLine: 75dMOqaBotel, file rest size: 25

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 55ldTQqEogtz

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 75dMOqaBotel

Mock getLine: 76PgaohcrhgC, file rest size: 24

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 56KFgASfXUQP

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 76PgaohcrhgC

Mock getLine: 77BsLmHtMexj, file rest size: 23

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 57aOSHqBzyuK

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 77BsLmHtMexj

Mock getLine: 78PoFhxWDEJS, file rest size: 22

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 58VjfmypmfbN

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 78PoFhxWDEJS

Mock getLine: 79jFKZXmDUrO, file rest size: 21

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 59RTZcPYgwIq

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 79jFKZXmDUrO

Mock getLine: 80RvLEZWBVef, file rest size: 20

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 60xzYMJfzICm

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 80RvLEZWBVef

Mock getLine: 81KTINBRaSbi, file rest size: 19

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 61sGhOxjkTtE

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 81KTINBRaSbi

Mock getLine: 82OyWHFkazUv, file rest size: 18

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 62FfXRQflhfn

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 82OyWHFkazUv

Mock getLine: 83YwZCgbDWjT, file rest size: 17

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 63JgtUIdmTNs

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 83YwZCgbDWjT

Mock getLine: 84lFjQGdfpzZ, file rest size: 16

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 64WkujsGQBPa

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 84lFjQGdfpzZ

Mock getLine: 85ZBUEJdOccS, file rest size: 15

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 65DSfSJuPfWN

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 85ZBUEJdOccS

Mock getLine: 86mSwgkfqtOG, file rest size: 14

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 66EuVDEbQYpw

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 86mSwgkfqtOG

Mock getLine: 87QJnfnCRGHg, file rest size: 13

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 67jKcXsBkHOO

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 87QJnfnCRGHg

Mock getLine: 88YvaIdiQDhd, file rest size: 12

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 68tauuFMAKdJ

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 88YvaIdiQDhd

Mock getLine: 89cXvSsGsuqn, file rest size: 11

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 69cMKQtykJrg

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 89cXvSsGsuqn

Mock getLine: 90EcNtrOGGuL, file rest size: 10

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 70riWdiqcMUq

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 90EcNtrOGGuL

Mock getLine: 91YTdsEgNipG, file rest size: 9

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 71yfAOjNgoCZ

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 91YTdsEgNipG

Mock getLine: 92tnREYmCUmj, file rest size: 8

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 72VbiIxBIwkH

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 92tnREYmCUmj

Mock getLine: 93kAcDvxDlOv, file rest size: 7

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 73aoehqBYgvK

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 93kAcDvxDlOv

Mock getLine: 94WHdxEUvuQu, file rest size: 6

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 74sGMHTMIroD

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 94WHdxEUvuQu

Mock getLine: 95OsWAFbnQzO, file rest size: 5

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 75dMOqaBotel

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 95OsWAFbnQzO

Mock getLine: 96dEJcxQULhP, file rest size: 4

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 19, line content: 76PgaohcrhgC

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 96dEJcxQULhP

Mock getLine: 97EwJlJPGrPI, file rest size: 3

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 19, line content: 77BsLmHtMexj

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 97EwJlJPGrPI

Mock getLine: 98eMgRjSYRDn, file rest size: 2

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 78PoFhxWDEJS

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 98eMgRjSYRDn

Mock getLine: 99uYHRmiuXFg, file rest size: 1

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 79jFKZXmDUrO

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 99uYHRmiuXFg

Mock getLine: 100aXvigwQtBC, file rest size: 0

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 80RvLEZWBVef

Producer: buffer Inserted Line: 20, line content: 100aXvigwQtBC

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 19, line content: 81KTINBRaSbi

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 18, line content: 82OyWHFkazUv

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 17, line content: 83YwZCgbDWjT

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 16, line content: 84lFjQGdfpzZ

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 15, line content: 85ZBUEJdOccS

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 14, line content: 86mSwgkfqtOG

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 13, line content: 87QJnfnCRGHg

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 12, line content: 88YvaIdiQDhd

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 11, line content: 89cXvSsGsuqn

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 10, line content: 90EcNtrOGGuL

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 9, line content: 91YTdsEgNipG

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 8, line content: 92tnREYmCUmj

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 7, line content: 93kAcDvxDlOv

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 6, line content: 94WHdxEUvuQu

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 5, line content: 95OsWAFbnQzO

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 4, line content: 96dEJcxQULhP

— Consumer 2: Line Readed: 3, line content: 97EwJlJPGrPI

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 2, line content: 98eMgRjSYRDn

— Consumer 0: Line Readed: 1, line content: 99uYHRmiuXFg

— Consumer 1: Line Readed: 0, line content: 100aXvigwQtBC

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