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class-object 是一个类对象,selector是see类型的值


例如一个Square类,则类对象[Square class]

mySquare是Square类的实例,获得他的类[mySquare class]

(1)-(BOOL) isKindOfClass: class-object


(2)-(BOOL) isMemberOfClass: class-object


(3)-(BOOL) respondsToSelector: selector


(4)+(BOOL) instancesRespondToSelector:selector


(5)+(BOOL)isSubclassOfClass: class-object


(6)-(id) performSelector: selector

Apply the method specified by selector.

(7)-(id) performSelector: selector withObject: object

Apply the method specified by selector pass- ing the argument object.

(8)-(id) performSelector: selector withObject: object1 withObject: object2

Apply the method specified by selector with the arguments object1 and object2.



if([obj1 class]==[obj2 class])



SEL sel = @selector (start:) ; // 指定action

if ([obj respondsToSelector:sel])

{ //判断该对象是否有相应的方法

[obj performSelector:sel withObject:self]; //调用选择器方法




@interface Rectangle: NSObject

@property int width, height;

-(int) area;
-(int) perimeter;


#import “Rectangle.h”

@implementation Rectangle

@synthesize width, height;

-(void) setWidth: (int) w andHeight: (int) h {

width = w;

height = h; }

-(int) area {

return width * height; }

-(int) perimeter {

return (width + height) * 2; }



#import “Rectangle.h”

@interface Square: Rectangle

-(void) setSide: (int) s;

-(int) side;


#import “Square.h”

@implementation Square: Rectangle

-(void) setSide: (int) s {

[self setWidth: s andHeight: s]; }

-(int) side


return self.width;

} @end

#import “Square.h”

int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {

@autoreleasepool {

Square *mySquare = [[Square alloc] init];

// isMemberOf: 判断是否是这个类的实例

if ( [mySquare isMemberOfClass: [Square class]] == YES )

NSLog (@”mySquare is a member of Square class”);

if ( [mySquare isMemberOfClass: [Rectangle class]] == YES )

NSLog (@”mySquare is a member of Rectangle class”);

if ( [mySquare isMemberOfClass: [NSObject class]] == YES )

// isKindOf: 判断是否是这个类或者这个类的子类的实例

if ( [mySquare isKindOfClass: [Square class]] == YES )

NSLog (@”mySquare is a kind of Square”);

if ( [mySquare isKindOfClass: [Rectangle class]] == YES )

NSLog (@”mySquare is a kind of Rectangle”);

if ( [mySquare isKindOfClass: [NSObject class]] == YES )

NSLog (@”mySquare is a kind of NSObject”);

// respondsTo: 判读实例是否有这样方法

if ( [mySquare respondsToSelector: @selector (setSide:)] == YES )

NSLog (@”mySquare responds to setSide: method”);

if ( [mySquare respondsToSelector: @selector (setWidth:andHeight:)] == YES )

NSLog (@”mySquare responds to setWidth:andHeight: method”);

if ( [Square respondsToSelector: @selector (alloc)] == YES )

NSLog (@”Square class responds to alloc method”);

// instancesRespondTo: 判断类是否有这个方法。此方法是类方法,不能用在类的对象

if ([Rectangle instancesRespondToSelector: @selector (setSide:)] == YES)

NSLog (@”Instances of Rectangle respond to setSide: method”);

if ([Square instancesRespondToSelector: @selector (setSide:)] == YES)

NSLog (@”Instances of Square respond to setSide: method”);

if ([Square isSubclassOfClass: [Rectangle class]] == YES)

NSLog (@”Square is a subclass of a rectangle”);


return 0; }


mySquare is a member of Square class

mySquare is a kind of Square

mySquare is a kind of Rectangle

mySquare is a kind of NSObject

mySquare responds to setSide: method

mySquare responds to setWidth:andHeight: method

Square class responds to alloc method

Instances of Square respond to setSide: method

Square is a subclass of a rectangle
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标签:  class 实例