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android 画笔和画布的使用,实现类似360清除内存的画面

2016-07-11 11:23 525 查看
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package com.example.atest_rectui.widget;

import java.util.List;

import com.example.atest_rectui.R;

import com.example.atest_rectui.util.Utils;

import android.app.ActivityManager;

import android.app.ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo;

import android.content.Context;

import android.graphics.Canvas;

import android.graphics.Color;

import android.graphics.Paint;

import android.graphics.RectF;

import android.graphics.Typeface;

import android.os.Handler.Callback;

import android.os.Handler;

import android.os.Message;

import android.util.AttributeSet;

import android.util.Log;

import android.widget.TextView;

import android.widget.Toast;


 * @author snake

 * UI类, 直接在xml文件配置 即可使用



public class ClearMemoryView extends TextView implements Callback {

 private static final String TAG = ClearMemoryView.class.getSimpleName();


 private static final int REFRESHING  = 0x01;

 private static final int REFRESH_UI = 0x02;

 private static final int REFRESH_END = 0x03;

 private Context mContext = null;

 private Handler mHandler = null;

 /** 画圆的画笔 */

 private Paint mCircularPaint;

 /** 写字体的画笔 */

 private Paint mTxtPaint;

 private RectF mRectF;

 private RectF mRectFrame;

 /** View的宽度 */

 private int mViewWidth = 0;

 /** View的高度 */

 private int mViewHeight = 0;

 /** 圆的宽度 */

 private int mCircularWidth = 0;

 /** 当前的进度 */

 private int mCurrentProgress = 100;

 private int mMax = 100;

 private long mMaxValue = 0;

 private float mSweepAngle;

 private float mTxtSize = 0.0f;

 /** ClearAppsIcon的进度 */

 private int mProgress = 0;

 /** 允许清除apps的标志 */

 private boolean mAllowClear = true;

 /** 之前的内存 */

 private long mBeforeMem = 0l;

 private float mIconPadding = 20;



 private float paintwidth = 12;

 private Paint mCenterPaint;

 private Paint mPerentPaint;


 public ClearMemoryView(Context context) {

  this(context, null);


 public ClearMemoryView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

  this(context, attrs, 0);


 public ClearMemoryView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {

  super(context, attrs, defStyle);

  mContext = context;

  mHandler = new Handler(this);

  mViewWidth = (int)mContext.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.dimen_bottom_item_layout);

  mViewHeight = (int)mContext.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.dimen_bottom_item_layout);




 private void initData() {


  mCircularWidth = (int)(mViewWidth * 0.78f);

  Log.d(TAG, "Clear View Circular==" + mCircularWidth + "::CellWidth==" + mViewWi
dth + ":::getScrollX() = " + getScrollX());

  mRectF = new RectF();

  mRectFrame = new RectF();

  // 初始化画圆形的画笔

  mCircularPaint = new Paint();


  //设置画布填充模式 , Paint.Style.STROKE表示中间区域是 镂空的



  //当画笔样式为STROKE或FILL_OR_STROKE时,设置笔刷的图形样式,如圆形样式   Cap.ROUND,或方形样式Cap.SQUARE  















  mCenterPaint = new Paint();





  // 设置渐变的颜色组,也就是按红、绿、蓝的方式渐变

//  int[] colors = new int[]{Color.parseColor("#00EC00"), Color.parseColor("#00BB00"), Color.parseColor("#009100")};

//  Shader shader = new SweepGradient(getWidth() / 2, 0, colors, null);

//  mCircularPaint.setShader(shader);

  // 初始化写文字的画笔

  mTxtPaint = new Paint();

  mTxtSize = 33;




//  Typeface typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(mContext.getAssets(), "fonts/segoemcl.ttf");

//  mTxtPaint.setTypeface(typeface);



  mPerentPaint = new Paint();



//  mPerentPaint.setTypeface(typeface);


  // 初始化值






 protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

  // TODO Auto-generated method stub


  // 圆环

  float fLeft = mViewWidth - mCircularWidth;

//  float fTop = (mViewHeight - mCircularWidth) / 2 + mIconPadding;

  float fTop = (mViewHeight - mCircularWidth);

  mRectFrame.set(getScrollX() + fLeft-8, fTop-8, getScrollX() + mCircularWidth+8 , mCircularWidth+8);



//  mCircularPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#00ff00"));

  canvas.drawArc(mRectFrame, 275, 360, false, mCircularPaint);



  mRectF.set(getScrollX() + fLeft, fTop, getScrollX() + mCircularWidth, mCircularWidth);





  canvas.drawArc(mRectF, 275, 360, false, mCircularPaint);

  mSweepAngle = ((float)mCurrentProgress / mMax )*360;

  if(mSweepAngle >= 324) {

   // 90% 324

//   mCircularPaint.setColor(Color.RED);



  } else if(mSweepAngle >= 216) {

   // 60% 216

//   mCircularPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#ed610a"));



  } else {

//   mCircularPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN);



  canvas.drawArc(mRectF, 275, mSweepAngle, false, mCircularPaint);



  mRectF.set(getScrollX() + fLeft+6, fTop+5, getScrollX() + mCircularWidth -5, mCircularWidth-5);

  canvas.drawArc(mRectF, 275, 360, false, mCenterPaint);



  // 文字内容

  long nPercentage = mCurrentProgress * 100 / mMax;

//  String strPercentage = String.format("%d%%", nPercentage);

  String strPercentage = String.valueOf(nPercentage);

  String percentage = "%";

  // 文字的长度

  float fTxtLeght = mTxtPaint.measureText(strPercentage);

  float fPercentLenght = mPerentPaint.measureText("%");

  float fTxtHeight = mTxtPaint.measureText("+");

  float nLeft = (mViewWidth - fTxtLeght) / 2;


  float nTop = (mCircularWidth + fTxtHeight) / 2 + mIconPadding;

//  float nTop = (mViewWidth - fTxtHeight) / 2;



  canvas.drawText(strPercentage, getScrollX() + nLeft - fPercentLenght/2, nTop, mTxtPaint);

  canvas.drawText(percentage, getScrollX() + nLeft + fTxtLeght*3/4 , nTop, mPerentPaint);




 protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {

  // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

  setMeasuredDimension(mViewWidth, mViewHeight);




  * 获取比例值

  * @return


 public int getProgress() {

  return mCurrentProgress;




  * 当前的比例

  * @param progress


 public void setProgressValue(long progress) {

  if(progress < 0) {

   progress = 0;


  if(progress > mMaxValue) {

   progress = mMaxValue;


  mCurrentProgress = (int)(progress * 100 / mMaxValue);




 public void setProgress(int progress) {

  if(progress < 0) {

   progress = 0;


  if(progress > mMax) {

   progress = mMax;


  mCurrentProgress = progress;




  * 定义的最大值

  * @param max


 public void setMax(int max) {

  mMax = max;



 public int getMax() {

  return mMax;






 public void setMaxValue(long maxValue) {

  mMaxValue = maxValue;




  * 清除Apps,释放内存


 private void clearApps() {


  ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

        List<RunningAppProcessInfo> infoList = am.getRunningAppProcesses();

//        List<ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo> serviceInfos = am.getRunningServices(100);

        mBeforeMem = Utils.getAvailMemory(mContext);

        if (infoList != null) {

            for (int i = 0; i < infoList.size(); ++i) {

                RunningAppProcessInfo appProcessInfo = infoList.get(i);

//                Log.d(TAG, "process name : " + appProcessInfo.processName);

                //importance 该进程的重要程度  分为几个级别,数值越低就越重要。

                Log.d(TAG, "importance : " + appProcessInfo.importance);

                // 一般数值大于RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_SERVICE的进程都长时间没用或者空进程了

                // 一般数值大于RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE的进程都是非可见进程,也就是在后台运行着

                if (appProcessInfo.importance > RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE) {

                    String[] pkgList = appProcessInfo.pkgList;

                    for (int j = 0; j < pkgList.length; ++j) {//pkgList 得到该进程下运行的包名

                        if("com.sen5.launcher".equals(pkgList[j]) || "com.amlogic.DVBPlayer".equals(pkgList[j])) {



                        try {


                        } catch(SecurityException e) {

                         Log.e(TAG, "killBackgroundProcesses error==" + e.toString());









  * 更新界面的动画


 private void refeshUI() {


  new Thread(new Runnable() {



   public void run() {


    for(; mProgress > -1; mProgress--) {



     try {


     } catch (InterruptedException e) {

      // TODO Auto-generated catch block




    int nUsedMemory = (int)(Utils.getUsedMemory(mContext) * getMax()

      / Utils.getTotalMemory(mContext));

    for(; mProgress <= nUsedMemory; mProgress++) {



     try {


     } catch (InterruptedException e) {

      // TODO Auto-generated catch block



     nUsedMemory = (int)(Utils.getUsedMemory(mContext) * getMax()

       / Utils.getTotalMemory(mContext));









  * 开始清除内存


 public void startClearApps() {


  if(!mAllowClear) {



  mProgress = getProgress();

  new Thread(new Runnable() {



   public void run() {

    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    mAllowClear = false;









  * 刷新内存的现实,一般在应用打开时就得调用


 public void refreshIconValue() {






 public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {

  // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  switch(msg.what) {





  case REFRESH_UI:





   mAllowClear = true;

   // 清除内存的结果显示

   long currentMem = Utils.getAvailMemory(mContext);

   Log.d(TAG, "AvailMem===" + currentMem + ":::BeforeMem===" + mBeforeMem);

   String strHint = "";

   if(currentMem > mBeforeMem) {

    String strReleaseMem = mContext.getString(R.string.release_memory);

    String strCurrentMem = mContext.getString(R.string.currunt_memory);

    strHint = String.format("%s %dM,\n%s %dM", strReleaseMem, (currentMem - mBeforeMem)

      , strCurrentMem, currentMem);

   } else {

    strHint = mContext.getString(R.string.best_memory_status);



   Toast.makeText(mContext, strHint, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();








  return false;




package com.example.atest_rectui;

import com.example.atest_rectui.widget.ClearMemoryView;

import android.app.Activity;

import android.os.Bundle;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.View.OnClickListener;


 * @author snake

 * 调用类


public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener{

 private ClearMemoryView mClearMemoryView;


 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {





 private void initView() {

  mClearMemoryView = (ClearMemoryView)findViewById(R.id.tv_myclearmemory);





 public void onClick(View v) {

  // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  switch (v.getId()) {

  case R.id.tv_myclearmemory:









package com.example.atest_rectui.util;

import android.app.ActivityManager;

import android.app.ActivityManager.MemoryInfo;

import android.content.Context;


 * @author snake

 * 工具类


public class Utils {



  * 获取可用内存大小

  * @param context

  * @return


    public static long getAvailMemory(Context context) {


        ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

        MemoryInfo mi = new MemoryInfo();


        //return Formatter.formatFileSize(context, mi.availMem);// 将获取的内存大小规格化

        return mi.availMem / (1024 * 1024);




  * 获取已用内存大小

  * @param context

  * @return


    public static long getUsedMemory(Context context) {


        ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

        MemoryInfo mi = new MemoryInfo();


        //return Formatter.formatFileSize(context, mi.availMem);// 将获取的内存大小规格化

        return (mi.totalMem - mi.availMem) / (1024 * 1024);




  * 获取总的内存大小

  * @param context

  * @return


    public static long getTotalMemory(Context context) {


        ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

        MemoryInfo mi = new MemoryInfo();


        return mi.totalMem / (1024 * 1024);





<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"








    tools:context="com.example.atest_rectui.MainActivity" >










dimens.xml 文件


    <!-- Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines. -->

    <dimen name="activity_horizontal_margin">16dp</dimen>

    <dimen name="activity_vertical_margin">16dp</dimen>

 <dimen name="dimen_bottom_item_layout">110dp</dimen>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    <string name="app_name">atest_rectui</string>

    <string name="hello_world">Hello world!</string>

    <string name="action_settings">Settings</string>

    <string name="release_memory">Release memory for</string>

    <string name="currunt_memory">Current memory available is</string>

    <string name="best_memory_status">Has been cleaned up to the best</string>


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