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2016-07-09 00:00 267 查看

Dim a,b,c,d,e,f,g

Function   FormateTime(sendTime,Para) '格式化时间
select   case   Para

case   "1"
sendTime   =   Right("00"   &   Hour(sendTime),2)   & ":"&   right( "00"   &   minute(sendTime),2)   & ":"&   right( "00"   &   Second(sendTime),2)

end   select
FormateTime   =   SendTime
end   Function

Function   FormateDate(sendTime,Para) '格式化日期
select   case   Para
case   "1"
sendTime   =   year(sendTime)   & "年"&   right( "00"   &   month(sendTime),2)   & "月"&   right( "00"   &   day(sendTime),2)& "日 "
End select
FormateDate   =   SendTime
end   Function

'MsgBox FormateDate(date(), "1")

a = Left(FormateTime(Time(), "1"),2)
b = "飞阳早上好,现在是,"
c = "飞阳上午好,现在是,"
d = "飞阳中午好,现在是,"
e = "飞阳下午好,现在是,"
f = "飞阳晚上好,现在是,"
g = ","&WeekdayName(Weekday(Date))
Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
objVoice.Rate = -2
objVoice.Volume = 60

If a >= 0 And a <= 8 Then
objVoice.Speak b&Time&g
End If

If a >= 9 And a <= 11 Then
objVoice.Speak c&Time&g
End If

If a >= 12 And a <= 14 Then
objVoice.Speak d&Time&g
End If

If a >= 15 And a <= 18 Then
objVoice.Speak e&Time&g
End If

If a > 19 And a <= 23 Then
objVoice.Speak f&Time&g
End If
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