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2016-07-08 11:23 344 查看
前面一篇文章介绍了SparkStreaming是如何不停的循环submitJob的, 连接:

既然已经知道了Spark Streaming如何循环处理, 那么我们就要看一下处理过程中是怎么获取到Dstream的, 用简单的socketTextStream 来做一个列子, 入口:

val lines = scc.socketTextStream(args(1), args(2).toInt, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)

在socketTextStream直接调用socketTextStream, 再到SocketInputDStream

def socketTextStream(
hostname: String,
port: Int,
storageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2
): ReceiverInputDStream[String] = withNamedScope("socket text stream") {
socketStream[String](hostname, port, SocketReceiver.bytesToLines, storageLevel)

def socketStream[T: ClassTag](
hostname: String,
port: Int,
converter: (InputStream) => Iterator[T],
storageLevel: StorageLevel
): ReceiverInputDStream[T] = {
new SocketInputDStream[T](this, hostname, port, converter, storageLevel)

可以看到实际上是创建了一个SocketInputDStream对象, 而SocketInputDStream是继承自ReceiverInputDStream的:

class SocketInputDStream[T: ClassTag](
ssc_ : StreamingContext,
host: String,
port: Int,
bytesToObjects: InputStream => Iterator[T],
storageLevel: StorageLevel
) extends ReceiverInputDStream[T](ssc_) {

def getReceiver(): Receiver[T] = {
new SocketReceiver(host, port, bytesToObjects, storageLevel)

先看一下这个getReceiver, 创建了一个receiver: SocketReceiver,SocketReceiver里面主要看他的receive方法:

/** Create a socket connection and receive data until receiver is stopped */
def receive() {
var socket: Socket = null
try {
logInfo("Connecting to " + host + ":" + port)
socket = new Socket(host, port)
logInfo("Connected to " + host + ":" + port)
val iterator = bytesToObjects(socket.getInputStream())
while(!isStopped && iterator.hasNext) {
if (!isStopped()) {
restart("Socket data stream had no more data")
} else {
logInfo("Stopped receiving")
} catch {
case e: java.net.ConnectException =>
restart("Error connecting to " + host + ":" + port, e)
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning("Error receiving data", e)
restart("Error receiving data", e)
} finally {
if (socket != null) {
logInfo("Closed socket to " + host + ":" + port)


那么SocketTextStreaming又是怎么从block里面把数据拿出来组成RDD的呢,那么就要看 SocketInputDStream继承的父类ReceiverInputDStream了, 点进去看有个compute方法, 我们知道这个方法是会在action里面调用, 那么compute方法里面做了什么呢, 我们先看一下代码怎么写的:

override def compute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[T]] = {
val blockRDD = {

if (validTime < graph.startTime) {
// If this is called for any time before the start time of the context,
// then this returns an empty RDD. This may happen when recovering from a
// driver failure without any write ahead log to recover pre-failure data.
new BlockRDD[T](ssc.sc, Array.empty)
} else {
// Otherwise, ask the tracker for all the blocks that have been allocated to this stream
// for this batch
val receiverTracker = ssc.scheduler.receiverTracker
val blockInfos = receiverTracker.getBlocksOfBatch(validTime).getOrElse(id, Seq.empty)

// Register the input blocks information into InputInfoTracker
val inputInfo = StreamInputInfo(id, blockInfos.flatMap(_.numRecords).sum)
ssc.scheduler.inputInfoTracker.reportInfo(validTime, inputInfo)

// Create the BlockRDD
createBlockRDD(validTime, blockInfos)

看到如果时间是正常的, 首先会拿到一个receiverTracker (在ssc.start方法里面tracker已经启动)然后从receivertracker里面拿到特定时间的blocks, 然后根据获取到的blockinfos去创建BlockRDD (createBlockRDD(validTime, blockInfos))


private[streaming] def createBlockRDD(time: Time, blockInfos: Seq[ReceivedBlockInfo]): RDD[T] = {

if (blockInfos.nonEmpty) {
val blockIds = blockInfos.map { _.blockId.asInstanceOf[BlockId] }.toArray

// Are WAL record handles present with all the blocks
val areWALRecordHandlesPresent = blockInfos.forall { _.walRecordHandleOption.nonEmpty }

if (areWALRecordHandlesPresent) {
// If all the blocks have WAL record handle, then create a WALBackedBlockRDD
val isBlockIdValid = blockInfos.map { _.isBlockIdValid() }.toArray
val walRecordHandles = blockInfos.map { _.walRecordHandleOption.get }.toArray
new WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD[T](
ssc.sparkContext, blockIds, walRecordHandles, isBlockIdValid)
} else {
// Else, create a BlockRDD. However, if there are some blocks with WAL info but not
// others then that is unexpected and log a warning accordingly.
if (blockInfos.find(_.walRecordHandleOption.nonEmpty).nonEmpty) {
if (WriteAheadLogUtils.enableReceiverLog(ssc.conf)) {
logError("Some blocks do not have Write Ahead Log information; " +
"this is unexpected and data may not be recoverable after driver failures")
} else {
logWarning("Some blocks have Write Ahead Log information; this is unexpected")
4000 }
val validBlockIds = blockIds.filter { id =>
if (validBlockIds.size != blockIds.size) {
logWarning("Some blocks could not be recovered as they were not found in memory. " +
"To prevent such data loss, enabled Write Ahead Log (see programming guide " +
"for more details.")
new BlockRDD[T](ssc.sc, validBlockIds)
} else {
// If no block is ready now, creating WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD or BlockRDD
// according to the configuration
if (WriteAheadLogUtils.enableReceiverLog(ssc.conf)) {
new WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD[T](
ssc.sparkContext, Array.empty, Array.empty, Array.empty)
} else {
new BlockRDD[T](ssc.sc, Array.empty)

这个方法返回的是一个RDD, 里面先会从blockinfos里面拿出所有blockid:
val blockIds = blockInfos.map { _.blockId.asInstanceOf[BlockId] }.toArray

val areWALRecordHandlesPresent = blockInfos.forall { _.walRecordHandleOption.nonEmpty }

如果是, 那么就创建返回WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD (继承自RDD)

如果不是, 则确认blockmanager里面有这个ID, 并组成validBlockids:
val validBlockIds = blockIds.filter { id =>

new BlockRDD[T](ssc.sc, validBlockIds)


override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager
val blockId = split.asInstanceOf[BlockRDDPartition].blockId
blockManager.get(blockId) match {
case Some(block) => block.data.asInstanceOf[Iterator[T]]
case None =>
throw new Exception("Could not compute split, block " + blockId + " not found")

可以看到他从blockManager里面根据ID去拿对应的block并组成iterator返回。 到此为止一个blockRDD就生成了, 大家知道Dstream实际上就是一堆RDD的组合, 那么这个就是里面RDD是怎么来的的介绍。

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