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2016-07-05 19:56 471 查看
0 安装ubuntu-server时,software selection时按tab键选择openssh-server

1 添加.bash_aliases(clear,ll -h,为了使用方便,非必须,与ssh登录也毫无关系)

2 Append the following lines at the end of the file /etc/network/interfaces:

auto eth1

iface eth1 inet dhcp

3 vim  /etc/ssh/sshd_config,找到PasswordAuthentication no, 改为yes保存

4 sudo poweroff。

5 In VirtualBox Manager, choose the VM, then click the Settings button in the tool bar. This will invoke a window for VM configuration.  
Select the Network category on the left.Select the Adapter 2 tab on the right.Enable "Adapter 2", and modify the Attached to attribute of Adapter 2 to Host-only Adapter. The Name attribute should become VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter by default.
Now launch the VM

6 sudo ifconfig eth1,You should see some information about the network interface "eth1"。现在可以用类似“inet addr:”这里面的ip地址加速putty连接virtualbox虚拟机里面的ubuntu-server了
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