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fopen,fopen_s,fclose, _fcloseall函数用法

2016-07-01 00:00 525 查看

在定义FILE * fp 之后,fopen的用法是: fp = fopen(filename,"w")。而对于fopen_s来说,还得定义另外一个变量errno_t err,然后err = fopen_s(&fp,filename,"w"),注意第一个参数是指向FILE*的指针,即二重指针。返回值的话,对于fopen来说,打开文件成功的话返回文件指针(赋值给fp),打开失败则返回NULL值;对于fopen_s来说,打开文件成功返回0,失败返回非0。

在vs编程中,经常会有这样的警告:warning C4996: 'fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details. 是因为 fopen_s比fopen多了溢出检测(question:什么地方用了溢出检测,这里也没有像gets_s???),更安全一些。(在以后的文章里还有get与get_s的比较,strcpy strcpy_s的比较,他们的共同点都是用来一些不可预料的行为,以后将进行详尽解释)

Closes a stream (fclose) or closes all open streams (_fcloseall).

int fclose( FILE *stream );

int _fcloseall( void );

Function Required Header Compatibility

ANSI, Win 95, Win NT

ANSI, Win 95, Win NT

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


Single thread static library, retail version

Multithread static library, retail version

Import library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version

Return Value

fclose returns 0 if the stream is successfully closed. _fcloseall returns the total number of streams closed. Both functions return EOF to indicate an error.



Pointer to FILE structure


The fclose function closes stream. _fcloseall closes all open streams except stdin, stdout, stderr (and, in MS-DOS®, _stdaux and _stdprn). It also closes and deletes any temporary files created by tmpfile. In both functions, all buffers associated with the stream are flushed prior to closing(note:所有的与这些流相关联的缓冲区都在这些流被关闭前被刷新,从而保证不会因为关闭而丢失数据). System-allocated buffers are released when the stream is closed. Buffers assigned by the user with setbuf and setvbuf are not automatically released.(ASK:setbuf和setvbuf这两个函数有什么作用呢?)


/* FOPEN.C: This program opens files named "data"
* and "data2".It  uses fclose to close "data" and
* _fcloseall to close all remaining files.
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *stream, *stream2;
int main(void)
int numclosed;
errno_t err;
// Open for read (will fail if file "crt_fopen_s.c" does not exist)
if ((err = fopen_s(&stream, "crt_fopen_s.c", "r")) != 0)
printf("The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was not opened\n");
printf("The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was opened\n");
// Open for write
if ((err = fopen_s(&stream2, "data2", "w+")) != 0)
printf("The file 'data2' was not opened\n");
printf("The file 'data2' was opened\n");
// Close stream if it is not NULL
if (stream)
if (fclose(stream))
printf("The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was not closed\n");
// All other files are closed:
numclosed = _fcloseall();
printf("Number of files closed by _fcloseall: %u\n", numclosed);



首先介绍下gets_s、getws_s函数的用法。gets_s, _getws_s https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5b5x9wc7.aspx
Gets a line from the stdin stream. These versions of gets, _getws have security enhancements(安全加强), as described in Security Features in the CRT.

char *gets_s(
char *buffer,
size_t sizeInCharacters
wchar_t *_getws_s(
wchar_t *buffer,
size_t sizeInCharacters
template <size_t size>
char *gets_s(
char (&buffer)[size]
); // C++ only
template <size_t size>
wchar_t *_getws_s(
wchar_t (&buffer)[size]
); // C++ only



Storage location for input string.


The size of the buffer.

Return Value

Returns buffer if successful. A NULL pointer indicates an error or end-of-file condition. Use ferror or feof to determine which one has occurred.


The gets_s function reads a line from the standard input stream stdin and stores it in buffer. The line consists of all characters up to and including the first newline character ('\n'). gets_s then replaces the newline character with a null character ('\0') before returning the line. In contrast, the fgets_s function retains the newline character.

If the first character read is the end-of-file character, a null character is stored at the beginning of buffer and NULL is returned.

_getws is a wide-character version of gets_s; its argument and return value are wide-character strings.

If buffer is NULL or sizeInCharacters is less than or equal to zero, or if the buffer is too small to contain the input line and null terminator, these functions invoke an invalid parameter handler, as described in Parameter Validation. If execution is allowed to continue, these functions return NULL and set errno to ERANGE.

In C++, using these functions is simplified by template overloads; the overloads can infer buffer length automatically (eliminating the need to specify a size argument) and they can automatically replace older, non-secure functions with their newer, secure counterparts. For more information, see Secure Template Overloads.


From Security Features in the CRT https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8ef0s5kh.aspx

The secure functions do not prevent or correct security errors; rather(而是), they catch errors when they occur. They perform additional checks for error conditions, and in the case of an error, they invoke an error handler (see Parameter Validation).







From Parameter Validation https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ksazx244.aspx

Most of the security-enhanced CRT(C运行时) functions and many of the preexisting(先前存在的) functions validate their parameters. This could include checking pointers for NULL, checking that integers fall into a valid range, or checking that enumeration values are valid. When an invalid parameter is found, the invalid parameter handler is executed.

Invalid Parameter Handler Routine
The behavior of the C Runtime when an invalid parameter is found is to call the currently assigned invalid parameter handler. The default(note:这里应该指的是运行时,而不是调试时) invalid parameter invokes Watson crash reporting, which causes the application to crash and asks the user if they want to load the crash dump to Microsoft for analysis. In Debug mode, an invalid parameter also results in a failed assertion.如下图所示,是gets_s函数接收的用户输入超过缓冲区长度时的警告窗口。

This behavior can be changed by using the function _set_invalid_parameter_handler to set the invalid parameter handler to your own function.(note:你可以通过set_invalid_parameter_handler 函数来设定无效参数 的处理机制到你自己定义的函数) If the function you specify does not terminate the application, control is returned to the function that received the invalid parameters, and these functions will normally cease execution, return an error code(note:这个收到无效参数的函数会正常地结束执行,并返回一个错误码。注意反省一下,自己在处理相应的问题时,对于非法输入是都能返回相应的错误码。ASK:在编程时如何利用函数返回值和errno值????), and set errno to an error code. In many cases, the errno value and the return value are both EINVAL, indicating an invalid parameter. In some cases, a more specific error code is returned, such as EBADF for a bad file pointer passed in as a parameter. For more information on errno, see errno, _doserrno, _sys_errlist, and _sys_nerr.
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