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1Z0-051-Oracle的 HR 样例用户的建立

2016-06-29 19:02 489 查看
Oracle的 HR 样例用户的建立
1、oracle 11g
中hr用户需要单独安装,比较麻烦,书本上学习例子很多都是HR用户的案例 ,下载后释放到
$ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/human_resources/目录下。 Script Name
hr_analz.sqlCollects statistics
on the tables in the schema.
hr_code.sqlCreates procedural
objects in the schema.
hr_comnt.sqlCreates comments
for each object in the schema.
the HR objects.
the distinguished name column used by Oracle Internet Directory to the employees and departments tables.
the Oracle Internet Directory distinguished name column from employees and departments .
the HR schema and all its objects.
indexes on the HR tables.
script for the HR schema; calls other
hr_popul.sqlPopulates the
/ as sysdba; 3、执行$ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/human_resources/下的hr_main.sqlSQL>@?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_main.sql注:1、安装前需要使用root用户对human_resources下的文件执行:chmod
777 *。2、安装前需要确定5个参数。分别是:HR用户的密码:dbbocom;默认用户空间:users。(必须是已经存在的用户空间)临时用户空间:temp。(必须是已经存在的用户空间)SYS用户的密码:dbbocom日志文件存放的目录:$ORACLE_HOME/RDBMS/log HR人事管理数据库下载地址:http://down.51cto.com/data/1037205或者:http://download.csdn.net/detail/johnlxj/6689713 SQL>
@?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_main.sql specify password for
HR as parameter 1:Enter value for 1:
dbbocom specify default
tablespeace for HR as parameter 2:Enter value for 2:
users specify temporary
tablespace for HR as parameter 3:Enter value for 3:
temp specify password for
SYS as parameter 4:Enter value for 4:
dbbocom specify log path as
parameter 5:Enter value for 5:
/home/oracle/app/oracle/ DROP USER hr CASCADE
*ERROR at line 1:ORA-01918: user 'HR'
does not exist old 1: CREATE USER hr IDENTIFIED BY &passnew 1: CREATE USER hr IDENTIFIED BY dbbocom User created. old 1: ALTER USER hr DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbsnew 1: ALTER USER hr DEFAULT TABLESPACE usersold 2: QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbsnew 2: QUOTA UNLIMITED ON users User altered. old 1: ALTER USER hr TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbsnew 1: ALTER USER hr TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp…PL/SQL procedure
successfully completed....PL/SQL procedure
successfully completed. 检查是否正确安装完毕SQL> show userUSER is
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  HR 模式创建