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Android Development Notes-4(BroadcastReceiver, Manifests)

2016-06-22 23:15 387 查看
Summary: BroadcastReceiver, Manifests, Delvik VM, Zigote, Life Cycle, apk

-A broadcast receiver receives the action of  Intent objects, similarly to an  Activity , but does not have its own user interface

-A typical use for a broadcast receiver might be to receive an alarm that causes an app to become active at a particular time

-Android requires applications to explicitly describe their contents in an XML file called AndroidManifest.xml

-Activity ,  Service , ContentProvider , and  BroadcastReceiver provide the foundation of Android application development . To make use of any of them, an application must include corresponding declarations in its AndroidManifest.xml file.

AndroidManifest.xml sample:



... contains application layout files ...


...contains images, patches, drawable xml ...


... contains data files that can be loaded as streams ...


... contains xml files that contain string, number values used in code ...



-Android executes multiple instances of the Dalvik VM, one for each task

-Android must efficiently divide memory into multiple heaps. Each heap should be relatively small so that many applications can fit in memory at the same time. 

-Android’s approach to multiprocessing, using multiple processes and multiple instances of a VM, requires that each instance of the VM be space-efficient. This is achieved

partly through the component life cycle, which enables objects to be garbage-collected and recreated, and partly by the VM itself.

-Zygote. It is an instance of the Dalvik VM that contains a set of preloaded classes for enhancement of performance.

-The most complex component life cycle is the activity life cycle. Here we will diagram it and take a look at how these state transitions are handled in code

-Sample code:

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
// Save instance-specific state
outState.putString("answer", state);
Log.i(TAG, "onSaveInstanceState");
protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedState) {
// Restore state; we know savedState is not null
String answer = savedState.getString("answer");
// ...
Log.i(TAG, "onRestoreInstanceState"
+ (null == savedState ? "" : RESTORE) + " " + answer);
-In a lot of Android code, especially in small examples, very few life cycle callbacks are implemented. That is because the  Activity parent class handles life cycle callbacks

-Android provides an application called  apkbuilder for generating installable Android application files, which have the extension .apk. An .apk file is in ZIP file format

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