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2016-06-16 12:59 531 查看
最近看公司的eclipse插件代码导入工程的时候出错, org.eclipse*这个包没有, 开始猜测是eclipse版本的问题, 下了几个eclipse版本没有解决问题,后来是组长提醒下,在网上找到了一个解决方案:

You need to install the Plugin Perspective
Usually you can try to get it via:
1. Help->Install New Software
2. "Work With:" -> "--All Available Sites--"
3. type "Plug-in" into the filter box
4. Open "General Purpose Tools" (may be called differently in your eclipse version!)
5. install "Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment"
6. restart!

按这个解决完后,虽然org.eclipse这个找到了,但是还是报错了:An API baseline has not been set for the current workspace., 把这个错误复制百度一下,找到了解决方案:

Window -> Preferences -> Plug-In Development -> API Baselines | Missing API Baseline option设置成Ignore
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