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论文阅读:CVPR2016 Paper list

2016-06-14 09:12 645 查看



Image Captioning and Question Answering

Monday, June 27th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

1 Deep Compositional Captioning: Describing Novel Object Categories Without Paired Training Data.

Lisa Anne Hendricks, Subhashini Venugopalan, Marcus Rohrbach, Raymond Mooney, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell

2 Generation and Comprehension of Unambiguous Object Descriptions.

Junhua Mao, Jonathan Huang, Alexander Toshev, Oana Camburu, Alan L. Yuille, Kevin Murphy

3 Stacked Attention Networks for Image Question Answering.

Zichao Yang, Xiaodong He, Jianfeng Gao, Li Deng, Alex Smola

4 Image Question Answering Using Convolutional Neural Network With Dynamic Parameter Prediction.

Hyeonwoo Noh, Paul Hongsuck Seo, Bohyung Han

5 Neural Module Networks.

Jacob Andreas, Marcus Rohrbach, Trevor Darrell, Dan Klein

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Language and Vision

Monday, June 27th, 10:05AM - 10:30AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

6 Learning Deep Representations of Fine-Grained Visual Descriptions.

Scott Reed, Zeynep Akata, Honglak Lee , Bernt Schiele

7 Multi-Cue Zero-Shot Learning With Strong Supervision.

Zeynep Akata, Mateusz Malinowski, Mario Fritz, Bernt Schiele

8 Latent Embeddings for Zero-Shot Classification.

Yongqin Xian, Zeynep Akata, Gaurav Sharma, Quynh Nguyen, Matthias Hein, Bernt Schiele

9 One-Shot Learning of Scene Locations via Feature Trajectory Transfer.

Roland Kwitt, Sebastian Hegenbart, Marc Niethammer

10 Learning Attributes Equals Multi-Source Domain Generalization.

Chuang Gan, Tianbao Yang, Boqing Gong

11 Anticipating Visual Representations From Unlabeled Video.

Carl Vondrick, Hamed Pirsiavash, Antonio Torralba

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Matching and Alignment

Monday, June 27th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

12 Learning to Assign Orientations to Feature Points.

Kwang Moo Yi, Yannick Verdie, Pascal Fua, Vincent Lepetit

13 Learning Dense Correspondence via 3D-Guided Cycle Consistency.

Tinghui Zhou, Philipp Krähenbuhl, Mathieu Aubry, Qixing Huang, Alexei A. Efros

14 The Global Patch Collider.

Shenlong Wang, Sean Ryan Fanello, Christoph Rhemann, Shahram Izadi, Pushmeet Kohli

15 Joint Probabilistic Matching Using m-Best Solutions.

Seyed Hamid Rezatofighi, Anton Milan, Zhen Zhang, Qinfeng Shi, Anthony Dick, Ian Reid

16 Face Alignment Across Large Poses: A 3D Solution.

Xiangyu Zhu, Zhen Lei, Xiaoming Liu, Hailin Shi, Stan Z. Li

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Segmentation and Contour Detection

Monday, June 27th, 10:05AM - 10:30AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

17 Interactive Segmentation on RGBD Images via Cue Selection.

Jie Feng, Brian Price, Scott Cohen, Shih-Fu Chang

18 Layered Scene Decomposition via the Occlusion-CRF.

Chen Liu, Pushmeet Kohli, Yasutaka Furukawa

19 Affinity CNN: Learning Pixel-Centric Pairwise Relations for Figure/Ground Embedding.

Michael Maire, Takuya Narihira, Stella X. Yu

20 Weakly Supervised Object Boundaries.

Anna Khoreva, Rodrigo Benenson, Mohamed Omran, Matthias Hein, Bernt Schiele

21 Object Contour Detection With a Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network.

Jimei Yang, Brian Price, Scott Cohen, Honglak Lee , Ming-Hsuan Yang

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Poster Session 1-1. Monday, June 27th, 10:30AM - 12:30PM.

Images and Language

22 What Value Do Explicit High Level Concepts Have in Vision to Language Problems?.

Qi Wu, Chunhua Shen, Lingqiao Liu, Anthony Dick, Anton van den Hengel

Edge Contour Detection

23 Fast Detection of Curved Edges at Low SNR.

Nati Ofir, Meirav Galun, Boaz Nadler, Ronen Basri

24 Object Skeleton Extraction in Natural Images by Fusing Scale-Associated Deep Side Outputs.

Wei Shen, Kai Zhao, Yuan Jiang, Yan Wang, Zhijiang Zhang, Xiang Bai

25 Learning Relaxed Deep Supervision for Better Edge Detection.

Yu Liu, Michael S. Lew

26 Occlusion Boundary Detection via Deep Exploration of Context.

Huan Fu, Chaohui Wang, Dacheng Tao, Michael J. Black

27 SemiContour: A Semi-Supervised Learning Approach for Contour Detection.

Zizhao Zhang, Fuyong Xing, Xiaoshuang Shi, Lin Yang

Feature Extraction and Description

28 Learning to Localize Little Landmarks.

Saurabh Singh, Derek Hoiem, David Forsyth

29 InterActive: Inter-Layer Activeness Propagation.

Lingxi Xie, Liang Zheng, Jingdong Wang, Alan L. Yuille, Qi Tian

30 Exploit Bounding Box Annotations for Multi-Label Object Recognition.

Hao Yang, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Yu Zhang, Bin-Bin Gao, Jianxin Wu, Jianfei Cai

31 TI-POOLING: Transformation-Invariant Pooling for Feature Learning in Convolutional Neural Networks.

Dmitry Laptev, Nikolay Savinov, Joachim M. Buhmann, Marc Pollefeys

32 Fashion Style in 128 Floats: Joint Ranking and Classification Using Weak Data for Feature Extraction.

Edgar Simo-Serra, Hiroshi Ishikawa

33 Equiangular Kernel Dictionary Learning With Applications to Dynamic Texture Analysis.

Yuhui Quan, Chenglong Bao, Hui Ji

34 Compact Bilinear Pooling.

Yang Gao, Oscar Beijbom, Ning Zhang, Trevor Darrell

Feature Extraction and Matching

35 Accumulated Stability Voting: A Robust Descriptor From Descriptors of Multiple Scales.

Tsun-Yi Yang, Yen-Yu Lin, Yung-Yu Chuang

36 CoMaL: Good Features to Match on Object Boundaries.

Swarna K. Ravindran, Anurag Mittal

37 Progressive Feature Matching With Alternate Descriptor Selection and Correspondence Enrichment.

Yuan-Ting Hu, Yen-Yu Lin

Image Segmentation

38 A New Finsler Minimal Path Model With Curvature Penalization for Image Segmentation and Closed Contour Detection.

Da Chen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, Laurent D. Cohen

39 Scale-Aware Alignment of Hierarchical Image Segmentation.

Yuhua Chen, Dengxin Dai, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Luc Van Gool

40 Deep Interactive Object Selection.

Ning Xu, Brian Price, Scott Cohen, Jimei Yang, Thomas S. Huang

41 Pull the Plug? Predicting If Computers or Humans Should Segment Images.

Danna Gurari, Suyog Jain, Margrit Betke, Kristen Grauman

42 In the Shadows, Shape Priors Shine: Using Occlusion to Improve Multi-Region Segmentation.

Yuka Kihara, Matvey Soloviev, Tsuhan Chen

43 Convexity Shape Constraints for Image Segmentation.

Loic A. Royer, David L. Richmond, Carsten Rother, Bjoern Andres, Dagmar Kainmueller

44 MCMC Shape Sampling for Image Segmentation With Nonparametric Shape Priors.

Ertunc Erdil, Sinan Yildirim, Müjdat Cetin, Tolga Tasdizen

Low-Level Vision

45 From Noise Modeling to Blind Image Denoising.

Fengyuan Zhu, Guangyong Chen, Pheng-Ann Heng

46 Efficient and Robust Color Consistency for Community Photo Collections.

Jaesik Park, Yu-Wing Tai, Sudipta N. Sinha, In So Kweon

47 Needle-Match: Reliable Patch Matching Under High Uncertainty.

Or Lotan, Michal Irani

48 ReconNet: Non-Iterative Reconstruction of Images From Compressively Sensed Measurements.

Kuldeep Kulkarni, Suhas Lohit, Pavan Turaga, Ronan Kerviche, Amit Ashok

49 Soft-Segmentation Guided Object Motion Deblurring.

Jinshan Pan, Zhe Hu, Zhixun Su, Hsin-Ying Lee, Ming-Hsuan Yang

50 Two Illuminant Estimation and User Correction Preference.

Dongliang Cheng, Abdelrahman Abdelhamed, Brian Price, Scott Cohen, Michael S. Brown

51 Deep Contrast Learning for Salient Object Detection.

Guanbin Li, Yizhou Yu

52 Multiview Image Completion With Space Structure Propagation.

Seung-Hwan Baek, Inchang Choi, Min H. Kim

53 Composition-Preserving Deep Photo Aesthetics Assessment.

Long Mai, Hailin Jin, Feng Liu

54 Automatic Image Cropping : A Computational Complexity Study.

Jiansheng Chen, Gaocheng Bai, Shaoheng Liang, Zhengqin Li

55 A Deeper Look at Saliency: Feature Contrast, Semantics, and Beyond.

Neil D. B. Bruce, Christopher Catton, Sasa Janjic

56 Spatially Binned ROC: A Comprehensive Saliency Metric.

Calden Wloka, John Tsotsos

57 GraB: Visual Saliency via Novel Graph Model and Background Priors.

Qiaosong Wang, Wen Zheng, Robinson Piramuthu

58 Predicting When Saliency Maps Are Accurate and Eye Fixations Consistent.

Anna Volokitin, Michael Gygli, Xavier Boix

59 Split and Match: Example-Based Adaptive Patch Sampling for Unsupervised Style Transfer.

Oriel Frigo, Neus Sabater, Julie Delon, Pierre Hellier

60 Detection and Accurate Localization of Circular Fiducials Under Highly Challenging Conditions.

Lilian Calvet, Pierre Gurdjos, Carsten Griwodz, Simone Gasparini

Scene Understanding

61 Scene Recognition With CNNs: Objects, Scales and Dataset Bias.

Luis Herranz, Shuqiang Jiang, Xiangyang Li

62 Learning Action Maps of Large Environments via First-Person Vision.

Nicholas Rhinehart, Kris M. Kitani

63 Single-Image Crowd Counting via Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network.

Yingying Zhang, Desen Zhou, Siqin Chen, Shenghua Gao, Yi Ma

64 Shallow and Deep Convolutional Networks for Saliency Prediction.

Junting Pan, Elisa Sayrol, Xavier Giro-i-Nieto, Kevin McGuinness, Noel E. O'Connor

65 Sample and Filter: Nonparametric Scene Parsing via Efficient Filtering.

Mohammad Najafi, Sarah Taghavi Namin, Mathieu Salzmann, Lars Petersson

66 DeLay: Robust Spatial Layout Estimation for Cluttered Indoor Scenes.

Saumitro Dasgupta, Kuan Fang, Kevin Chen, Silvio Savarese

67 A Text Detection System for Natural Scenes With Convolutional Feature Learning and Cascaded Classification.

Siyu Zhu, Richard Zanibbi

Segmentation and Saliency

68 Reversible Recursive Instance-Level Object Segmentation.

Xiaodan Liang, Yunchao Wei, Xiaohui Shen, Zequn Jie, Jiashi Feng, Liang Lin, Shuicheng Yan

69 Coherent Parametric Contours for Interactive Video Object Segmentation.

Yao Lu, Xue Bai, Linda Shapiro, Jue Wang

70 Manifold SLIC: A Fast Method to Compute Content-Sensitive Superpixels.

Yong-Jin Liu, Cheng-Chi Yu, Min-Jing Yu, Ying He

71 Deep Saliency With Encoded Low Level Distance Map and High Level Features.

Gayoung Lee, Yu-Wing Tai, Junmo Kim

72 Instance-Level Segmentation for Autonomous Driving With Deep Densely Connected MRFs.

Ziyu Zhang, Sanja Fidler, Raquel Urtasun

73 DHSNet: Deep Hierarchical Saliency Network for Salient Object Detection.

Nian Liu, Junwei Han

74 Object Co-Segmentation via Graph Optimized-Flexible Manifold Ranking.

Rong Quan, Junwei Han, Dingwen Zhang, Feiping Nie

Video Segmentation

75 Primary Object Segmentation in Videos via Alternate Convex Optimization of Foreground and Background Distributions.

Won-Dong Jang, Chulwoo Lee, Chang-Su Kim

76 Automatic Fence Segmentation in Videos of Dynamic Scenes.

Renjiao Yi, Jue Wang, Ping Tan

77 Discovering the Physical Parts of an Articulated Object Class From Multiple Videos.

Luca Del Pero, Susanna Ricco, Rahul Sukthankar, Vittorio Ferrari

78 A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation.

Federico Perazzi, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Brian McWilliams, Luc Van Gool, Markus Gross, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung

79 Learning Temporal Regularity in Video Sequences.

Mahmudul Hasan, Jonghyun Choi, Jan Neumann, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury, Larry S. Davis

80 Bilateral Space Video Segmentation.

Nicolas Maerki, Federico Perazzi, Oliver Wang, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung

81 ReD-SFA: Relation Discovery Based Slow Feature Analysis for Trajectory Clustering.

Zhang Zhang, Kaiqi Huang, Tieniu Tan, Peipei Yang, Jun Li

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Object Recognition and Detection

Monday, June 27th, 1:45PM - 2:50PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

1 Training Region-Based Object Detectors With Online Hard Example Mining.

Abhinav Shrivastava, Abhinav Gupta, Ross Girshick

2 Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.

Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun

3 You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection.

Joseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, Ali Farhadi

4 LocNet: Improving Localization Accuracy for Object Detection.

Spyros Gidaris, Nikos Komodakis

5 Sketch Me That Shoe.

Qian Yu, Feng Liu, Yi-Zhe Song, Tao Xiang, Timothy M. Hospedales, Chen-Change Loy

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Object Detection 1

Monday, June 27th, 2:50PM - 3:20PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

6 Deep Sliding Shapes for Amodal 3D Object Detection in RGB-D Images.

Shuran Song, Jianxiong Xiao

7 Object Detection From Video Tubelets With Convolutional Neural Networks.

Kai Kang, Wanli Ouyang, Hongsheng Li, Xiaogang Wang

8 Learning With Side Information Through Modality Hallucination.

Judy Hoffman, Saurabh Gupta, Trevor Darrell

9 Object-Proposal Evaluation Protocol is ‘Gameable’.

Neelima Chavali, Harsh Agrawal, Aroma Mahendru, Dhruv Batra

10 HyperNet: Towards Accurate Region Proposal Generation and Joint Object Detection.

Tao Kong, Anbang Yao, Yurong Chen, Fuchun Sun

11 We Don't Need No Bounding-Boxes: Training Object Class Detectors Using Only Human Verification.

Dim P. Papadopoulos, Jasper R. R. Uijlings, Frank Keller, Vittorio Ferrari

12 Factors in Finetuning Deep Model for Object Detection With Long-Tail Distribution.

Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang, Cong Zhang, Xiaokang Yang

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Vision With Alternative Sensors

Monday, June 27th, 1:45PM - 2:50PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

13 Information-Driven Adaptive Structured-Light Scanners.

Guy Rosman, Daniela Rus, John W. Fisher III

14 Simultaneous Optical Flow and Intensity Estimation From an Event Camera.

Patrick Bardow, Andrew J. Davison, Stefan Leutenegger

15 Macroscopic Interferometry: Rethinking Depth Estimation With Frequency-Domain Time-Of-Flight.

Achuta Kadambi, Jamie Schiel, Ramesh Raskar

16 ASP Vision: Optically Computing the First Layer of Convolutional Neural Networks Using Angle Sensitive Pixels.

Huaijin G. Chen, Suren Jayasuriya, Jiyue Yang, Judy Stephen, Sriram Sivaramakrishnan, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Alyosha Molnar

17 Computational Imaging for VLBI Image Reconstruction.

Katherine L. Bouman, Michael D. Johnson, Daniel Zoran, Vincent L. Fish, Sheperd S. Doeleman, William T. Freeman

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Video Analysis 1

Monday, June 27th, 2:50PM - 3:20PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

18 You Lead, We Exceed: Labor-Free Video Concept Learning by Jointly Exploiting Web Videos and Images.

Chuang Gan, Ting Yao, Kuiyuan Yang, Yi Yang, Tao Mei

19 Track and Segment: An Iterative Unsupervised Approach for Video Object Proposals.

Fanyi Xiao, Yong Jae Lee

20 Beyond Local Search: Tracking Objects Everywhere With Instance-Specific Proposals.

Gao Zhu, Fatih Porikli, Hongdong Li

21 Groupwise Tracking of Crowded Similar-Appearance Targets From Low-Continuity Image Sequences.

Hongkai Yu, Youjie Zhou, Jeff Simmons, Craig P. Przybyla, Yuewei Lin, Xiaochuan Fan, Yang Mi, Song Wang

22 Social LSTM: Human Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Spaces.

Alexandre Alahi, Kratarth Goel, Vignesh Ramanathan, Alexandre Robicquet, Li Fei-Fei, Silvio Savarese

23 What Players Do With the Ball: A Physically Constrained Interaction Modeling.

Andrii Maksai, Xinchao Wang, Pascal Fua

24 Highlight Detection With Pairwise Deep Ranking for First-Person Video Summarization.

Ting Yao, Tao Mei, Yong Rui

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Poster Session 1-2. Monday, June 27th, 4:45PM - 6:45PM.

Events, Activities, and Surveillance

25 Direct Prediction of 3D Body Poses From Motion Compensated Sequences.

Bugra Tekin, Artem Rozantsev, Vincent Lepetit, Pascal Fua

26 Video2GIF: Automatic Generation of Animated GIFs From Video.

Michael Gygli, Yale Song, Liangliang Cao

27 NTU RGB+D: A Large Scale Dataset for 3D Human Activity Analysis.

Amir Shahroudy, Jun Liu, Tian-Tsong Ng, Gang Wang

28 Progressively Parsing Interactional Objects for Fine Grained Action Detection.

Bingbing Ni, Xiaokang Yang, Shenghua Gao

29 Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Encoder for Video Representation With Application to Captioning.

Pingbo Pan, Zhongwen Xu, Yi Yang, Fei Wu, Yueting Zhuang

30 From Keyframes to Key Objects: Video Summarization by Representative Object Proposal Selection.

Jingjing Meng, Hongxing Wang, Junsong Yuan, Yap-Peng Tan

31 Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos via Multi-Stage CNNs.

Zheng Shou, Dongang Wang, Shih-Fu Chang

32 Summary Transfer: Exemplar-Based Subset Selection for Video Summarization.

Ke Zhang, Wei-Lun Chao, Fei Sha, Kristen Grauman

33 POD: Discovering Primary Objects in Videos Based on Evolutionary Refinement of Object Recurrence, Background, and Primary Object Models.

Yeong Jun Koh, Won-Dong Jang, Chang-Su Kim

34 What If We Do Not Have Multiple Videos of the Same Action? — Video Action Localization Using Web Images.

Waqas Sultani, Mubarak Shah

35 Beyond F-Formations: Determining Social Involvement in Free Standing Conversing Groups From Static Images.

Lu Zhang, Hayley Hung

Fine Grained Categorization

36 DeepFashion: Powering Robust Clothes Recognition and Retrieval With Rich Annotations.

Ziwei Liu, Ping Luo, Shi Qiu, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang

37 SketchNet: Sketch Classification With Web Images.

Hua Zhang, Si Liu, Changqing Zhang, Wenqi Ren, Rui Wang, Xiaochun Cao

38 Embedding Label Structures for Fine-Grained Feature Representation.

Xiaofan Zhang, Feng Zhou, Yuanqing Lin, Shaoting Zhang

39 Fine-Grained Image Classification by Exploring Bipartite-Graph Labels.

Feng Zhou, Yuanqing Lin

40 Picking Deep Filter Responses for Fine-Grained Image Recognition.

Xiaopeng Zhang, Hongkai Xiong, Wengang Zhou, Weiyao Lin, Qi Tian

41 SPDA-CNN: Unifying Semantic Part Detection and Abstraction for Fine-Grained Recognition.

Han Zhang, Tao Xu, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Xiaolei Huang, Shaoting Zhang, Ahmed Elgammal, Dimitris Metaxas

42 Fine-Grained Categorization and Dataset Bootstrapping Using Deep Metric Learning With Humans in the Loop.

Yin Cui, Feng Zhou, Yuanqing Lin, Serge Belongie

43 Mining Discriminative Triplets of Patches for Fine-Grained Classification.

Yaming Wang, Jonghyun Choi, Vlad Morariu, Larry S. Davis

44 Part-Stacked CNN for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization.

Shaoli Huang, Zhe Xu, Dacheng Tao, Ya Zhang

Feature Matching and Indexing

45 Learning Compact Binary Descriptors With Unsupervised Deep Neural Networks.

Kevin Lin, Jiwen Lu, Chu-Song Chen, Jie Zhou

46 Solving Small-Piece Jigsaw Puzzles by Growing Consensus.

Kilho Son, daniel Moreno, James Hays, David B. Cooper

47 Pairwise Matching Through Max-Weight Bipartite Belief Propagation.

Zhen Zhang, Qinfeng Shi, Julian McAuley, Wei Wei, Yanning Zhang, Anton van den Hengel

48 Structured Feature Similarity With Explicit Feature Map.

Takumi Kobayashi

49 Temporal Epipolar Regions.

Mor Dar, Yael Moses

Human ID

50 Recurrent Attention Models for Depth-Based Person Identification.

Albert Haque, Alexandre Alahi, Li Fei-Fei

51 Learning a Discriminative Null Space for Person Re-Identification.

Li Zhang, Tao Xiang, Shaogang Gong

52 Learning Deep Feature Representations With Domain Guided Dropout for Person Re-Identification.

Tong Xiao, Hongsheng Li, Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang

53 How Far Are We From Solving Pedestrian Detection?.

Shanshan Zhang, Rodrigo Benenson, Mohamed Omran, Jan Hosang, Bernt Schiele

54 Similarity Learning With Spatial Constraints for Person Re-Identification.

Dapeng Chen, Zejian Yuan, Badong Chen, Nanning Zheng

55 Sample-Specific SVM Learning for Person Re-Identification.

Ying Zhang, Baohua Li, Huchuan Lu, Atshushi Irie, Xiang Ruan

56 Joint Learning of Single-Image and Cross-Image Representations for Person Re-Identification.

Faqiang Wang, Wangmeng Zuo, Liang Lin, David Zhang, Lei Zhang

57 A Multi-Level Contextual Model For Person Recognition in Photo Albums.

Haoxiang Li, Jonathan Brandt, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Gang Hua

58 Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Transfer Learning for Person Re-Identification.

Peixi Peng, Tao Xiang, Yaowei Wang, Massimiliano Pontil, Shaogang Gong, Tiejun Huang, Yonghong Tian

59 Pedestrian Detection Inspired by Appearance Constancy and Shape Symmetry.

Jiale Cao, Yanwei Pang, Xuelong Li

60 Recurrent Convolutional Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification.

Niall McLaughlin, Jesus Martinez del Rincon, Paul Miller

61 Person Re-Identification by Multi-Channel Parts-Based CNN With Improved Triplet Loss Function.

De Cheng, Yihong Gong, Sanping Zhou, Jinjun Wang, Nanning Zheng

62 Top-Push Video-Based Person Re-Identification.

Jinjie You, Ancong Wu, Xiang Li, Wei-Shi Zheng

63 Improving Person Re-Identification via Pose-Aware Multi-Shot Matching.

Yeong-Jun Cho, Kuk-Jin Yoon

64 Hierarchical Gaussian Descriptor for Person Re-Identification.

Tetsu Matsukawa, Takahiro Okabe, Einoshin Suzuki, Yoichi Sato

Motion and Tracking

65 STCT: Sequentially Training Convolutional Networks for Visual Tracking.

Lijun Wang, Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang, Huchuan Lu

66 Determining Occlusions From Space and Time Image Reconstructions.

Juan-Manuel Pérez-Rúa, Tomas Crivelli, Patrick Bouthemy, Patrick Pérez

67 Online Multi-Object Tracking via Structural Constraint Event Aggregation.

Ju Hong Yoon, Chang-Ryeol Lee, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Kuk-Jin Yoon

68 Staple: Complementary Learners for Real-Time Tracking.

Luca Bertinetto, Jack Valmadre, Stuart Golodetz, Ondrej Miksik, Philip H. S. Torr

69 Robust Optical Flow Estimation of Double-Layer Images Under Transparency or Reflection.

Jiaolong Yang, Hongdong Li, Yuchao Dai, Robby T. Tan

70 Siamese Instance Search for Tracking.

Ran Tao, Efstratios Gavves, Arnold W.M. Smeulders

71 Adaptive Decontamination of the Training Set: A Unified Formulation for Discriminative Visual Tracking.

Martin Danelljan, Gustav Häger, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Michael Felsberg

72 3D Part-Based Sparse Tracker With Automatic Synchronization and Registration.

Adel Bibi, Tianzhu Zhang, Bernard Ghanem

73 Recurrently Target-Attending Tracking.

Zhen Cui, Shengtao Xiao, Jiashi Feng, Shuicheng Yan

Supervised Learning

74 Structured Regression Gradient Boosting.

Ferran Diego, Fred A. Hamprecht

75 Loss Functions for Top-k Error: Analysis and Insights.

Maksim Lapin, Matthias Hein, Bernt Schiele

76 Metric Learning as Convex Combinations of Local Models With Generalization Guarantees.

Valentina Zantedeschi, Rémi Emonet, Marc Sebban

77 Efficient Training of Very Deep Neural Networks for Supervised Hashing.

Ziming Zhang, Yuting Chen, Venkatesh Saligrama

78 Information Bottleneck Learning Using Privileged Information for Visual Recognition.

Saeid Motiian, Marco Piccirilli, Donald A. Adjeroh, Gianfranco Doretto

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Recognition and Parsing In 3D

Tuesday, June 28th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

1 3D Action Recognition From Novel Viewpoints.

Hossein Rahmani, Ajmal Mian

2 3D Shape Attributes.

David F. Fouhey, Abhinav Gupta, Andrew Zisserman

3 Three-Dimensional Object Detection and Layout Prediction Using Clouds of Oriented Gradients.

Zhile Ren, Erik B. Sudderth

4 3D Semantic Parsing of Large-Scale Indoor Spaces.

Iro Armeni, Ozan Sener, Amir R. Zamir, Helen Jiang, Ioannis Brilakis, Martin Fischer, Silvio Savarese

5 Dense Human Body Correspondences Using Convolutional Networks.

Lingyu Wei, Qixing Huang, Duygu Ceylan, Etienne Vouga, Hao Li

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Recognition Beyond Objects

Tuesday, June 28th, 10:05AM - 10:30AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

6 Geometry-Informed Material Recognition.

Joseph DeGol, Mani Golparvar-Fard, Derek Hoiem

7 Towards Open Set Deep Networks.

Abhijit Bendale, Terrance E. Boult

8 What's Wrong With That Object? Identifying Images of Unusual Objects by Modelling the Detection Score Distribution.

Peng Wang, Lingqiao Liu, Chunhua Shen, Zi Huang, Anton van den Hengel, Heng Tao Shen

9 Large-Scale Location Recognition and the Geometric Burstiness Problem.

Torsten Sattler, Michal Havlena, Konrad Schindler, Marc Pollefeys

10 Regularity-Driven Facade Matching Between Aerial and Street Views.

Mark Wolff, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu

11 Do Computational Models Differ Systematically From Human Object Perception?.

R. T. Pramod, S. P. Arun

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Image Processing and Restoration

Tuesday, June 28th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

12 Contour Detection in Unstructured 3D Point Clouds.

Timo Hackel, Jan D. Wegner, Konrad Schindler

13 Unsupervised Learning of Edges.

Yin Li, Manohar Paluri, James M. Rehg, Piotr Dollár

14 Blind Image Deblurring Using Dark Channel Prior.

Jinshan Pan, Deqing Sun, Hanspeter Pfister, Ming-Hsuan Yang

15 Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution.

Jiwon Kim, Jung Kwon Lee, Kyoung Mu Lee

16 Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Convolutional Networks.

Jiwon Kim, Jung Kwon Lee, Kyoung Mu Lee

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Image Processing and Restoration

Tuesday, June 28th, 10:05AM - 10:30AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

17 RAW Image Reconstruction Using a Self-Contained sRGB-JPEG Image With Only 64 KB Overhead.

Rang M. H. Nguyen, Michael S. Brown

18 Group MAD Competition - A New Methodology to Compare Objective Image Quality Models.

Kede Ma, Qingbo Wu, Zhou Wang, Zhengfang Duanmu, Hongwei Yong, Hongliang Li, Lei Zhang

19 Non-Local Image Dehazing.

Dana Berman, Tali treibitz, Shai Avidan

20 A Holistic Approach to Cross-Channel Image Noise Modeling and Its Application to Image Denoising.

Seonghyeon Nam, Youngbae Hwang, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Seon Joo Kim

21 Multispectral Images Denoising by Intrinsic Tensor Sparsity Regularization.

Qi Xie, Qian Zhao, Deyu Meng, Zongben Xu, Shuhang Gu, Wangmeng Zuo, Lei Zhang

22 A Comparative Study for Single Image Blind Deblurring.

Wei-Sheng Lai, Jia-Bin Huang, Zhe Hu, Narendra Ahuja, Ming-Hsuan Yang

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Poster Session 2-1. Tuesday, June 28th, 10:30AM - 12:30PM.

3D Vision

23 Spatiotemporal Bundle Adjustment for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction.

Minh Vo, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Yaser Sheikh

24 Inextensible Non-Rigid Shape-From-Motion by Second-Order Cone Programming.

Ajad Chhatkuli, Daniel Pizarro, Toby Collins, Adrien Bartoli

25 Optimal Relative Pose With Unknown Correspondences.

Johan Fredriksson, Viktor Larsson, Carl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl

26 Homography Estimation From the Common Self-Polar Triangle of Separate Ellipses.

Haifei Huang, Hui Zhang, Yiu-ming Cheung

27 Heterogeneous Light Fields.

Maximilian Diebold, Bernd Jähne, Alexander Gatto

28 A Consensus-Based Framework for Distributed Bundle Adjustment.

Anders Eriksson, John Bastian, Tat-Jun Chin, Mats Isaksson

29 Globally Optimal Manhattan Frame Estimation in Real-Time.

Kyungdon Joo, Tae-Hyun Oh, Junsik Kim, In So Kweon

30 Mirror Surface Reconstruction Under an Uncalibrated Camera.

Kai Han, Kwan-Yee K. Wong, Dirk Schnieders, Miaomiao Liu

31 A Hole Filling Approach Based on Background Reconstruction for View Synthesis in 3D Video.

Guibo Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, Zhaotian Li, Liming Zhang

32 A Direct Least-Squares Solution to the PnP Problem With Unknown Focal Length.

Yinqiang Zheng, Laurent Kneip

33 Efficient Intersection of Three Quadrics and Applications in Computer Vision.

Zuzana Kukelova, Jan Heller, Andrew Fitzgibbon

34 Using Spatial Order to Boost the Elimination of Incorrect Feature Matches.

Lior Talker, Yael Moses, Ilan Shimshoni

35 A Probabilistic Framework for Color-Based Point Set Registration.

Martin Danelljan, Giulia Meneghetti, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Michael Felsberg

Deblurring and Super-Resolution

36 Blind Image Deconvolution by Automatic Gradient Activation.

Dong Gong, Mingkui Tan, Yanning Zhang, Anton van den Hengel, Qinfeng Shi

37 PSyCo: Manifold Span Reduction for Super Resolution.

Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Jordi Salvador, Javier Ruiz-Hidalgo, Bodo Rosenhahn

38 Parametric Object Motion From Blur.

Jochen Gast, Anita Sellent, Stefan Roth

39 Image Deblurring Using Smartphone Inertial Sensors.

Zhe Hu, Lu Yuan, Stephen Lin, Ming-Hsuan Yang

40 Seven Ways to Improve Example-Based Single Image Super Resolution.

Radu Timofte, Rasmus Rothe, Luc Van Gool

41 Real-Time Single Image and Video Super-Resolution Using an Efficient Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Network.

Wenzhe Shi, Jose Caballero, Ferenc Huszár, Johannes Totz, Andrew P. Aitken, Rob Bishop, Daniel Rueckert, Zehan Wang

Events, Actions, and Activity Recognition

42 They Are Not Equally Reliable: Semantic Event Search Using Differentiated Concept Classifiers.

Xiaojun Chang, Yao-Liang Yu, Yi Yang, Eric P. Xing

43 Going Deeper into First-Person Activity Recognition.

Minghuang Ma, Haoqi Fan, Kris M. Kitani

44 Cascaded Interactional Targeting Network for Egocentric Video Analysis.

Yang Zhou, Bingbing Ni, Richang Hong, Xiaokang Yang, Qi Tian

45 Fast Temporal Activity Proposals for Efficient Detection of Human Actions in Untrimmed Videos.

Fabian Caba Heilbron, Juan Carlos Niebles, Bernard Ghanem

46 Discriminative Hierarchical Rank Pooling for Activity Recognition.

Basura Fernando, Peter Anderson, Marcus Hutter, Stephen Gould

47 Convolutional Two-Stream Network Fusion for Video Action Recognition.

Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz, Andrew Zisserman

48 Learning Activity Progression in LSTMs for Activity Detection and Early Detection.

Shugao Ma, Leonid Sigal, Stan Sclaroff

49 VLAD3: Encoding Dynamics of Deep Features for Action Recognition.

Yingwei Li, Weixin Li, Vijay Mahadevan, Nuno Vasconcelos

50 A Multi-Stream Bi-Directional Recurrent Neural Network for Fine-Grained Action Detection.

Bharat Singh, Tim K. Marks, Michael Jones, Oncel Tuzel, Ming Shao

51 A Hierarchical Deep Temporal Model for Group Activity Recognition.

Mostafa S. Ibrahim, Srikanth Muralidharan, Zhiwei Deng, Arash Vahdat, Greg Mori

52 A Hierarchical Pose-Based Approach to Complex Action Understanding Using Dictionaries of Actionlets and Motion Poselets.

Ivan Lillo, Juan Carlos Niebles, Alvaro Soto

53 A Key Volume Mining Deep Framework for Action Recognition.

Wangjiang Zhu, Jie Hu, Gang Sun, Xudong Cao, Yu Qiao

Image Indexing and Retrieval

54 Improved Hamming Distance Search Using Variable Length Substrings.

Eng-Jon Ong, Miroslaw Bober

55 Shortlist Selection With Residual-Aware Distance Estimator for K-Nearest Neighbor Search.

Jae-Pil Heo, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Jonathan Brandt, Sung-eui Yoon

56 Supervised Quantization for Similarity Search .

Xiaojuan Wang, Ting Zhang, Guo-Jun Qi, Jinhui Tang, Jingdong Wang

57 Efficient Large-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search on the GPU.

Patrick Wieschollek, Oliver Wang, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung, Hendrik P. A. Lensch

58 Collaborative Quantization for Cross-Modal Similarity Search.

Ting Zhang, Jingdong Wang

59 Aggregating Image and Text Quantized Correlated Components.

Thi Quynh Nhi Tran, Hervé Le Borgne, Michel Crucianu

60 Efficient Indexing of Billion-Scale Datasets of Deep Descriptors.

Artem Babenko, Victor Lempitsky

61 Deep Supervised Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval.

Haomiao Liu, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

62 Efficient Large-Scale Similarity Search Using Matrix Factorization.

Ahmet Iscen, Michael Rabbat, Teddy Furon

63 Incremental Object Discovery in Time-Varying Image Collections.

Theodora Kontogianni, Markus Mathias, Bastian Leibe

Motion and Tracking

64 Detecting Migrating Birds at Night.

Jia-Bin Huang, Rich Caruana, Andrew Farnsworth, Steve Kelling, Narendra Ahuja

Object Class Detection and Recognition

65 When Naïve Bayes Nearest Neighbors Meet Convolutional Neural Networks.

Ilja Kuzborskij, Fabio Maria Carlucci, Barbara Caputo

66 Traffic-Sign Detection and Classification in the Wild.

Zhe Zhu, Dun Liang, Songhai Zhang, Xiaolei Huang, Baoli Li, Shimin Hu

67 Large Scale Semi-Supervised Object Detection Using Visual and Semantic Knowledge Transfer.

Yuxing Tang, Josiah Wang, Boyang Gao, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Robert Gaizauskas, Liming Chen

68 Exploit All the Layers: Fast and Accurate CNN Object Detector With Scale Dependent Pooling and Cascaded Rejection Classifiers.

Fan Yang, Wongun Choi, Yuanqing Lin

69 Dictionary Pair Classifier Driven Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection.

Keze Wang, Liang Lin, Wangmeng Zuo, Shuhang Gu, Lei Zhang

70 Monocular 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving.

Xiaozhi Chen, Kaustav Kundu, Ziyu Zhang, Huimin Ma, Sanja Fidler, Raquel Urtasun

71 How Hard Can It Be? Estimating the Difficulty of Visual Search in an Image.

Radu Tudor Ionescu, Bogdan Alexe, Marius Leordeanu, Marius Popescu, Dim P. Papadopoulos, Vittorio Ferrari

72 Deep Relative Distance Learning: Tell the Difference Between Similar Vehicles.

Hongye Liu, Yonghong Tian, Yaowei Yang, Lu Pang, Tiejun Huang

Recognition and Detection

73 Eye Tracking for Everyone.

Kyle Krafka, Aditya Khosla, Petr Kellnhofer, Suchendra Bhandarkar, Wojciech Matusik, Antonio Torralba

74 Efficient Globally Optimal 2D-To-3D Deformable Shape Matching.

Zorah Lähner, Emanuele Rodolà, Frank R. Schmidt, Michael M. Bronstein, Daniel Cremers

75 Ambiguity Helps: Classification With Disagreements in Crowdsourced Annotations.

Viktoriia Sharmanska, Daniel Hernández-Lobato, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Novi Quadrianto

76 A Task-Oriented Approach for Cost-Sensitive Recognition.

Roozbeh Mottaghi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Ali Farhadi

77 Refining Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.

Sukrit Shankar, Duncan Robertson, Yani Ioannou, Antonio Criminisi, Roberto Cipolla

78 iLab-20M: A Large-Scale Controlled Object Dataset to Investigate Deep Learning.

Ali Borji, Saeed Izadi, Laurent Itti

79 Recursive Recurrent Nets With Attention Modeling for OCR in the Wild.

Chen-Yu Lee, Simon Osindero

80 Deep Decision Network for Multi-Class Image Classification.

Venkatesh N. Murthy, Vivek Singh, Terrence Chen, R. Manmatha, Dorin Comaniciu

81 Less Is More: Zero-Shot Learning From Online Textual Documents With Noise Suppression.

Ruizhi Qiao, Lingqiao Liu, Chunhua Shen, Anton van den Hengel

82 Fast Algorithms for Linear and Kernel SVM+.

Wen Li, Dengxin Dai, Mingkui Tan, Dong Xu, Luc Van Gool

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Recognition and Labeling

Tuesday, June 28th, 1:45PM - 2:50PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

1 Hierarchically Gated Deep Networks for Semantic Segmentation.

Guo-Jun Qi

2 Deep Structured Scene Parsing by Learning With Image Descriptions.

Liang Lin, Guangrun Wang, Rui Zhang, Ruimao Zhang, Xiaodan Liang, Wangmeng Zuo

3 CNN-RNN: A Unified Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification.

Jiang Wang, Yi Yang, Junhua Mao, Zhiheng Huang, Chang Huang, Wei Xu

4 Walk and Learn: Facial Attribute Representation Learning From Egocentric Video and Contextual Data.

Jing Wang, Yu Cheng, Rogerio Schmidt Feris

5 CNN-N-Gram for Handwriting Word Recognition.

Arik Poznanski , Lior Wolf

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Object Detection 2

Tuesday, June 28th, 2:50PM - 3:20PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

6 Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images.

Ankush Gupta, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman

7 End-To-End People Detection in Crowded Scenes.

Russell Stewart, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Andrew Y. Ng

8 Real-Time Salient Object Detection With a Minimum Spanning Tree.

Wei-Chih Tu , Shengfeng He, Qingxiong Yang, Shao-Yi Chien

9 Local Background Enclosure for RGB-D Salient Object Detection.

David Feng, Nick Barnes, Shaodi You, Chris McCarthy

10 Adaptive Object Detection Using Adjacency and Zoom Prediction.

Yongxi Lu, Tara Javidi, Svetlana Lazebnik

11 Semantic Channels for Fast Pedestrian Detection.

Arthur Daniel Costea, Sergiu Nedevschi

12 G-CNN: An Iterative Grid Based Object Detector.

Mahyar Najibi, Mohammad Rastegari, Larry S. Davis

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Computational Photography and Faces

Tuesday, June 28th, 1:45PM - 2:50PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

13 Recurrent Face Aging.

Wei Wang, Zhen Cui, Yan Yan, Jiashi Feng, Shuicheng Yan, Xiangbo Shu, Nicu Sebe

14 Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos.

Justus Thies, Michael Zollhöfer, Marc Stamminger, Christian Theobalt, Matthias Nießner

15 Self-Adaptive Matrix Completion for Heart Rate Estimation From Face Videos Under Realistic Conditions.

Sergey Tulyakov, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Elisa Ricci, Lijun Yin, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Nicu Sebe

16 Visually Indicated Sounds.

Andrew Owens, Phillip Isola, Josh McDermott, Antonio Torralba, Edward H. Adelson, William T. Freeman

17 Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks.

Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge

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Computational Photography and Biomedical Applications

Tuesday, June 28th, 2:50PM - 3:20PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

18 Patch-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Whole Slide Tissue Image Classification.

Le Hou, Dimitris Samaras, Tahsin M. Kurc, Yi Gao, James E. Davis, Joel H. Saltz

19 Hedgehog Shape Priors for Multi-Object Segmentation.

Hossam Isack, Olga Veksler, Milan Sonka, Yuri Boykov

20 Latent Variable Graphical Model Selection Using Harmonic Analysis: Applications to the Human Connectome Project (HCP).

Won Hwa Kim, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Nagesh Adluru, Vikas Singh

21 Simultaneous Estimation of Near IR BRDF and Fine-Scale Surface Geometry.

Gyeongmin Choe, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, In So Kweon

22 Do It Yourself Hyperspectral Imaging With Everyday Digital Cameras.

Seoung Wug Oh, Michael S. Brown, Marc Pollefeys, Seon Joo Kim

23 Automatic Content-Aware Color and Tone Stylization.

Joon-Young Lee, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, In So Kweon

24 Combining Markov Random Fields and Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Synthesis.

Chuan Li, Michael Wand

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Poster Session 2-2. Tuesday, June 28th, 4:45PM - 6:45PM.

Biomedical Image Analysis

25 DCAN: Deep Contour-Aware Networks for Accurate Gland Segmentation.

Hao Chen, Xiaojuan Qi, Lequan Yu, Pheng-Ann Heng

26 Learning to Read Chest X-Rays: Recurrent Neural Cascade Model for Automated Image Annotation.

Hoo-Chang Shin, Kirk Roberts, Le Lu, Dina Demner-Fushman, Jianhua Yao, Ronald M. Summers

27 Conformal Surface Alignment With Optimal Möbius Search.

Huu Le, Tat-Jun Chin, David Suter

28 Coupled Harmonic Bases for Longitudinal Characterization of Brain Networks.

Seong Jae Hwang, Nagesh Adluru, Maxwell D. Collins, Sathya N. Ravi, Barbara B. Bendlin, Sterling C. Johnson, Vikas Singh

29 Automating Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Video Interpretation With Convolutional Neural Networks.

Jae Shin, Nima Tajbakhsh, R. Todd Hurst, Christopher B. Kendall, Jianming Liang

Deep Learning and CNNs

30 Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting.

Deepak Pathak, Philipp Krähenbuhl, Jeff Donahue, Trevor Darrell, Alexei A. Efros

31 Comparative Deep Learning of Hybrid Representations for Image Recommendations.

Chenyi Lei, Dong Liu, Weiping Li, Zheng-Jun Zha, Houqiang Li

32 Fast ConvNets Using Group-Wise Brain Damage.

Vadim Lebedev, Victor Lempitsky

33 Learning to Co-Generate Object Proposals With a Deep Structured Network.

Zeeshan Hayder, Xuming He, Mathieu Salzmann

34 DeepFool: A Simple and Accurate Method to Fool Deep Neural Networks.

Seyed-Mohsen Moosavi-Dezfooli, Alhussein Fawzi, Pascal Frossard

35 Blockout: Dynamic Model Selection for Hierarchical Deep Networks.

Calvin Murdock, Zhen Li, Howard Zhou, Tom Duerig

36 FireCaffe: Near-Linear Acceleration of Deep Neural Network Training on Compute Clusters.

Forrest N. Iandola, Matthew W. Moskewicz, Khalid Ashraf, Kurt Keutzer

37 MDL-CW: A Multimodal Deep Learning Framework With Cross Weights.

Sarah Rastegar, Mahdieh Soleymani, Hamid R. Rabiee, Seyed Mohsen Shojaee

38 Structured Receptive Fields in CNNs.

Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen, Jan van Gemert, Zhongyu Lou, Arnold W. M. Smeulders

Events, Actions, and Activity Recognition

39 First Person Action Recognition Using Deep Learned Descriptors.

Suriya Singh, Chetan Arora, C. V. Jawahar

40 Recognizing Micro-Actions and Reactions From Paired Egocentric Videos.

Ryo Yonetani, Kris M. Kitani, Yoichi Sato

41 Mining 3D Key-Pose-Motifs for Action Recognition.

Chunyu Wang, Yizhou Wang, Alan L. Yuille

42 Predicting the Where and What of Actors and Actions Through Online Action Localization.

Khurram Soomro, Haroon Idrees, Mubarak Shah

43 Actions ~ Transformations.

Xiaolong Wang, Ali Farhadi, Abhinav Gupta

44 Visual Path Prediction in Complex Scenes With Crowded Moving Objects.

YoungJoon Yoo, Kimin Yun, Sangdoo Yun, JongHee Hong, Hawook Jeong, Jin Young Choi

45 End-To-End Learning of Action Detection From Frame Glimpses in Videos.

Serena Yeung, Olga Russakovsky, Greg Mori, Li Fei-Fei

46 Action Recognition in Video Using Sparse Coding and Relative Features.

Analí Alfaro, Domingo Mery, Alvaro Soto

47 Improving Human Action Recognition by Non-Action Classification.

Yang Wang, Minh Hoai

48 Actionness Estimation Using Hybrid Fully Convolutional Networks.

Limin Wang, Yu Qiao, Xiaoou Tang, Luc Van Gool

49 Real-Time Action Recognition With Enhanced Motion Vector CNNs.

Bowen Zhang, Limin Wang, Zhe Wang, Yu Qiao, Hanli Wang

Image Enhancement, Restoration, and Texture

50 Laplacian Patch-Based Image Synthesis.

Joo Ho Lee, Inchang Choi, Min H. Kim

51 Rain Streak Removal Using Layer Priors.

Yu Li, Robby T. Tan, Xiaojie Guo, Jiangbo Lu, Michael S. Brown

52 Gradient-Domain Image Reconstruction Framework With Intensity-Range and Base-Structure Constraints.

Takashi Shibata, Masayuki Tanaka, Masatoshi Okutomi

53 Removing Clouds and Recovering Ground Observations in Satellite Image Sequences via Temporally Contiguous Robust Matrix Completion.

Jialei Wang, Peder A. Olsen, Andrew R. Conn, Aurélie C. Lozano

54 D3: Deep Dual-Domain Based Fast Restoration of JPEG-Compressed Images.

Zhangyang Wang, Ding Liu, Shiyu Chang, Qing Ling, Yingzhen Yang, Thomas S. Huang

55 From Bows to Arrows: Rolling Shutter Rectification of Urban Scenes.

Vijay Rengarajan, Ambasamudram N. Rajagopalan, Rangarajan Aravind

56 A Weighted Variational Model for Simultaneous Reflectance and Illumination Estimation.

Xueyang Fu, Delu Zeng, Yue Huang, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Xinghao Ding

57 Visualizing and Understanding Deep Texture Representations.

Tsung-Yu Lin, Subhransu Maji

Low-Level Vision

58 Robust Kernel Estimation With Outliers Handling for Image Deblurring.

Jinshan Pan, Zhouchen Lin, Zhixun Su, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Large Scale Visual Recognition

59 Online Collaborative Learning for Open-Vocabulary Visual Classifiers.

Hanwang Zhang, Xindi Shang, Wenzhuo Yang, Huan Xu, Huanbo Luan, Tat-Seng Chua

60 Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision.

Christian Szegedy, Vincent Vanhoucke, Sergey Ioffe, Jon Shlens, Zbigniew Wojna

Object Class Detection and Recognition

61 Cross Modal Distillation for Supervision Transfer.

Saurabh Gupta, Judy Hoffman, Jitendra Malik

62 Efficient Point Process Inference for Large-Scale Object Detection.

Trung T. Pham, Seyed Hamid Rezatofighi, Ian Reid, Tat-Jun Chin

63 Weakly Supervised Deep Detection Networks.

Hakan Bilen, Andrea Vedaldi

64 BORDER: An Oriented Rectangles Approach to Texture-Less Object Recognition.

Jacob Chan, Jimmy Addison Lee, Qian Kemao

65 Active Image Segmentation Propagation.

Suyog Dutt Jain, Kristen Grauman

66 Inside-Outside Net: Detecting Objects in Context With Skip Pooling and Recurrent Neural Networks.

Sean Bell, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Kavita Bala, Ross Girshick

67 RIFD-CNN: Rotation-Invariant and Fisher Discriminative Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection.

Gong Cheng, Peicheng Zhou, Junwei Han

68 Reinforcement Learning for Visual Object Detection.

Stefan Mathe, Aleksis Pirinen, Cristian Sminchisescu

69 Detecting Repeating Objects Using Patch Correlation Analysis.

Inbar Huberman, Raanan Fattal

70 Analyzing Classifiers: Fisher Vectors and Deep Neural Networks.

Sebastian Bach, Alexander Binder, Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller, Wojciech Samek

Scene and Image Classification

71 Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization.

Bolei Zhou, Aditya Khosla, Agata Lapedriza, Aude Oliva, Antonio Torralba

72 Seeing Through the Human Reporting Bias: Visual Classifiers From Noisy Human-Centric Labels.

Ishan Misra, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Margaret Mitchell, Ross Girshick

73 Learning Aligned Cross-Modal Representations From Weakly Aligned Data.

Lluís Castrejón, Yusuf Aytar, Carl Vondrick, Hamed Pirsiavash, Antonio Torralba

74 A Probabilistic Collaborative Representation Based Approach for Pattern Classification.

Sijia Cai, Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, Xiangchu Feng

75 Learning Structured Inference Neural Networks With Label Relations.

Hexiang Hu, Guang-Tong Zhou, Zhiwei Deng, Zicheng Liao, Greg Mori

76 Discriminative Multi-Modal Feature Fusion for RGBD Indoor Scene Recognition.

Hongyuan Zhu, Jean-Baptiste Weibel, Shijian Lu

77 Conditional Graphical Lasso for Multi-Label Image Classification.

Qiang Li, Maoying Qiao, Wei Bian, Dacheng Tao

78 Region Ranking SVM for Image Classification.

Zijun Wei, Minh Hoai

Scene Understanding

79 Predicting Motivations of Actions by Leveraging Text.

Carl Vondrick, Deniz Oktay, Hamed Pirsiavash, Antonio Torralba

Video Surveilance

80 BoxCars: 3D Boxes as CNN Input for Improved Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition.

Jakub Sochor, Adam Herout, Jiří Havel

81 Highway Vehicle Counting in Compressed Domain.

Xu Liu, Zilei Wang, Jiashi Feng, Hongsheng Xi

82 Camera Calibration From Periodic Motion of a Pedestrian.

Shiyao Huang, Xianghua Ying, Jiangpeng Rong, Zeyu Shang, Hongbin Zha

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Actions and Human Pose

Wednesday, June 29th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

1 Dynamic Image Networks for Action Recognition.

Hakan Bilen, Basura Fernando, Efstratios Gavves, Andrea Vedaldi, Stephen Gould

2 Detecting Events and Key Actors in Multi-Person Videos.

Vignesh Ramanathan, Jonathan Huang, Sami Abu-El-Haija, Alexander Gorban, Kevin Murphy, Li Fei-Fei

3 Regularizing Long Short Term Memory With 3D Human-Skeleton Sequences for Action Recognition.

Behrooz Mahasseni, Sinisa Todorovic

4 Personalizing Human Video Pose Estimation.

James Charles, Tomas Pfister, Derek Magee, David Hogg, Andrew Zisserman

5 End-To-End Learning of Deformable Mixture of Parts and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation.

Wei Yang, Wanli Ouyang, Hongsheng Li, Xiaogang Wang

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Activity Recognition

Wednesday, June 29th, 10:05AM - 10:30AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

6 Actor-Action Semantic Segmentation With Grouping Process Models.

Chenliang Xu, Jason J. Corso

7 Temporal Action Localization With Pyramid of Score Distribution Features.

Jun Yuan, Bingbing Ni, Xiaokang Yang, Ashraf A. Kassim

8 Recognizing Activities of Daily Living With a Wrist-Mounted Camera.

Katsunori Ohnishi, Atsushi Kanehira, Asako Kanezaki, Tatsuya Harada

9 Harnessing Object and Scene Semantics for Large-Scale Video Understanding.

Zuxuan Wu, Yanwei Fu, Yu-Gang Jiang, Leonid Sigal

10 Video-Story Composition via Plot Analysis.

Jinsoo Choi, Tae-Hyun Oh, In So Kweon

11 Temporal Action Detection Using a Statistical Language Model.

Alexander Richard, Juergen Gall

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Semantic Segmentation

Wednesday, June 29th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

12 Multi-Scale Patch Aggregation (MPA) for Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation.

Shu Liu, Xiaojuan Qi, Jianping Shi, Hong Zhang, Jiaya Jia

13 Instance-Aware Semantic Segmentation via Multi-Task Network Cascades.

Jifeng Dai, Kaiming He, Jian Sun

14 ScribbleSup: Scribble-Supervised Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation.

Di Lin, Jifeng Dai, Jiaya Jia, Kaiming He, Jian Sun

15 Feature Space Optimization for Semantic Video Segmentation.

Abhijit Kundu, Vibhav Vineet, Vladlen Koltun

16 Large-Scale Semantic 3D Reconstruction: An Adaptive Multi-Resolution Model for Multi-Class Volumetric Labeling.

Maroš Bláha, Christoph Vogel, Audrey Richard, Jan D. Wegner, Thomas Pock, Konrad Schindler

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Semantic Parsing and Segmentation

Wednesday, June 29th, 10:05AM - 10:30AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

17 Semantic Object Parsing With Local-Global Long Short-Term Memory.

Xiaodan Liang, Xiaohui Shen, Donglai Xiang, Jiashi Feng, Liang Lin, Shuicheng Yan

18 Efficient Piecewise Training of Deep Structured Models for Semantic Segmentation.

Guosheng Lin, Chunhua Shen, Anton van den Hengel, Ian Reid

19 Learning Transferrable Knowledge for Semantic Segmentation With Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

Seunghoon Hong, Junhyuk Oh, Honglak Lee , Bohyung Han

20 The Cityscapes Dataset for Semantic Urban Scene Understanding.

Marius Cordts, Mohamed Omran, Sebastian Ramos, Timo Rehfeld, Markus Enzweiler, Rodrigo Benenson, Uwe Franke, Stefan Roth, Bernt Schiele

21 Gaussian Conditional Random Field Network for Semantic Segmentation.

Raviteja Vemulapalli, Oncel Tuzel, Ming-Yu Liu, Rama Chellapa

22 The SYNTHIA Dataset: A Large Collection of Synthetic Images for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes.

German Ros, Laura Sellart, Joanna Materzynska, David Vazquez, Antonio M. López

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Poster Session 3-1. Wednesday, June 29th, 10:30AM - 12:30PM.

3D Vision

23 Progressive Prioritized Multi-View Stereo.

Alex Locher, Michal Perdoch, Luc Van Gool

24 WarpNet: Weakly Supervised Matching for Single-View Reconstruction.

Angjoo Kanazawa, David W. Jacobs, Manmohan Chandraker

25 What Sparse Light Field Coding Reveals About Scene Structure.

Ole Johannsen, Antonin Sulc, Bastian Goldluecke

26 Online Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes From RGB-D Streams.

Hao Wang, Jun Wang, Wang Liang

27 Patches, Planes and Probabilities: A Non-Local Prior for Volumetric 3D Reconstruction.

Ali Osman Ulusoy, Michael J. Black, Andreas Geiger

28 Single Image Camera Calibration With Lenticular Arrays for Augmented Reality.

Ian Schillebeeckx, Robert Pless

29 Augmented Blendshapes for Real-Time Simultaneous 3D Head Modeling and Facial Motion Capture.

Diego Thomas, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi

30 Learned Binary Spectral Shape Descriptor for 3D Shape Correspondence.

Jin Xie, Meng Wang, Yi Fang

31 Multiple Model Fitting as a Set Coverage Problem.

Luca Magri, Andrea Fusiello

32 Piecewise-Planar 3D Approximation From Wide-Baseline Stereo.

Cédric Verleysen, Christophe De Vleeschouwer

33 Sparse to Dense 3D Reconstruction From Rolling Shutter Images.

Olivier Saurer, Marc Pollefeys, Gim Hee Lee

34 Consistency of Silhouettes and Their Duals.

Matthew Trager, Martial Hebert, Jean Ponce

35 Rolling Shutter Absolute Pose Problem With Known Vertical Direction.

Cenek Albl, Zuzana Kukelova, Tomas Pajdla

36 Uncertainty-Driven 6D Pose Estimation of Objects and Scenes From a Single RGB Image.

Eric Brachmann, Frank Michel, Alexander Krull, Michael Ying Yang, Stefan Gumhold, carsten Rother

37 Multicamera Calibration From Visible and Mirrored Epipoles.

Andrey Bushnevskiy, Lorenzo Sorgi, Bodo Rosenhahn

Face and Gesture

38 Joint Unsupervised Deformable Spatio-Temporal Alignment of Sequences.

Lazaros Zafeiriou, Epameinondas Antonakos, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Maja Pantic

39 Deep Region and Multi-Label Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection.

Kaili Zhao, Wen-Sheng Chu, Honggang Zhang

40 Constrained Joint Cascade Regression Framework for Simultaneous Facial Action Unit Recognition and Facial Landmark Detection.

Yue Wu, Qiang Ji

41 Unconstrained Face Alignment via Cascaded Compositional Learning.

Shizhan Zhu, Cheng Li, Chen-Change Loy, Xiaoou Tang

42 Automated 3D Face Reconstruction From Multiple Images Using Quality Measures.

Marcel Piotraschke, Volker Blanz

43 Occlusion-Free Face Alignment: Deep Regression Networks Coupled With De-Corrupt AutoEncoders.

Jie Zhang, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

44 Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Corpus for Human Behavior Analysis.

Zheng Zhang, Jeff M. Girard, Yue Wu, Xing Zhang, Peng Liu, Umur Ciftci, Shaun Canavan, Michael Reale, Andy Horowitz, Huiyuan Yang, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Qiang Ji, Lijun Yin

45 Learning Reconstruction-Based Remote Gaze Estimation.

Pei Yu, Jiahuan Zhou, Ying Wu

46 Joint Training of Cascaded CNN for Face Detection.

Hongwei Qin, Junjie Yan, Xiu Li, Xiaolin Hu

47 Facial Expression Intensity Estimation Using Ordinal Information.

Rui Zhao, Quan Gan, Shangfei Wang, Qiang Ji

Recognition and Detection

48 Proposal Flow.

Bumsub Ham, Minsu Cho, Cordelia Schmid, Jean Ponce

49 ProNet: Learning to Propose Object-Specific Boxes for Cascaded Neural Networks.

Chen Sun, Manohar Paluri, Ronan Collobert, Ram Nevatia, Lubomir Bourdev

50 Seeing Behind the Camera: Identifying the Authorship of a Photograph.

Christopher Thomas, Adriana Kovashka

51 Material Classification Using Raw Time-Of-Flight Measurements.

Shuochen Su, Felix Heide, Robin Swanson, Jonathan Klein, Clara Callenberg, Matthias Hullin, Wolfgang Heidrich

52 Weakly Supervised Object Localization With Progressive Domain Adaptation.

Dong Li, Jia-Bin Huang, Yali Li, Shengjin Wang, Ming-Hsuan Yang

53 Newtonian Scene Understanding: Unfolding the Dynamics of Objects in Static Images.

Roozbeh Mottaghi, Hessam Bagherinezhad, Mohammad Rastegari, Ali Farhadi

54 Identifying Good Training Data for Self-Supervised Free Space Estimation.

Ali Harakeh, Daniel Asmar, Elie Shammas

55 Learning to Match Aerial Images With Deep Attentive Architectures.

Hani Altwaijry, Eduard Trulls, James Hays, Pascal Fua, Serge Belongie

56 Track and Transfer: Watching Videos to Simulate Strong Human Supervision for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection.

Krishna Kumar Singh, Fanyi Xiao, Yong Jae Lee

57 DeepCAMP: Deep Convolutional Action & Attribute Mid-Level Patterns.

Ali Diba, Ali Mohammad Pazandeh, Hamed Pirsiavash, Luc Van Gool

58 Canny Text Detector: Fast and Robust Scene Text Localization Algorithm.

Hojin Cho, Myungchul Sung, Bongjin Jun

59 Temporal Multimodal Learning in Audiovisual Speech Recognition.

Di Hu, Xuelong Li, Xiaoqiang lu

60 Recovering 6D Object Pose and Predicting Next-Best-View in the Crowd.

Andreas Doumanoglou, Rigas Kouskouridas, Sotiris Malassiotis, Tae-Kyun Kim

61 Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation in Single Depth Images: From Single-View CNN to Multi-View CNNs.

Liuhao Ge, Hui Liang, Junsong Yuan, Daniel Thalmann

Semantic Image Segmentation

62 Semantic Segmentation With Boundary Neural Fields.

Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani

63 HD Maps: Fine-Grained Road Segmentation by Parsing Ground and Aerial Images.

Gellért Máttyus, Shenlong Wang, Sanja Fidler, Raquel Urtasun

64 DAG-Recurrent Neural Networks For Scene Labeling.

Bing Shuai, Zhen Zuo, Bing Wang, Gang Wang

65 Saliency Guided Dictionary Learning for Weakly-Supervised Image Parsing.

Baisheng Lai, Xiaojin Gong

66 Attention to Scale: Scale-Aware Semantic Image Segmentation.

Liang-Chieh Chen, Yi Yang, Jiang Wang, Wei Xu, Alan L. Yuille

67 Scene Labeling Using Sparse Precision Matrix.

Nasim Souly, Mubarak Shah

68 Iterative Instance Segmentation.

Ke Li, Bharath Hariharan, Jitendra Malik

69 Recurrent Attentional Networks for Saliency Detection.

Jason Kuen, Zhenhua Wang, Gang Wang

Semantic Video Segmentation

70 Instance-Level Video Segmentation From Object Tracks.

Guillaume Seguin, Piotr Bojanowski, Rémi Lajugie, Ivan Laptev

71 Semantic Instance Annotation of Street Scenes by 3D to 2D Label Transfer.

Jun Xie, Martin Kiefel, Ming-Ting Sun, Andreas Geiger

Shape From X

72 Amplitude Modulated Video Camera - Light Separation in Dynamic Scenes.

Amir Kolaman, Maxim Lvov, Rami Hagege, Hugo Guterman

73 A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation for Non-Lambertian and Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo.

Boxin Shi, Zhe Wu, Zhipeng Mo, Dinglong Duan, Sai-Kit Yeung, Ping Tan

74 Depth From Semi-Calibrated Stereo and Defocus.

Ting-Chun Wang, Manohar Srikanth, Ravi Ramamoorthi

75 Exploiting Spectral-Spatial Correlation for Coded Hyperspectral Image Restoration.

Ying Fu, Yinqiang Zheng, Imari Sato, Yoichi Sato

76 Variable Aperture Light Field Photography: Overcoming the Diffraction-Limited Spatio-Angular Resolution Tradeoff.

Julie Chang, Isaac Kauvar, Xuemei Hu, Gordon Wetzstein

77 Convolutional Networks for Shape From Light Field.

Stefan Heber, Thomas Pock

78 Panoramic Stereo Videos With a Single Camera.

Rajat Aggarwal, Amrisha Vohra, Anoop M. Namboodiri

79 The Next Best Underwater View.

Mark Sheinin, Yoav Y. Schechner

80 Reconstructing Shapes and Appearances of Thin Film Objects Using RGB Images.

Yoshie Kobayashi, Tetsuro Morimoto, Imari Sato, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Takao Tomono, Katsushi Ikeuchi

81 Noisy Label Recovery for Shadow Detection in Unfamiliar Domains.

Tomás F. Yago Vicente, Minh Hoai, Dimitris Samaras

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Video Understanding

Wednesday, June 29th, 1:45PM - 2:50PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

1 Deep Hand: How to Train a CNN on 1 Million Hand Images When Your Data Is Continuous and Weakly Labelled.

Oscar Koller, Hermann Ney, Richard Bowden

2 Recognizing Car Fluents From Video.

Bo Li, Tianfu Wu, Caiming Xiong, Song-Chun Zhu

3 Pairwise Decomposition of Image Sequences for Active Multi-View Recognition.

Edward Johns, Stefan Leutenegger, Andrew J. Davison

4 Inferring Forces and Learning Human Utilities From Videos.

Yixin Zhu, Chenfanfu Jiang, Yibiao Zhao, Demetri Terzopoulos, Song-Chun Zhu

5 Force From Motion: Decoding Physical Sensation in a First Person Video.

Hyun Soo Park, jyh-Jing Hwang, Jianbo Shi

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Video Analysis 2

Wednesday, June 29th, 2:50PM - 1:20PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

6 Robust Multi-Body Feature Tracker: A Segmentation-Free Approach.

Pan Ji, Hongdong Li, Mathieu Salzmann, Yiran Zhong

7 Slow and Steady Feature Analysis: Higher Order Temporal Coherence in Video.

Dinesh Jayaraman, Kristen Grauman

8 Volumetric 3D Tracking by Detection.

Chun-Hao Huang, Benjamin Allain, Jean-Sébastien Franco, Nassir Navab, Slobodan Ilic, Edmond Boyer

9 The Solution Path Algorithm for Identity-Aware Multi-Object Tracking.

Shoou-I Yu, Deyu Meng, Wangmeng Zuo, Alexander Hauptmann

10 In Defense of Sparse Tracking: Circulant Sparse Tracker.

Tianzhu Zhang, Adel Bibi, Bernard Ghanem

11 Optical Flow With Semantic Segmentation and Localized Layers.

Laura Sevilla-Lara, Deqing Sun, Varun Jampani, Michael J. Black

12 Video Segmentation via Object Flow.

Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Michael J. Black

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Grouping and Optimization Methods

Wednesday, June 29th, 1:45PM - 2:50PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

13 Closed-Form Training of Mahalanobis Distance for Supervised Clustering.

Marc T. Law, YaoLiang Yu, Matthieu Cord, Eric P. Xing

14 Scalable Sparse Subspace Clustering by Orthogonal Matching Pursuit.

Chong You, Daniel Robinson, René Vidal

15 Oracle Based Active Set Algorithm for Scalable Elastic Net Subspace Clustering.

Chong You, Chun-Guang Li, Daniel P. Robinson, René Vidal

16 Sparse Coding and Dictionary Learning With Linear Dynamical Systems.

Wenbing Huang, Fuchun Sun, Lele Cao, Deli Zhao, Huaping Liu, Mehrtash Harandi

17 Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Nonconvex Energies.

Thomas Möllenhoff, Emanuel Laude, Michael Moeller, Jan Lellmann, Daniel Cremers

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Statistical Methods and Transfer Learning

Wednesday, June 29th, 2:50PM - 1:20PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

18 The Multiverse Loss for Robust Transfer Learning.

Etai Littwin, Lior Wolf

19 Learning From the Mistakes of Others: Matching Errors in Cross-Dataset Learning.

Viktoriia Sharmanska, Novi Quadrianto

20 An Efficient Exact-PGA Algorithm for Constant Curvature Manifolds.

Rudrasis Chakraborty, Dohyung Seo, Baba C. Vemuri

21 Online Learning With Bayesian Classification Trees.

Samuel Rota Bulò, Peter Kontschieder

22 Cross-Stitch Networks for Multi-Task Learning.

Ishan Misra, Abhinav Shrivastava, Abhinav Gupta, Martial Hebert

23 Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding.

Hyun Oh Song, Yu Xiang, Stefanie Jegelka, Silvio Savarese

24 Fast Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Networks.

Andrew Lavin, Scott Gray

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Poster Session 3-2. Wednesday, June 29th, 4:45PM - 6:45PM.

3D Vision

25 Coordinating Multiple Disparity Proposals for Stereo Computation.

Ang Li, Dapeng Chen, Yuanliu Liu, Zejian Yuan

26 Joint Multiview Segmentation and Localization of RGB-D Images Using Depth-Induced Silhouette Consistency.

Chi Zhang, Zhiwei Li, Rui Cai, Hongyang Chao, Yong Rui

27 A Large Dataset to Train Convolutional Networks for Disparity, Optical Flow, and Scene Flow Estimation.

Nikolaus Mayer, Eddy Ilg, Philip Häusser, Philipp Fischer, Daniel Cremers, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Thomas Brox

28 6D Dynamic Camera Relocalization From Single Reference Image.

Wei Feng, Fei-Peng Tian, Qian Zhang, Jizhou Sun

29 Dense Monocular Depth Estimation in Complex Dynamic Scenes.

René Ranftl, Vibhav Vineet, Qifeng Chen, Vladlen Koltun

30 Using Self-Contradiction to Learn Confidence Measures in Stereo Vision.

Christian Mostegel, Markus Rumpler, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof

31 Understanding Real World Indoor Scenes With Synthetic Data.

Ankur Handa, Viorica Pătrăucean, Vijay Badrinarayanan, Simon Stent, Roberto Cipolla

32 Stereo Matching With Color and Monochrome Cameras in Low-Light Conditions.

Hae-Gon Jeon, Joon-Young Lee, Sunghoon Im, Hyowon Ha, In So Kweon

33 Camera Calibration From Dynamic Silhouettes Using Motion Barcodes.

Gil Ben-Artzi, Yoni Kasten, Shmuel Peleg, Michael Werman

34 Structure-From-Motion Revisited.

Johannes L. Schönberger, Jan-Michael Frahm

35 Constructing Canonical Regions for Fast and Effective View Selection.

Wencheng Wang, Tianhao Gao

36 Prior-Less Compressible Structure From Motion.

Chen Kong, Simon Lucey

37 Rolling Shutter Camera Relative Pose: Generalized Epipolar Geometry.

Yuchao Dai, Hongdong Li, Laurent Kneip

38 Structure From Motion With Objects.

Marco Crocco, Cosimo Rubino, Alessio Del Bue

39 DeepHand: Robust Hand Pose Estimation by Completing a Matrix Imputed With Deep Features.

Ayan Sinha, Chiho Choi, Karthik Ramani

Document Analysis

40 Multi-Oriented Text Detection With Fully Convolutional Networks.

Zheng Zhang, Chengquan Zhang, Wei Shen, Cong Yao, Wenyu Liu, Xiang Bai

41 Robust Scene Text Recognition With Automatic Rectification.

Baoguang Shi, Xinggang Wang, Pengyuan Lyu, Cong Yao, Xiang Bai

Face and Gesture

42 Mnemonic Descent Method: A Recurrent Process Applied for End-To-End Face Alignment.

George Trigeorgis, Patrick Snape, Mihalis A. Nicolaou, Epameinondas Antonakos, Stefanos Zafeiriou

43 Large-Pose Face Alignment via CNN-Based Dense 3D Model Fitting.

Amin Jourabloo, Xiaoming Liu

44 Adaptive 3D Face Reconstruction From Unconstrained Photo Collections.

Joseph Roth, Yiying Tong, Xiaoming Liu

45 Online Detection and Classification of Dynamic Hand Gestures With Recurrent 3D Convolutional Neural Network.

Pavlo Molchanov, Xiaodong Yang, Shalini Gupta, Kihwan Kim, Stephen Tyree, Jan Kautz

46 Kinematic Structure Correspondences via Hypergraph Matching.

Hyung Jin Chang, Tobias Fischer, Maxime Petit, Martina Zambelli, Yiannis Demiris

47 CP-mtML: Coupled Projection Multi-Task Metric Learning for Large Scale Face Retrieval.

Binod Bhattarai, Gaurav Sharma, Frederic Jurie

Motion and Tracking

48 PatchBatch: A Batch Augmented Loss for Optical Flow.

David Gadot, Lior Wolf

49 Joint Recovery of Dense Correspondence and Cosegmentation in Two Images.

Tatsunori Taniai, Sudipta N. Sinha, Yoichi Sato

50 Multi-View People Tracking via Hierarchical Trajectory Composition.

Yuanlu Xu, Xiaobai Liu, Yang Liu, Song-Chun Zhu

51 Object Tracking via Dual Linear Structured SVM and Explicit Feature Map.

Jifeng Ning, Jimei Yang, Shaojie Jiang, Lei Zhang, Ming-Hsuan Yang

52 Robust, Real-Time 3D Tracking of Multiple Objects With Similar Appearances.

Taiki Sekii

53 An Egocentric Look at Video Photographer Identity.

Yedid Hoshen, Shmuel Peleg

54 Learning Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Tracking.

Hyeonseob Nam, Bohyung Han

55 Hedged Deep Tracking.

Yuankai Qi, Shengping Zhang, Lei Qin, Hongxun Yao, Qingming Huang, Jongwoo Lim, Ming-Hsuan Yang

56 Structural Correlation Filter for Robust Visual Tracking.

Si Liu, Tianzhu Zhang, Xiaochun Cao, Changsheng Xu

57 Visual Tracking Using Attention-Modulated Disintegration and Integration.

Jongwon Choi, Hyung Jin Chang, Jiyeoup Jeong, Yiannis Demiris, Jin Young Choi

58 A Continuous Occlusion Model for Road Scene Understanding.

Vikas Dhiman, Quoc-Huy Tran, Jason J. Corso, Manmohan Chandraker

59 Virtual Worlds as Proxy for Multi-Object Tracking Analysis.

Adrien Gaidon, Qiao Wang, Yohann Cabon, Eleonora Vig

Shape From X

60 Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo by Stepwise Optimization Using Principal Components of Isotropic BRDFs.

Keisuke Midorikawa, Toshihiko Yamasaki, Kiyoharu Aizawa

61 Unbiased Photometric Stereo for Colored Surfaces: A Variational Approach.

Yvain Quéau, Roberto Mecca, Jean-Denis Durou

62 3D Reconstruction of Transparent Objects With Position-Normal Consistency.

Yiming Qian, Minglun Gong, Yee Hong Yang

63 Real-Time Depth Refinement for Specular Objects.

Roy Or-El, Rom Hershkovitz, Aaron Wetzler, Guy Rosman, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel

64 Recovering Transparent Shape From Time-Of-Flight Distortion.

Kenichiro Tanaka, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Hiroyuki Kubo, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Yasushi Yagi

65 Robust Light Field Depth Estimation for Noisy Scene With Occlusion.

Williem, In Kyu Park

66 Rotational Crossed-Slit Light Field.

Nianyi Li, Haiting Lin, Bilin Sun, Mingyuan Zhou, Jingyi Yu

67 Single Image Object Modeling Based on BRDF and R-Surfaces Learning.

Fabrizio Natola, Valsamis Ntouskos, Fiora Pirri, Marta Sanzari

Statistical Methods and Learning

68 A Nonlinear Regression Technique for Manifold Valued Data With Applications to Medical Image Analysis.

Monami Banerjee, Rudrasis Chakraborty, Edward Ofori, Michael S. Okun, David E. Viallancourt, Baba C. Vemuri

69 RAID-G: Robust Estimation of Approximate Infinite Dimensional Gaussian With Application to Material Recognition.

Qilong Wang, Peihua Li, Wangmeng Zuo, Lei Zhang

70 An Empirical Evaluation of Current Convolutional Architectures’ Ability to Manage Nuisance Location and Scale Variability.

Nikolaos Karianakis, Jingming Dong, Stefano Soatto

71 Learning Sparse High Dimensional Filters: Image Filtering, Dense CRFs and Bilateral Neural Networks.

Varun Jampani, Martin Kiefel, Peter V. Gehler

72 Mixture of Bilateral-Projection Two-Dimensional Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis.

Fujiao Ju, Yanfeng Sun, Junbin Gao, Simeng Liu, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin

73 Rolling Rotations for Recognizing Human Actions From 3D Skeletal Data.

Raviteja Vemulapalli, Rama Chellapa

74 Improving the Robustness of Deep Neural Networks via Stability Training.

Stephan Zheng, Yang Song, Thomas Leung, Ian Goodfellow

75 Logistic Boosting Regression for Label Distribution Learning.

Chao Xing, Xin Geng, Hui Xue

76 Efficient Temporal Sequence Comparison and Classification Using Gram Matrix Embeddings on a Riemannian Manifold.

Xikang Zhang, Yin Wang, Mengran Gou, Mario Sznaier, Octavia Camps

Vision For Graphics

77 Deep Reflectance Maps.

Konstantinos Rematas, Tobias Ritschel, Mario Fritz, Efstratios Gavves, Tinne Tuytelaars

78 Semantic Filtering.

Qingxiong Yang

Vision For Robotics

79 UAV Sensor Fusion With Latent-Dynamic Conditional Random Fields in Coronal Plane Estimation.

Amir M. Rahimi, Raphael Ruschel, B.S. Manjunath

80 Robust Visual Place Recognition With Graph Kernels.

Elena Stumm, Christopher Mei, Simon Lacroix, Juan Nieto, Marco Hutter, Roland Siegwart

Semantic Image Segmentation

81 Semantic Image Segmentation With Task-Specific Edge Detection Using CNNs and a Discriminatively Trained Domain Transform.

Liang-Chieh Chen, Jonathan T. Barron, George Papandreou, Kevin Murphy, Alan L. Yuille

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Image & Video Captioning and Descriptions

Thursday, June 30th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

1 Natural Language Object Retrieval.

Ronghang Hu, Huazhe Xu, Marcus Rohrbach, Jiashi Feng, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell

2 DenseCap: Fully Convolutional Localization Networks for Dense Captioning.

Justin Johnson, Andrej Karpathy, Li Fei-Fei

3 Unsupervised Learning From Narrated Instruction Videos.

Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Piotr Bojanowski, Nishant Agrawal, Josef Sivic, Ivan Laptev, Simon Lacoste-Julien

4 Video Paragraph Captioning Using Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks.

Haonan Yu, Jiang Wang, Zhiheng Huang, Yi Yang, Wei Xu

5 Jointly Modeling Embedding and Translation to Bridge Video and Language.

Yingwei Pan, Tao Mei, Ting Yao, Houqiang Li, Yong Rui

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High Level Semantics

Thursday, June 30th, 10:05AM - 10:30AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

6 We Are Humor Beings: Understanding and Predicting Visual Humor.

Arjun Chandrasekaran, Ashwin K. Vijayakumar, Stanislaw Antol, Mohit Bansal, Dhruv Batra, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Devi Parikh

7 Where to Look: Focus Regions for Visual Question Answering.

Kevin J. Shih, Saurabh Singh, Derek Hoiem

8 Ask Me Anything: Free-Form Visual Question Answering Based on Knowledge From External Sources.

Qi Wu, Peng Wang, Chunhua Shen, Anthony Dick, Anton van den Hengel

9 MovieQA: Understanding Stories in Movies Through Question-Answering.

Makarand Tapaswi, Yukun Zhu, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Antonio Torralba, Raquel Urtasun, Sanja Fidler

10 TGIF: A New Dataset and Benchmark on Animated GIF Description.

Yuncheng Li, Yale Song, Liangliang Cao, Joel Tetreault, Larry Goldberg, Alejandro Jaimes, Jiebo Luo

11 Image Captioning With Semantic Attention.

Quanzeng You, Hailin Jin, Zhaowen Wang, Chen Fang, Jiebo Luo

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Non-Rigid Reconstruction and Motion Analysis

Thursday, June 30th, 9:00AM - 10:18AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

12 Temporally Coherent 4D Reconstruction of Complex Dynamic Scenes.

Armin Mustafa, Hansung Kim, Jean-Yves Guillemaut, Adrian Hilton

13 Consensus of Non-Rigid Reconstructions.

Minsik Lee, Jungchan Cho, Songhwai Oh

14 Isometric Non-Rigid Shape-From-Motion in Linear Time.

Shaifali Parashar, Daniel Pizarro, Adrien Bartoli

15 Learning Online Smooth Predictors for Realtime Camera Planning Using Recurrent Decision Trees.

Jianhui Chen, Hoang M. Le, Peter Carr, Yisong Yue, James J. Little

16 Egocentric Future Localization.

Hyun Soo Park, Jyh-Jing Hwang, Yedong Niu, Jianbo Shi

17 Full Flow: Optical Flow Estimation By Global Optimization Over Regular Grids.

Qifeng Chen, Vladlen Koltun

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Human Pose Estimation

Thursday, June 30th, 10:18AM - 10:30AM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

18 Structured Feature Learning for Pose Estimation.

Xiao Chu, Wanli Ouyang, Hongsheng Li, Xiaogang Wang

19 Convolutional Pose Machines.

Shih-En Wei, Varun Ramakrishna, Takeo Kanade, Yaser Sheikh

20 Human Pose Estimation With Iterative Error Feedback.

João Carreira, Pulkit Agrawal, Katerina Fragkiadaki, Jitendra Malik

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Poster Session 4-1. Thursday, June 30th, 10:30AM - 12:30PM.

Deep Learning and CNNs

21 WELDON: Weakly Supervised Learning of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.

Thibaut Durand, Nicolas Thome, Matthieu Cord

22 DisturbLabel: Regularizing CNN on the Loss Layer.

Lingxi Xie, Jingdong Wang, Zhen Wei, Meng Wang, Qi Tian

23 Gradual DropIn of Layers to Train Very Deep Neural Networks.

Leslie N. Smith, Emily M. Hand, Timothy Doster

24 Structure Inference Machines: Recurrent Neural Networks for Analyzing Relations in Group Activity Recognition.

Zhiwei Deng, Arash Vahdat, Hexiang Hu, Greg Mori

25 Deep SimNets.

Nadav Cohen, Or Sharir, Amnon Shashua

26 Studying Very Low Resolution Recognition Using Deep Networks.

Zhangyang Wang, Shiyu Chang, Yingzhen Yang, Ding Liu, Thomas S. Huang

27 Deep Gaussian Conditional Random Field Network: A Model-Based Deep Network for Discriminative Denoising.

Raviteja Vemulapalli, Oncel Tuzel, Ming-Yu Liu

28 Event-Specific Image Importance.

Yufei Wang, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Radomír Mĕch, Gavin Miller, Garrison W. Cottrell

29 Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Devices.

Jiaxiang Wu, Cong Leng, Yuhang Wang, Qinghao Hu, Jian Cheng

30 Inverting Visual Representations With Convolutional Networks.

Alexey Dosovitskiy, Thomas Brox

Face Recognition

31 Pose-Aware Face Recognition in the Wild.

Iacopo Masi, Stephen Rawls, Gérard Medioni, Prem Natarajan

32 Multi-View Deep Network for Cross-View Classification.

Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

33 Sparsifying Neural Network Connections for Face Recognition.

Yi Sun, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang

34 Pairwise Linear Regression Classification for Image Set Retrieval.

Qingxiang Feng, Yicong Zhou, Rushi Lan

35 The MegaFace Benchmark: 1 Million Faces for Recognition at Scale .

Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Steven M. Seitz, Daniel Miller, Evan Brossard

36 Learnt Quasi-Transitive Similarity for Retrieval From Large Collections of Faces.

Ognjen Arandjelović

37 Latent Factor Guided Convolutional Neural Networks for Age-Invariant Face Recognition.

Yandong Wen, Zhifeng Li, Yu Qiao

38 Copula Ordinal Regression for Joint Estimation of Facial Action Unit Intensity.

Robert Walecki, Ognjen Rudovic, Vladimir Pavlovic, Maja Pantic

Face and Gesture

39 A Robust Multilinear Model Learning Framework for 3D Faces.

Timo Bolkart, Stefanie Wuhrer

40 Ordinal Regression With Multiple Output CNN for Age Estimation.

Zhenxing Niu, Mo Zhou, Le Wang, Xinbo Gao, Gang Hua

Human Pose Estimation

41 DeepCut: Joint Subset Partition and Labeling for Multi Person Pose Estimation.

Leonid Pishchulin, Eldar Insafutdinov, Siyu Tang, Bjoern Andres, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Peter V. Gehler, Bernt Schiele

42 Thin-Slicing for Pose: Learning to Understand Pose Without Explicit Pose Estimation.

Suha Kwak, Minsu Cho, Ivan Laptev

43 A Dual-Source Approach for 3D Pose Estimation From a Single Image.

Hashim Yasin, Umar Iqbal, Björn Krüger, Andreas Weber, Juergen Gall

44 Efficiently Creating 3D Training Data for Fine Hand Pose Estimation.

Markus Oberweger, Gernot Riegler, Paul Wohlhart, Vincent Lepetit

45 Sparseness Meets Deepness: 3D Human Pose Estimation From Monocular Video.

Xiaowei Zhou, Menglong Zhu, Spyridon Leonardos, Konstantinos G. Derpanis, Kostas Daniilidis

Images and Language

46 Answer-Type Prediction for Visual Question Answering.

Kushal Kafle, Christopher Kanan

47 Visual Word2Vec (vis-w2v): Learning Visually Grounded Word Embeddings Using Abstract Scenes.

Satwik Kottur, Ramakrishna Vedantam, José M. F. Moura, Devi Parikh

48 Visual7W: Grounded Question Answering in Images.

Yuke Zhu, Oliver Groth, Michael Bernstein, Li Fei-Fei

49 Learning Deep Structure-Preserving Image-Text Embeddings.

Liwei Wang, Yin Li, Svetlana Lazebnik

50 Yin and Yang: Balancing and Answering Binary Visual Questions.

Peng Zhang, Yash Goyal, Douglas Summers-Stay, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh

Shape Representations and Matching

51 GIFT: A Real-Time and Scalable 3D Shape Search Engine.

Song Bai, Xiang Bai, Zhichao Zhou, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Longin Jan Latecki

52 Functional Faces: Groupwise Dense Correspondence Using Functional Maps.

Chao Zhang, William A. P. Smith, Arnaud Dessein, Nick Pears, Hang Dai

53 Similarity Metric For Curved Shapes In Euclidean Space.

Girum G. Demisse, Djamila Aouada, Björn Ottersten

54 Shape Analysis With Hyperbolic Wasserstein Distance.

Jie Shi, Wen Zhang, Yalin Wang

55 Tensor Power Iteration for Multi-Graph Matching.

Xinchu Shi, Haibin Ling, Weiming Hu, Junliang Xing, Yanning Zhang

Transfer Learning

56 Multivariate Regression on the Grassmannian for Predicting Novel Domains.

Yongxin Yang, Timothy M. Hospedales

57 Learning Cross-Domain Landmarks for Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation.

Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Yi-Ren Yeh, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

58 Geospatial Correspondences for Multimodal Registration.

Diego Marcos, Raffay Hamid, Devis Tuia

59 Constrained Deep Transfer Feature Learning and Its Applications.

Yue Wu, Qiang Ji

Unsupervised, Semi-Supervised and Interactive Learning

60 Deep Canonical Time Warping.

George Trigeorgis, Mihalis A. Nicolaou, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Björn W. Schuller

61 Multilinear Hyperplane Hashing.

Xianglong Liu, Xinjie Fan, Cheng Deng, Zhujin Li, Hao Su, Dacheng Tao

62 Large Scale Hard Sample Mining With Monte Carlo Tree Search.

Olivier Canévet, François Fleuret

63 Multi-Label Ranking From Positive and Unlabeled Data.

Atsushi Kanehira, Tatsuya Harada

64 Joint Unsupervised Learning of Deep Representations and Image Clusters.

Jianwei Yang, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra

65 Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds.

Ming Yin, Yi Guo, Junbin Gao, Zhaoshui He, Shengli Xie

66 Symmetry reCAPTCHA.

Chris Funk, Yanxi Liu

67 Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Attributes and Visual Representations.

Chen Huang, Chen Change Loy, Xiaoou Tang

68 When VLAD Met Hilbert.

Mehrtash Harandi, Mathieu Salzmann, Fatih Porikli

69 Approximate Log-Hilbert-Schmidt Distances Between Covariance Operators for Image Classification.

Hà Quang Minh, Marco San Biagio, Loris Bazzani, Vittorio Murino

70 Subspace Clustering With Priors via Sparse Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming.

Yongfang Cheng, Yin Wang, Mario Sznaier, Octavia Camps

71 Robust Tensor Factorization With Unknown Noise.

Xi'ai Chen, Zhi Han, Yao Wang, Qian Zhao, Deyu Meng, Yandong Tang

72 Kernel Approximation via Empirical Orthogonal Decomposition for Unsupervised Feature Learning.

Yusuke Mukuta, Tatsuya Harada

73 Active Learning for Delineation of Curvilinear Structures.

Agata Mosinska-Domanska, Raphael Sznitman, Przemyslaw Glowacki, Pascal Fua

74 Recognizing Emotions From Abstract Paintings Using Non-Linear Matrix Completion.

Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Elisa Ricci, Yan Yan, Nicu Sebe

75 Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis: Exact Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Tensors via Convex Optimization.

Canyi Lu, Jiashi Feng, Yudong Chen, Wei Liu, Zhouchen Lin, Shuicheng Yan

76 Sliced Wasserstein Kernels for Probability Distributions.

Soheil Kolouri, Yang Zou, Gustavo K. Rohde

77 Trace Quotient Meets Sparsity: A Method for Learning Low Dimensional Image Representations.

Xian Wei, Hao Shen, Martin Kleinsteuber

78 Backtracking ScSPM Image Classifier for Weakly Supervised Top-Down Saliency.

Hisham Cholakkal, Jubin Johnson, Deepu Rajan

Video and Language

79 MSR-VTT: A Large Video Description Dataset for Bridging Video and Language.

Jun Xu, Tao Mei, Ting Yao, Yong Rui

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Learning and CNN Architectures

Thursday, June 30th, 1:45PM - 2:50PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

1 NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Recognition.

Relja Arandjelović, Petr Gronat, Akihiko Torii, Tomas Pajdla, Josef Sivic

2 Structural-RNN: Deep Learning on Spatio-Temporal Graphs.

Ashesh Jain, Amir R. Zamir, Silvio Savarese, Ashutosh Saxena

3 Learning to Select Pre-Trained Deep Representations With Bayesian Evidence Framework.

Yong-Deok Kim, Taewoong Jang, Bohyung Han, Seungjin Choi

4 Synthesized Classifiers for Zero-Shot Learning.

Soravit Changpinyo, Wei-Lun Chao, Boqing Gong, Fei Sha

5 Semi-Supervised Vocabulary-Informed Learning.

Yanwei Fu, Leonid Sigal

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Learning and Optimization

Thursday, June 30th, 2:50PM - 3:20PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

6 Simultaneous Clustering and Model Selection for Tensor Affinities.

Zhuwen Li, Shuoguang Yang, Loong-Fah Cheong, Kim-Chuan Toh

7 Discriminatively Embedded K-Means for Multi-View Clustering.

Jinglin Xu, Junwei Han, Feiping Nie

8 Min Norm Point Algorithm for Higher Order MRF-MAP Inference.

Ishant Shanu, Chetan Arora, Parag Singla

9 Learning Deep Representation for Imbalanced Classification.

Chen Huang, Yining Li, Chen Change Loy, Xiaoou Tang

10 Learning Local Image Descriptors With Deep Siamese and Triplet Convolutional Networks by Minimising Global Loss Functions.

Vijay Kumar B G, Gustavo Carneiro, Ian Reid

11 Sparse Coding for Third-Order Super-Symmetric Tensor Descriptors With Application to Texture Recognition.

Piotr Koniusz, Anoop Cherian

12 Random Features for Sparse Signal Classification.

Jen-Hao Rick Chang, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar

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3D Shape Reconstruction

Thursday, June 30th, 1:45PM - 2:50PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

13 High-Quality Depth From Uncalibrated Small Motion Clip.

Hyowon Ha, Sunghoon Im, Jaesik Park, Hae-Gon Jeon, In So Kweon

14 Efficient 3D Room Shape Recovery From a Single Panorama.

Hao Yang, Hui Zhang

15 Structured Prediction of Unobserved Voxels From a Single Depth Image.

Michael Firman, Oisin Mac Aodha, Simon Julier, Gabriel J. Brostow

16 HyperDepth: Learning Depth From Structured Light Without Matching.

Sean Ryan Fanello, Christoph Rhemann, Vladimir Tankovich, Adarsh Kowdle , Sergio Orts Escolano, David Kim, Shahram Izadi

17 SVBRDF-Invariant Shape and Reflectance Estimation From Light-Field Cameras.

Ting-Chun Wang, Manmohan Chandraker, Alexei A. Efros, Ravi Ramamoorthi

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3D Reconstruction

Thursday, June 30th, 2:50PM - 3:20PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

18 Semantic 3D Reconstruction With Continuous Regularization and Ray Potentials Using a Visibility Consistency Constraint.

Nikolay Savinov, Christian Häne, Ľubor Ladický, Marc Pollefeys

19 Theory and Practice of Structure-From-Motion Using Affine Correspondences.

Carolina Raposo, João P. Barreto

20 Just Look at the Image: Viewpoint-Specific Surface Normal Prediction for Improved Multi-View Reconstruction.

Silvano Galliani, Konrad Schindler

21 From Dusk Till Dawn: Modeling in the Dark.

Filip Radenović, Johannes L. Schönberger, Dinghuang Ji, Jan-Michael Frahm, Ondřej Chum, Jiří Matas

22 Accelerated Generative Models for 3D Point Cloud Data.

Benjamin Eckart, Kihwan Kim, Alejandro Troccoli, Alonzo Kelly, Jan Kautz

23 Monocular Depth Estimation Using Neural Regression Forest.

Anirban Roy, Sinisa Todorovic

24 DeepStereo: Learning to Predict New Views From the World’s Imagery.

John Flynn, Ivan Neulander, James Philbin, Noah Snavely

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Face, Gesture, & Situation Recognition: Algorithms and Datasets

Thursday, June 30th, 3:45PM - 4:10PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

25 WIDER FACE: A Face Detection Benchmark.

Shuo Yang, Ping Luo, Chen-Change Loy, Xiaoou Tang

26 Situation Recognition: Visual Semantic Role Labeling for Image Understanding .

Mark Yatskar, Luke Zettlemoyer, Ali Farhadi

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People and Faces

Thursday, June 30th, 4:10PM - 4:45PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

27 A 3D Morphable Model Learnt From 10,000 Faces.

James Booth, Anastasios Roussos, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Allan Ponniah, David Dunaway

28 Some Like It Hot - Visual Guidance for Preference Prediction.

Rasmus Rothe, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool

29 EmotioNet: An Accurate, Real-Time Algorithm for the Automatic Annotation of a Million Facial Expressions in the Wild.

C. Fabian Benitez-Quiroz, Ramprakash Srinivasan, Aleix M. Martinez

30 ForgetMeNot: Memory-Aware Forensic Facial Sketch Matching.

Shuxin Ouyang, Timothy M. Hospedales, Yi-Zhe Song, Xueming Li

31 LOMo: Latent Ordinal Model for Facial Analysis in Videos.

Karan Sikka, Gaurav Sharma, Marian Bartlett

32 Discriminative Invariant Kernel Features: A Bells-and-Whistles-Free Approach to Unsupervised Face Recognition and Pose Estimation.

Dipan K. Pal, Felix Juefei-Xu, Marios Savvides

33 Bottom-Up and Top-Down Reasoning With Hierarchical Rectified Gaussians.

Peiyun Hu, Deva Ramanan

34 Fits Like a Glove: Rapid and Reliable Hand Shape Personalization.

David Joseph Tan, Thomas Cashman, Jonathan Taylor, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Daniel Tarlow, Sameh Khamis, Shahram Izadi, Jamie Shotton

35 Slicing Convolutional Neural Network for Crowd Video Understanding.

Jing Shao, Chen-Change Loy, Kai Kang, Xiaogang Wang

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3D, Stereo, Matching, and Saliency Estimation

Thursday, June 30th, 3:45PM - 4:45PM.

These papers will also be presented at the following poster

36 Linear Shape Deformation Models With Local Support Using Graph-Based Structured Matrix Factorisation.

Florian Bernard, Peter Gemmar, Frank Hertel, Jorge Goncalves, Johan Thunberg

37 Motion From Structure (MfS): Searching for 3D Objects in Cluttered Point Trajectories.

Jayakorn Vongkulbhisal, Ricardo Cabral, Fernando De la Torre, João P. Costeira

38 Volumetric and Multi-View CNNs for Object Classification on 3D Data.

Charles R. Qi, Hao Su, Matthias Niessner, Angela Dai, Mengyuan Yan, Leonidas J. Guibas

39 Detecting Vanishing Points Using Global Image Context in a Non-Manhattan World.

Menghua Zhai, Scott Workman, Nathan Jacobs

40 Learning Weight Uncertainty With Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Shape Classification.

Chunyuan Li, Andrew Stevens, Changyou Chen, Yunchen Pu, Zhe Gan, Lawrence Carin

41 A Field Model for Repairing 3D Shapes.

Duc Thanh Nguyen, Binh-Son Hua, Khoi Tran, Quang-Hieu Pham, Sai-Kit Yeung

42 GOGMA: Globally-Optimal Gaussian Mixture Alignment.

Dylan Campbell, Lars Petersson

43 Efficient Deep Learning for Stereo Matching.

Wenjie Luo, Alexander G. Schwing, Raquel Urtasun

44 Efficient Coarse-To-Fine PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow.

Yinlin Hu, Rui Song, Yunsong Li

45 FANNG: Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbour Graphs.

Ben Harwood, Tom Drummond

46 Exemplar-Driven Top-Down Saliency Detection via Deep Association.

Shengfeng He, Rynson W.H. Lau, Qingxiong Yang

47 Unconstrained Salient Object Detection via Proposal Subset Optimization.

Jianming Zhang, Stan Sclaroff, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Brian Price, Radomír Mech

48 Recombinator Networks: Learning Coarse-To-Fine Feature Aggregation.

Sina Honari, Jason Yosinski, Pascal Vincent, Christopher Pal

49 End-To-End Saliency Mapping via Probability Distribution Prediction.

Saumya Jetley, Naila Murray, Eleonora Vig

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Poster Session 4-2. Thursday, June 30th, 4:45PM - 6:45PM.

Biologically Inspired Vision

50 A Paradigm for Building Generalized Models of Human Image Perception Through Data Fusion.

Shaojing Fan, Tian-Tsong Ng, Bryan L. Koenig, Ming Jiang, Qi Zhao

51 Longitudinal Face Modeling via Temporal Deep Restricted Boltzmann Machines.

Chi Nhan Duong, Khoa Luu, Kha Gia Quach, Tien D. Bui

52 Saliency Unified: A Deep Architecture for Simultaneous Eye Fixation Prediction and Salient Object Segmentation.

Srinivas S. S. Kruthiventi, Vennela Gudisa, Jaley H. Dholakiya, R. Venkatesh Babu

Image Alignment and Registration

53 Estimating Correspondences of Deformable Objects In-The-Wild.

Yuxiang Zhou, Epameinondas Antonakos, Joan Alabort-i-Medina, Anastasios Roussos, Stefanos Zafeiriou

54 Gravitational Approach for Point Set Registration.

Vladislav Golyanik, Sk Aziz Ali, Didier Stricker

55 Context-Aware Gaussian Fields for Non-Rigid Point Set Registration.

Gang Wang, Zhicheng Wang, Yufei Chen, Qiangqiang Zhou, Weidong Zhao


56 Trust No One: Low Rank Matrix Factorization Using Hierarchical RANSAC.

Magnus Oskarsson, Kenneth Batstone, Kalle Åström

57 Relaxation-Based Preprocessing Techniques for Markov Random Field Inference.

Chen Wang, Ramin Zabih

58 Sparse Coding for Classification via Discrimination Ensemble.

Yuhui Quan, Yong Xu, Yuping Sun, Yan Huang, Hui Ji

59 Principled Parallel Mean-Field Inference for Discrete Random Fields.

Pierre Baqué, Timur Bagautdinov, François Fleuret, Pascal Fua

60 Guaranteed Outlier Removal With Mixed Integer Linear Programs.

Tat-Jun Chin, Yang Heng Kee, Anders Eriksson, Frank Neumann

61 Memory Efficient Max Flow for Multi-Label Submodular MRFs.

Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Richard Hartley, Mathieu Salzmann

62 Proximal Riemannian Pursuit for Large-Scale Trace-Norm Minimization.

Mingkui Tan, Shijie Xiao, Junbin Gao, Dong Xu, Anton van den Hengel, Qinfeng Shi

63 Minimizing the Maximal Rank.

Erik Bylow, Carl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl, Mikael Nilsson

64 Solving Temporal Puzzles.

Caglayan Dicle, Burak Yilmaz, Octavia Camps, Mario Sznaier

65 Estimating Sparse Signals With Smooth Support via Convex Programming and Block Sparsity.

Sohil Shah, Tom Goldstein, Christoph Studer

66 TenSR: Multi-Dimensional Tensor Sparse Representation.

Na Qi, Yunhui Shi, Xiaoyan Sun, Baocai Yin

67 Moral Lineage Tracing.

Florian Jug, Evgeny Levinkov, Corinna Blasse, Eugene W. Myers, Bjoern Andres

68 Globally Optimal Rigid Intensity Based Registration: A Fast Fourier Domain Approach.

Behrooz Nasihatkon, Frida Fejne, Fredrik Kahl

69 On Benefits of Selection Diversity via Bilevel Exclusive Sparsity.

Haichuan Yang, Yijun Huang, Lam Tran, Ji Liu, Shuai Huang

Recognition and Detection

70 Fast Training of Triplet-Based Deep Binary Embedding Networks.

Bohan Zhuang, Guosheng Lin, Chunhua Shen, Ian Reid

71 Marr Revisited: 2D-3D Alignment via Surface Normal Prediction.

Aayush Bansal, Bryan Russell, Abhinav Gupta

72 Recovering the Missing Link: Predicting Class-Attribute Associations for Unsupervised Zero-Shot Learning.

Ziad Al-Halah, Makarand Tapaswi, Rainer Stiefelhagen

73 Fast Zero-Shot Image Tagging.

Yang Zhang, Boqing Gong, Mubarak Shah

74 Modality and Component Aware Feature Fusion For RGB-D Scene Classification.

Anran Wang, Jianfei Cai, Jiwen Lu, Tat-Jen Cham

75 PPP: Joint Pointwise and Pairwise Image Label Prediction.

Yilin Wang, Suhang Wang, Jiliang Tang, Huan Liu, Baoxin Li

76 Cataloging Public Objects Using Aerial and Street-Level Images – Urban Trees.

Jan D. Wegner, Steven Branson, David Hall, Konrad Schindler, Pietro Perona

77 Deep Exemplar 2D-3D Detection by Adapting From Real to Rendered Views.

Francisco Massa, Bryan C. Russell, Mathieu Aubry

78 Zero-Shot Learning via Joint Latent Similarity Embedding.

Ziming Zhang, Venkatesh Saligrama

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