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Overall .ZIP file format:

[local file header 1]
[file data 1]
[data descriptor 1]
[local file header n]
[file data n]
[data descriptor n]
[archive decryption header] (EFS)
[archive extra data record] (EFS)
[central directory]
[zip64 end of central directory record]
[zip64 end of central directory locator]
[end of central directory record]


[local file header + file data + data descriptor]{1,n} + central directory + end of central directory record




[local file header + file data + data descriptor]

记录着压缩的所有文件的内容信息,每个压缩文件都由local file header 、file data、data descriptor三部分组成,在这个数据区中每一个压缩的源文件/目录都是一条记录。

local file header 文件头


04Local file header signature = 0x04034b50 (read as a little-endian number)文件头标识,值固定(0x04034b50)
42Version needed to extract (minimum)解压文件所需 pkware最低版本
62General purpose bit flag通用比特标志位(置比特0位=加密,详情见后)
82Compression method压缩方式(详情见后)
102File last modification time文件最后修改时间
122File last modification date文件最后修改日期
184Compressed size压缩后的大小
224Uncompressed size未压缩的大小
264File name length (n)文件名长度
282Extra field length (m)扩展区长度
30nFile name文件名
30+nmExtra field扩展区

general purpose bit flag: (2 bytes) 通用位标记

Bit 0: If set, indicates that the file is encrypted.

(For Method 6 - Imploding)
Bit 1: If the compression method used was type 6,
Imploding, then this bit, if set, indicates
an 8K sliding dictionary was used.  If clear,
then a 4K sliding dictionary was used.
Bit 2: If the compression method used was type 6,
Imploding, then this bit, if set, indicates
3 Shannon-Fano trees were used to encode the
sliding dictionary output.  If clear, then 2
Shannon-Fano trees were used.

(For Methods 8 and 9 - Deflating)
Bit 2  Bit 1
0      0    Normal (-en) compression option was used.
0      1    Maximum (-exx/-ex) compression option was used.
1      0    Fast (-ef) compression option was used.
1      1    Super Fast (-es) compression option was used.

Note:  Bits 1 and 2 are undefined if the compression
method is any other.

Bit 3: If this bit is set, the fields crc-32, compressed
size and uncompressed size are set to zero in the
local header.  The correct values are put in the
data descriptor immediately following the compressed
data.  (Note: PKZIP version 2.04g for DOS only
recognizes this bit for method 8 compression, newer
versions of PKZIP recognize this bit for any
compression method.)

Bit 4: Reserved for use with method 8, for enhanced

Bit 5: If this bit is set, this indicates that the file is
compressed patched data.  (Note: Requires PKZIP
version 2.70 or greater)

Bit 6: Strong encryption.  If this bit is set, you should
set the version needed to extract value to at least
50 and you must also set bit 0.  If AES encryption
is used, the version needed to extract value must
be at least 51.

Bit 7: Currently unused.

Bit 8: Currently unused.

Bit 9: Currently unused.

Bit 10: Currently unused.

Bit 11: Currently unused.

Bit 12: Reserved by PKWARE for enhanced compression.

Bit 13: Used when encrypting the Central Directory to indicate
selected data values in the Local Header are masked to
hide their actual values.  See the section describing
the Strong Encryption Specification for details.

Bit 14: Reserved by PKWARE.

Bit 15: Reserved by PKWARE.

compression method: (2 bytes) 压缩方式

(see accompanying documentation for algorithm

0 - The file is stored (no compression)
1 - The file is Shrunk
2 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 1
3 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 2
4 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 3
5 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 4
6 - The file is Imploded
7 - Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm
8 - The file is Deflated
9 - Enhanced Deflating using Deflate64(tm)
10 - PKWARE Data Compression Library Imploding
11 - Reserved by PKWARE
12 - File is compressed using BZIP2 algorithm

file data 文件数据


data descriptor 数据描述符

用于标识该文件压缩结束,该结构只有在相应的local file header中通用标记字段的第3bit设为1时才会出现,紧接在压缩文件源数据后。这个数据描述符只用在不能对输出的 ZIP 文件进行检索时使用。例如:在一个不能检索的驱动器(如:磁带机上)上的 ZIP 文件中。如果是磁盘上的ZIP文件一般没有这个数据描述符。

44compressed size压缩后的大小
84uncompressed size未压缩的大小

Central directory 核心目录



04Central directory file header signature = 0x02014b50核心目录文件header标识=(0x02014b50)
42Version made by压缩所用的pkware版本
62Version needed to extract (minimum)解压所需pkware的最低版本
82General purpose bit flag通用位标记
102Compression method压缩方法
122File last modification time文件最后修改时间
142File last modification date文件最后修改日期
204Compressed size压缩后的大小
244Uncompressed size未压缩的大小
282File name length (n)文件名长度
302Extra field length (m)扩展域长度
322File comment length (k)文件注释长度
342Disk number where file starts文件开始位置的磁盘编号
362Internal file attributes内部文件属性
384External file attributes外部文件属性
424relative offset of local header本地文件头的相对位移
46nFile name目录文件名
46+nmExtra field扩展域
46+n+mkFile comment文件注释内容

End of central directory record(EOCD) 目录结束标识


04End of central directory signature = 0x06054b50核心目录结束标记(0x06054b50)
42Number of this disk当前磁盘编号
62number of the disk with the start of the central directory核心目录开始位置的磁盘编号
82total number of entries in the central directory on this disk该磁盘上所记录的核心目录数量
102total number of entries in the central directory核心目录结构总数
122Size of central directory (bytes)核心目录的大小
164offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number核心目录开始位置相对于archive开始的位移
202.ZIP file comment length(n)注释长度
22n.ZIP Comment注释内容






00000000450 4B 03 04文件头标识(0x04034b50)
0000000420A 00解压文件所需 pkware最低版本
00000006200 00通用比特标志位
00000008208 00压缩方式
0000000A2E1 5D文件最后修改时间
0000000C2CC 48文件最后修改日期
0000000E461 D3 72 09crc-32校验码
00000012408 00 00 00压缩后的大小
00000016406 00 00 00未压缩的大小
0000001A207 00文件名长度
0000001C200 00扩展区长度
0000001E631 32 33 2E 74 78 74文件名 123.txt
00000025833 34 32 36 31 35 03 00压缩文件数据,此处就是压缩文本文件123.txt压缩后的数据
Central Directory Header
0000002D450 4B 01 02核心目录文件header标识=(0x02014b50)
0000003120A 00压缩所用的pkware版本
0000003320A 00解压所需pkware的最低版本
00000035200 00通用位标记
00000037208 00压缩方法
000000392E1 5D文件最后修改时间
0000003B2CC 48文件最后修改日期
0000003D461 D3 72 09CRC-32校验码
00000041408 00 00 00压缩后的大小
00000045406 00 00 00未压缩的大小
00000049207 00文件名长度
0000004B200 00扩展域长度
0000004D200 00文件注释长度
0000004F200 00文件开始位置的磁盘编号
00000051200 00内部文件属性
00000053420 00 00 00外部文件属性
00000057400 00 00 00本地文件header的相对位移
0000005B731 32 33 2E 74 78 74目录文件名
End of central directory record
00000062450 4B 05 06核心目录结束标记(0x06054b50)
00000066200 00当前磁盘编号
00000068200 00核心目录开始位置的磁盘编号
0000006A201 00该磁盘上所记录的核心目录数量
0000006C201 00核心目录结构总数
0000006E435 00 00 00核心目录的大小
0000007242D 00 00 00核心目录开始位置相对于archive开始的位移
00000076200 00注释长度


[1] 官方文档 - APPNOTE-6.2.0.txt

[1] zip文件格式分析 - A Flying Bird - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

[2] zip文件格式说明_elly_新浪博客

[3] ZIP文件格式详解 - sony303的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

[4] ZIP文件格式详解 - 董盼山的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

[5] zip格式分析 - lianghongge的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
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标签:  zip 格式 压缩