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2016-05-25 20:47 417 查看
create or replace procedure repair_accept_final_x_20160520 is



    cursor c_job


    select t.act_code from acceptance t where nvl(t.act_flag,'0')='1' and t.is_history!='1';

     c_row c_job%rowtype;

     v_count1 number;

     v_count2 number;

     v_grant_code number;

     v_wf_id number;

     v_status varchar2(10);

     v_count3 number;

     v_rn number;


   for c_row in c_job loop


       select t.grant_code into v_grant_code from project t where t.prj_code in(select a.prj_code from acceptance a where a.act_code=c_row.act_code);

       if instr(',429,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,',','||v_grant_code||',')>0 then




       end if;

       select count(0) into v_count1 from audit_comment t where t.key_code=c_row.act_code and t.comment_type='acceptance_final';

       select count(0) into v_count2 from wf_his_task t where t.op_code=c_row.act_code and t.wf_id=v_wf_id and t.status!='00';

       if v_count1>0 and v_count1=v_count2 then

         for i in 1..v_count1 loop

           select rn,status into v_rn,v_status from (select rownum rn,status from wf_his_task w where w.wf_id=v_wf_id and w.status!='00' and w.op_code=c_row.act_code and rownum<v_count3 order by w.id ) where rn>=i;

           update audit_comment t set t.status=v_status

                  where t.seq_no in(select seq_no from (select seq_no,rownum rn from audit_comment t where t.key_code=c_row.act_code and t.comment_type='acceptance_final' and rownum<v_count3 order by t.seq_no) where rn>=i);


         end loop;

       end if;

   end loop;


end repair_accept_final_x_20160520;
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标签:  oracle