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人脸识别数据集 Face Databases

2016-05-23 11:49 267 查看

Face Databases

AR Face Database

Richard's MIT database

CVL Database

The Psychological Image Collection at Stirling

Labeled Faces in the Wild

The MUCT Face Database

The Yale Face Database B

The Yale Face Database

PIE Database

The UMIST Face Database

Olivetti - Att - ORL

The Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) Database

The Human Scan Database

The University of Oulu Physics-Based Face Database


Databases with over 100 unique individuals in them

Name:AR Face Database
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:576 x 768
Number of unique people:126; 70 Male, 56 Female
Number of pictures per person:26
Different Conditions:All frontal views of: neutral expression, smile, anger, scream, left light on, right light on, all sides lights on, wearing sun glasses, wearing sun glassses and left light on, wearing sun glasses and right light on, wearing scarf, wearing scarf and left
light on, wearing scarf and right light on; second sessions repeated same conditions.
Citation reference:A.M. Martinez and R. Benavente. The AR Face Database. CVC Technical Report #24, June 1998
Name:Richard's MIT database
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:480 x 640
Number of unique people:154; 82 Male, 74 Female
Number of pictures per person:6
Different Conditions:2 frontal, profile, and 3/4 view - also some additional pictures of students wearing makeup
Name:CVL Database
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:640 x 480
Number of unique people:114; 108 Male, 6 Female
Number of pictures per person:7
Different Conditions:profile left/right, 45 degrees left/right, frontal, frontal smile, frontal smile with teeth
Citation reference:Franc Solina, Peter Peer, Borut Batagelj, Samo Juvan, Jure Kovac, "Color-based face detection in the "15 seconds of fame" art installation", In: Mirage 2003, Conference on Computer Vision / Computer Graphics Collaboration for Model-based Imaging, Rendering,
image Analysis and Graphical special Effects, March 10-11 2003, INRIA Rocquencourt, France, Wilfried Philips, Rocquencourt, INRIA, 2003, pp. 38-47.
Available :Yes
Name:The Psychological Image Collection at Stirling (PICS)
Note:The Psychological Image Collection at Stirling contains a number of databases, below are listed the four largest ones.
Citation reference:Not sure - contact Peter Hancock (pjbh1@stir.ac.uk) to find out who to reference
Available :Yes
Name:notingham scans
Color Images:No
Image Size:438 x 538
Number of unique people:100; 50 Male, 50 Female
Number of pictures per person:1
Different Conditions:All frontal views
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:432 x 528
Number of unique people:116
Number of pictures per person:Ranges from 1 to around 18, there is a total of 690 image in the database
Different Conditions:All frontal view, two main differences in lighting and some expression variation
Color Images:No
Image Size:288 x 384
Number of unique people:around 100 - almost all male
Number of pictures per person:7
Different Conditions:Mostly frontal, a few profile
Name:notingham scans
Color Images:No
Image Size:438 x 538
Number of unique people:100; 50 Male, 50 Female
Number of pictures per person:1
Different Conditions:All frontal views
Color Images:No
Image Size:280 x 365
Number of unique people:36; 18 Males, 18 Females
Number of pictures per person:~9
Different Conditions:Frontal and profile views
Name:Labeled Faces in the Wild
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:150 x 150
Number of unique people:13,233
Number of pictures per person:Varies, but 1,680 individuals with more than 1 image
Different Conditions:Un-posed photos, but mainly frontal views
Citation reference:Gary B. Huang, Manu Ramesh, Tamara Berg, and Erik Learned-Miller. Labeled Faces in the Wild: A Database for Studying Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Technical Report 07-49, October, 2007.
Available :Free download from website
Name:The MUCT Face Database
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:480 x 640
Number of unique people:276
Number of pictures per person:10 to 15
Different Conditions:frontal and three-quarter views, different lighting sets, manual landmarks
Citation reference:S. Milborrow, J. Morkel, and F. Nicolls. The MUCT Landmarked Face Database. PRASA. 2010.
Available :Yes

Databases with less than 100 unique individuals in them

Name:The Yale Face Database B
Color Images:No
Image Size:640 x 480
Number of unique people:10
Number of pictures per person:576
Different Conditions:9 poses x 64 illumination conditions
Citation reference:Georghiades, A.S. and Belhumeur, P.N. and Kriegman, D.J. From Few to Many: Illumination Cone Models for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting and Pose. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intelligence 23(6):643-660 (2001).
Available :Yes - facial marker points also available
Name:The Yale Face Database
Color Images:No
Image Size:320 x 243
Number of unique people:15
Number of pictures per person:11
Different Conditions:center-light, w/glasses, happy, left-light, w/no glasses, normal, right-light, sad, sleepy, surprised, wink
Citation reference:P. N. Bellhumer, J. Hespanha, and D. Kriegman. Eigenfaces vs. fisherfaces: Recognition using class specific linear projection. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Special Issue on Face Recognition, 17(7):711--720, 1997.
Available :Yes
Name:PIE Database
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:640 x 486
Number of unique people:68
Number of pictures per person:A lot (40GB total) - we have a subset of one picture per individual
Different Conditions:13 different poses, 43 different illumination conditions, and with 4 different expressions.
Citation reference:The CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression Database T. Sim, S. Baker, and M. Bsat IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 12, December, 2003
Available :Subset (one picture of each individual); to get the whole database (40GB) send a hard drive to simonb@cs.cmu.edu
Name:The UMIST Face Database
Color Images:No
Image Size:220 x 220
Number of unique people:20
Number of pictures per person:From around 19 to 36
Different Conditions:Various angles from left profile to right profile.
Citation reference:TCharacterizing Virtual Eigensignatures for General Purpose Face Recognition. Daniel B Graham and Nigel M Allinson. Face Recognition: From Theory to Applications, NATO ASI Series F, Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 163. H. Wechsler, P. J. Phillips, V.
Bruce, F. Fogelman-Soulie and T. S. Huang (eds), pp 446-456, 1998.
Available :Yes
Name:Olivetti - Att - ORL
Color Images:No
Image Size:92 x 112
Number of unique people:40
Number of pictures per person:10
Different Conditions:All frontal and slight tilt of the head
Citation reference:Ferdinando Samaria, Andy Harter. Parameterisation of a Stochastic Model for Human Face Identification. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Sarasota FL, December 1994
Available :Yes
Name:The Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) Database
Color Images:No
Image Size:256 x 256
Number of unique people:10
Number of pictures per person:7
Different Conditions:7 different emotional facial expressions
Citation reference:Coding Facial Expressions with Gabor Wavelets Michael J. Lyons, Shigeru Akamatsu, Miyuki Kamachi & Jiro Gyoba Proceedings, Third IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, April 14-16 1998, Nara Japan, IEEE Computer Society,
pp. 200-205.
Available :Yes
Name:The Human Scan Database
Color Images:No
Image Size:384 x 286
Number of unique people:23
Number of pictures per person:around 66 on average
Different Conditions:mainly frontal views, a bunch random different photos of different people
Citation reference:O. Jesorsky, K. Kirchberg, R. Frischholz.Robust Face Detection Using the Hausdorff Distance. In J. Bigun and F. Smeraldi, editors, Audio and Video based Person Authentication - AVBPA 2001, pages 90-95. Springer, 2001.
Available :Yes - facial points also available

Databases that cost money

Name:The University of Oulu Physics-Based Face Database
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:428 x 569
Number of unique people:125
Number of pictures per person:16
Different Conditions:All frontal images: 16 different camera calibration and illuminations
Citation reference:E. Marszalec, B. Martinkauppi, M. Soriano, M. Pietik鋓nen (2000), 'A physics-based face database for color research', Journal of Electronic Imaging Vol. 9 No. 1 pp. 32-38.
Available :No - Cost $50, email Prof. Matti Pietikainen (mkp@ee.oulu.fi)
Color Images:Yes
Image Size:576 x 720
Number of unique people:295
Number of pictures per person:Depends on database purchased - 4 in frontal database; 4 of both left/right profile in profile database
Different Conditions:frontal, profile, VRML modles, speech, and more, see website
Citation reference:K Messer, J Matas, J Kittler, J Luettin, and G maitre. Xm2vtsdb: The extended m2vts database. In Second International Conference of Audio and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication, March 1999
Available :No: costs a fair amount to purchase - Frontal Image Set = $153, Side Profile Image Set = $229.5

Other useful links

Computer Vision Test Images - a page with links to other sites with more images

Irfan View - a great image viewer that has useful conversion and renaming utilities

from: http://web.mit.edu/emeyers/www/face_databases.html#ar
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