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Design Patterns for User Interface for Mobile Applications

2016-05-17 22:15 696 查看
Abstract In this paper we present a collection of user interface design patterns for mobile applications. The patterns in the collection are grouped into a set of problem areas that are further grouped into three main problem areas. After
pre-senting this problem structure we present one of the patterns in some detail. Then we present some relevant findings from a validation of the patterns collection. This validation shows that both the patterns collection and the individual patterns are relevant
and useful for usability professionals with a mixed background. Fi-nally, we discuss pros and cons of using a patterns format for documenting design knowledge, related work and future research.


In the UMBRA and FLAMINCO projects, we have developed a set of design guidelines to aid developing more user friendly applications on mobile devices (PDAs/SmartPhones), giving practical advices for how to solve various problems that arise when designing
user interfaces on mobile devices. The main part of these design guidelines is a collection of user interface design patterns for mobile applications [5] (the patterns collection is available at
http://www.sintef.no/flaminco). Each problem is presented on a design pattern format [4]. The “sources” for the problems addressed in the patterns collection are problems identified in the re-quirements elicitation phase of the UMBRA and FLAMINCO projects,
and prac-tical experience in developing and using mobile applications among the project partners.

Main problem areas

The design guidelines presented in the patterns collection follow a given structure. On the top level, they are grouped into three main problem areas. Within each of 2 these three main problem areas, a small number of problem areas are defined. Within each
of these problem areas, a number of problems are identified. In Table 1 below, some of the 26 identified problems (UI design patterns) with their con-nection to problem areas are listed. A brief version of the problem in bold font is presented in the next

Table 1. UI design patterns and their connection to problem areas

Main probl. area

Problem area

Individual problems / UI design Patterns

Utilizing screen space

Screen space in general

Presenting elements in lists

Principles and mechanisms for grouping information

Mechanisms for packing information

Flexible user in-terfaces

Handling dialogs when SW keyboard is shown/hidden

Supporting switching between portrait and landscape mode

UIs that should run on equipment with different screen size

Interaction mechanisms

Handling input

Mechanisms for entering text

Mechanisms for entering numerical data

Multi modal input

Not using the sty-lus

Interacting with applications without using stylus

Retrieving data from a database without using keyboard

Design at large


Standard features in an automatically generated prototype

Combining branding, aesthetics, and screen space

“Difficult to un-derstand”

User interaction during synchronization

User interaction during long-lasting operations

Handling dialogs when software keyboard is shown and hidden

Background. On PDAs without keyboard, a common solution for entering text is to show a software keyboard on the bottom of the screen where the user can en-ter text using the stylus. This area may already be used by the application, thus
leaving less room for its “normal” interaction.

Problem. The main problem is how to resize the dialogs to avoid some parts of the dialogs becoming invisible. The severity of this problem depends on the type/style of the user interface. It is most challenging for forms-based UIs, while
for UIs containing arbitrary text or visual presentations adding or adjusting a scrollbar is usually sufficient. Handling tab folders and buttons that are placed on the bottom of the screen is also a challenge.

Solutions. The most obvious and most simple solution to this problem is to add or adjust scroll bars when the keyboard appears. The other solutions pre-sented below are solutions where the need for adding scroll bars are removed or reduced.

In some cases it is OK letting the keyboard cover part of the UI. How “bad” this solution is depends on what is placed on the part of the screen that will be covered by the keyboard. If this part is occupied by output fields, the solution may work fine as
long as the keyboard is removed when not needed. If this part of the screen contains important input fields or tab folders the solution is useless.

Another simple, but seldom very practical solution is to just use the part of the screen that will not be covered by the keyboard. In practice, what this solution does is reducing the size of the screen. This solution may be OK for dialog boxes, but is seldom
practical for normal android.

A more advanced, but still fairly easily implemented solution is to use one large UI control as a buffer. By this we mean that when the keyboard is added, one of the controls is reduced vertically to be just as much smaller as the size of the keyboard. Controls
that may be used for this are primarily list boxes and multi line text boxes.

Yet another fairly simple solution is having two variants of the UI, one that uses all the screen space and one that makes room for the keyboard. The main dis-advantage with the solution is – in addition to added development work – that the user may be confused
when the UI changes.

The buffer solution may also be used with two or more large UI controls shar-ing the amount of size reduction to be applied. Generalized, this solution ends up as dynamic resizing of the controls in the UI. This may be done using two differ-ent approaches.
The first is to decide a resizing rule for each window and apply that as tailored code for each window. The second is to have a general layout ad-justment algorithm doing it for all android.


The patterns collection was presented at a half day tutorial at the HCI International conference in 2007 [6]. At the tutorial, the structure of the patterns collection was presented, and all patterns were presented at a very brief level. Then, 12 of the
26 patterns were presented in more detail. During the presentation, the participants filled in a questionnaire. They scored the relevance of the main problem areas, the relevance and usefulness of each of the presented patterns, and finally the rele-vance
and usefulness of the patterns collection and such as well as their expecta-tions for future use of the patterns collection. Relevance, usefulness and future use were scored on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 6 (highest). 29 of the participants at the tutorial
handed in the questionnaire. There was a small majority of male, age varied from 25 to 50, most being around 30 years old. A majority had their origin in Asia, the rest coming from Europe and America. The majority has an education on master level, the rest
split among undergradu-ates and PhD holders. The educational background was equally split between technical and non-technical. UI development experience varied from 0 to 12 years, 4 the majority having 5 years or less experience. Experience in developing mobile
solutions varied from 0 to 6 years, the majority having 2 years or less experience.


Scores on the main problem areas show an average score on relevance of 5.3 for Utilizing screen space, on 5.4 for Interaction mechanisms, and 4.9 for Design at large. Scores on the patterns collection as such show an average score on rele-vance of 5.0, and
on both usefulness and future use of the patterns collection of 4.5. All these scores verify that the patterns collection both addresses releva
nt problems and gives useful and practical advices on how to solve these problems.

Looking at the scores for the individual patterns that were presented in more detail, the scores vary a bit, but are still fairly high. Figure 1 below shows the average scores for relevance and usefulness for the 12 patterns, sorted descending on scores
for relevance.

Fig. 1. Average scores for relevance and usefulness 
As for the patterns collection as such, the average scores for relevance are higher than the corresponding scores for usefulness. This is not surprising, as it is usually easier to agree with a problem description than a proposed solution. Al-though all
but one of the average usefulness scores are on the top half of the scale, the patterns where the usefulness scores are lowest, and the patterns where the dif-ference between relevance score and usefulness scores are highest, are candidates for further work.
It may also be noted that correlation analyses show that the scores for relevance and usefulness correlates on the 0.01 level for 7 of the 12 5 problems, and on the 0.05 level for 2 of the other 5. Also, the scores for relevance and usefulness for the patterns
collection as such correlates on the 0.01 level.

Using patterns format to document design knowledge

The chosen patterns format is in many ways well suited to document user interface design knowledge, as it captures the essential aspects of a problem. Also, as de-sign patterns may be on different abstraction levels they can be used to describe problems
of different “sizes”. Furthermore, dividing a problem field into a limited number of well defined problems makes it possible to handle a set of manageable problems separately. Finally, having a patterns collection makes it possible to combine the just mentioned
“divide and rule” principle with having an overall structure.

The biggest challenge we had using the patterns format is the connection be-tween problems and solutions. Very often this is a many to many connection. Pre-senting the same or very similar solutions to a number of problems, either causes a lot of cross-references
or large amounts of repetition. We chose to use cross-references, as is being done in other patterns collections [2]. Currently we are con-sidering restructuring the patterns collection so that each pattern represents either one solution or a unique combination
of one problem and one solution. Both these approaches will reduce the need for cross-referencing, but both will increase the number of patterns, thus making it more difficult to get an overview of the pat-terns collection.

Related work

There are a number of patterns collections and even collections of patterns collec-tions on the web, see also [1] for an assessment of such collections. There are also a few collections of patterns for mobile user interfaces, like The Design Pattern Wiki
and Little Springs mobile UI design patterns. The latter overlaps with two of our main problem areas, but while our collection is organized by problems, this collection is organized by solutions. The patterns presented in [8], although focus-ing on mobile
interaction, are much wider in its scope than our collection, with only two user interface patterns. [2 & 3] present a design patterns collection for ubiquitous computing that is fairly large, but has a broader scope with patterns that are on a higher abstraction
level and/or are less comprehensive in the suggested set of solutions than our patterns.

Conclusions and future work

In this paper we have presented a structured collection of user interface design patterns for mobile applications. The structure is valuable as an index and it gives a comprehensive overview of design problems for mobile UIs.

The patterns collection has been validated using a questionnaire at a tutorial. This validation shows that both the individual patterns assessed and the whole col-lection were perceived as relevant and useful by the participants, and that it is likely that
they will use the collection in future work. It also identifies patterns that need more work.

Finally, we have discussed pros and cons of using a patterns collection for documenting design knowledge. The main pro being the ability to divide a large problem area into a structured set of manageable problems, the main con being that the same solution
may apply to a number of problems, causing a lot of cross-references between the patterns. The collection is continuously being improved and enhanced, e.g. in the areas multi-modal interaction and exploiting context [7].


The work on which this paper is based is supported by the UMBRA and FLAMINCO projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council and the industry partners in these projects. I would also like to thank my colleagues Jan Heim for con-tributions to designing
the questionnaire used for the validation and in analyzing the results.


[1] Deng J et al (2005) Managing UI pattern collections. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI New Zealand chapter's international conference on Computer- human interaction

[2] Duyne D K & Landay J A (2004) Design Patterns, Course documentation

[3] Landay J A & Borriello G (2003) Design Patterns for Ubiquitous Computing. In IEEE Com-puter August 2003

[4] Gamma E, Helm R, Johnson R, and lissides J (1995) Design Patterns – Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley

[5] Nilsson E G (2005) Design guidelines for mobile applications. SINTEF Report STF90 A06003, ISBN 82-14-03820-0

[6] Nilsson E G (2007) Design patterns for user interfaces on mobile equipment. Tutorial documentation, HCI International

[7] Nilsson E G, Floch J, et al. (2006) Model-based user interface adaptation. Computers & Graphics 30(5): 692–701

[8] Roth J (2002) Patterns of Mobile Interaction. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 6, Issue 4 (September 2002) 
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