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脚本 - 清理/维护gpperfmon历史数据

2016-05-05 17:17 369 查看
文章标题:脚本 - 清理/维护gpperfmon历史数据

原文作者:Faisal Ali - 2015-2-26 21:13

译文作者:Goopand(goopand {AT} gmail.com) - 2016-5-5 17:05











gpadmin:Fullrack@mdw $ pwd
gpadmin:Fullrack@mdw $ ls -ltr
total 56
-rw------- 1 gpadmin gpadmin 7485 Aug 21 02:18 gpperfmon_maintenance.sh
-rw------- 1 gpadmin gpadmin  127 Aug 21 02:29 environment_parameters.env



/bin/sh gpperfmon_maintenance.sh






#  gpperfmon_maintenance.sh
#  pivotal - 2014

# Function : To extract the history partition name which is older than retention period.
extract_partition_information() {
echo "INFO - Extracting information of partition older than retention period: "$Retention" Months"

psql -d $PGDATABASE -p $PGPORT -c "SELECT schemaname||'.'||tablename as Parent_Table, partitionschemaname||'.'||partitiontablename as Partition_Name, age(substring(partitionrangestart from 2 for 19)::timestamp) Partition_Age, substring(partitionrangestart from 2 for 19)::timestamp as Partition_Start, substring(partitionrangeend from 2 for 19)::timestamp as Partition_End, partitionrank as Parition_Rank, (select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(b.partitiontablename)) from pg_partitions b where p.partitiontablename=b.partitiontablename ) as Partition_Size FROM pg_partitions p WHERE partitionrangestart < current_timestamp::timestamp without time zone  - interval '${Retention} months' and tablename like '%history' and partitionrank <> 1 ORDER BY 3 desc;"

# Function : To extract the sql to drop those older partition, but it ignores if that is the only partition of the table.
generate_sql_to_drop() {
echo "INFO - Generating SQL to drop partition older than retention period: "$Retention" Months"

psql -d $PGDATABASE -p $PGPORT -Atc "SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' ||schemaname||'.'||tablename || ' DROP PARTITION FOR (RANK(' || partitionrank|| '));' FROM pg_partitions WHERE partitionrangestart < current_timestamp::timestamp without time zone  - interval '${Retention} months' and tablename in ( select a.tablename from pg_partitions a where a.tablename like '%history' group by a.tablename having count(*) > 1 ) and partitionrank <> 1 ORDER BY partitionrank desc; "  > $sql_file

# Function : To drop the partition.
execute_drop_sql() {
echo "INFO - Excecuting the sql file generated to drop the partition with retention older than: " $Retention" Months"

psql -d $PGDATABASE -p $PGPORT -ef $sql_file > $drop_output

# Function : To extract the history partition name after executing the drop.
extract_partition_info_after_drop() {
echo "INFO - Extracting information of partition after dropping the partition more than the retention period: "$Retention" Months"
echo "MESG - If any partition left after drop, the partition could be the last partition of the table"
echo "MESG - Drop script ignore the last partition , to avoid the below error \"cannot drop partition for rank 1 of relation \"<table-name>\" -- only one remains\" "

psql -d $PGDATABASE -p $PGPORT -c "SELECT schemaname||'.'||tablename as Parent_Table, partitionschemaname||'.'||partitiontablename as Partition_Name, age(substring(partitionrangestart from 2 for 19)::timestamp) Partition_Age, substring(partitionrangestart from 2 for 19)::timestamp as Partition_Start, substring(partitionrangeend from 2 for 19)::timestamp as Partition_End FROM pg_partitions p WHERE partitionrangestart < current_timestamp::timestamp without time zone  -  interval '${Retention} months' and tablename like '%history' and partitionrank <> 1 ORDER BY 3 desc; "

# Main program starts here

# Script and log directories
echo "INFO - Generating the directories name / location where the output logs will saved / stored"

export script=$0
export script_basename=`basename $script`
export script_dir=`dirname $script`
cd $script_dir
export script_dir=`pwd`
export install_dir=`dirname $script_dir`
export logdir=$script_dir/log
export tmpdir=$script_dir/tmp
export fixdir=$script_dir/fix

# Creating tmp / log directory
echo "INFO - Creating the directories which will be used for storing logs / temp files ( if not available ) "

mkdir -p $script_dir/log
mkdir -p $script_dir/tmp
mkdir -p $script_dir/fix

# Reading the parameter file to set the environment
echo "INFO - Reading the parameter file to set the environment"

export paramfile=$script_dir/environment_parameters.env
export GPHOME=`grep -i gphome $paramfile | grep -v grep | cut -d: -f2`
source $GPHOME/greenplum_path.sh
export PGDATABASE=`grep -i pgdatabase $paramfile | grep -v grep | cut -d: -f2`
export PGPORT=`grep -i pgport $paramfile | grep -v grep | cut -d: -f2`
export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=`grep -i master_data_directory $paramfile | grep -v grep | cut -d: -f2`
export Retention=`grep -i retention $paramfile | grep -v grep | cut -d: -f2`

# Script and log filenames
echo "INFO - Generating filenames needed for output logs"

export logfile=${logdir}/${script_basename}.${PGDATABASE}.${PGPORT}.log
export oldlog1=${logdir}/${script_basename}.${PGDATABASE}.${PGPORT}.log.1
export oldlog2=${logdir}/${script_basename}.${PGDATABASE}.${PGPORT}.log.2
export junkfile=${tmpdir}/${script_basename}.${PGDATABASE}.${PGPORT}.junk
export sql_file=${fixdir}/${script_basename}.${PGDATABASE}.${PGPORT}.dropping_older_partition.sql
export drop_output=${tmpdir}/${script_basename}.${PGDATABASE}.${PGPORT}.drop_output.tmp

# Save old log files
echo "INFO - Checking / archiving the old log files from previous run"

if (test -f $oldlog1 )
mv -f $oldlog1 $oldlog2 > $junkfile 2>> $junkfile

if (test -f $logfile )
mv -f $logfile $oldlog1 > $junkfile 2>> $junkfile

# Remove old temporary files.
echo "INFO - Removing the old / temporary files from previous run, if any"

if (test -f $sql_file )
rm -r $sql_file > $junkfile 2>> $junkfile

# Direct messages to logfile
echo "INFO - All the log / output messages are being moved to logfile: " $logfile
echo "INFO - Please use a different session to view the progress / logfile: " $logfile
echo "INFO - Do not press ctrl + c or kill the session unless its needed , allow the program to complete"

exec > $logfile 2>> $logfile

# Printing the message on the environment that will be used by this script
echo "INFO - Program succesfully started"
echo "INFO - Program started at" `date`
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "MESG - GreenPlum Database Cluster Environment: "
echo "       INFO - Software Location:" $GPHOME
echo "       INFO - Database:" $PGDATABASE
echo "       INFO - Port:" $PGPORT
echo "       INFO - Master Data Directory:" $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY
echo "       INFO - Retention:"$Retention" Months"
echo "MESG - The script logs name / location"
echo "       INFO - Logfile Destination:" $logdir
echo "       INFO - Logfile Name:" $logfile
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

# Calling the Function to confirm the script execution

# Program ending messages.
echo "INFO - Progam succesfully completed"
echo "INFO - Program ended at" `date`



-rw------- 1 gpadmin gpadmin 7485 Aug 21 02:18 gpperfmon_maintenance.sh
-rw------- 1 gpadmin gpadmin  127 Aug 21 02:29 environment_parameters.env
drwx------ 2 gpadmin gpadmin  111 Aug 21 02:18 fix
drwx------ 2 gpadmin gpadmin  153 Aug 21 02:18 tmp
drwx------ 2 gpadmin gpadmin  125 Aug 21 02:18 log


fix : 包含删除历史分区的SQL

tmp : 垃圾文件以及执行drop语句命令的输出结果

log : shell脚本的日志文件



gpadmin:Fullrack@mdw $ /bin/sh gpperfmon_maintenance.sh
INFO - Generating the directories name / location where the output logs will saved / stored

INFO - Creating the directories which will be used for storing logs / temp files ( if not available )

INFO - Reading the parameter file to set the environment

INFO - Generating filenames needed for output logs

INFO - Checking / archiving the old log files from previous run

INFO - Removing the old / temporary files from previous run, if any

INFO - All the log / output messages are being moved to logfile:  /data1/gpadmin/log/gpperfmon_maintenance.sh.gpperfmon.5432.log
INFO - Please use a different session to view the progress / logfile:  /data1/gpadmin/log/gpperfmon_maintenance.sh.gpperfmon.5432.log
INFO - Do not press ctrl + c or kill the session unless its needed , allow the program to complete


gpadmin:Fullrack@mdw $ cat gpperfmon_maintenance.sh.gpperfmon.5432.log

INFO - Program succesfully started
INFO - Program started at Thu Aug 21 02:07:50 PDT 2014


MESG - GreenPlum Database Cluster Environment:

INFO - Software Location:  /usr/local/greenplum-db-
INFO - Database:  gpperfmon
INFO - Port:  5432
INFO - Master Data Directory:  /data/master/gpseg-1
INFO - Retention: 3 Months

MESG - The script logs name / location

INFO - Logfile Destination:  /data1/gpadmin/log
INFO - Logfile Name:  /data1/gpadmin/log/gpperfmon_maintenance.sh.gpperfmon.5432.log


INFO - Extracting information of partition older than retention period: 3 Months

Parent Table           |              Partition Name              |          Partition Age          |   Partition Start   |    Partition End    | Parition Rank | Partition Size
public.log_alert_history         | public.log_alert_history_1_prt_1         | 4 years 7 mons 20 days 03:00:00 | 2009-12-31 21:00:00 | 2010-01-31 21:00:00 |             1 | 288 kB
public.iterators_history         | public.iterators_history_1_prt_1         | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 288 kB
public.database_history          | public.database_history_1_prt_1          | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 0 bytes
public.segment_history           | public.segment_history_1_prt_1           | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 0 bytes
public.emcconnect_history        | public.emcconnect_history_1_prt_1        | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 288 kB
public.health_history            | public.health_history_1_prt_1            | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 288 kB
public.filerep_history           | public.filerep_history_1_prt_1           | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 0 bytes
public.diskspace_history         | public.diskspace_history_1_prt_1         | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 288 kB
public.network_interface_history | public.network_interface_history_1_prt_1 | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 0 bytes
public.socket_history            | public.socket_history_1_prt_1            | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 0 bytes
public.udp_history               | public.udp_history_1_prt_1               | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 0 bytes
public.tcp_history               | public.tcp_history_1_prt_1               | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 0 bytes
public.tcp_extended_history      | public.tcp_extended_history_1_prt_1      | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 0 bytes
public.queries_history           | public.queries_history_1_prt_1           | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00 |             1 | 288 kB
(14 rows)

INFO - Generating SQL to drop partiton older than retention period: 3 Months

INFO - Excecuting the sql file generated to drop the partition with retention older than:  3 Months

INFO - Extracting information of partition after dropping the partition more than the retention period: 3 Months

MESG - If any partition left after drop, the partition could be the last partition of the table
MESG - Drop script ignore the last partition , to avoid the below error "cannot drop partition for rank 1 of relation "" -- only one remains"

Parent Table           |              Partition Name              |          Partition Age          |   Partition Start   |    Partition End
public.log_alert_history         | public.log_alert_history_1_prt_1         | 4 years 7 mons 20 days 03:00:00 | 2009-12-31 21:00:00 | 2010-01-31 21:00:00
public.socket_history            | public.socket_history_1_prt_1            | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00
public.udp_history               | public.udp_history_1_prt_1               | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00
public.tcp_history               | public.tcp_history_1_prt_1               | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00
public.tcp_extended_history      | public.tcp_extended_history_1_prt_1      | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00
public.network_interface_history | public.network_interface_history_1_prt_1 | 4 years 7 mons 20 days          | 2010-01-01 00:00:00 | 2010-02-01 00:00:00
(6 rows)

INFO - Progam succesfully completed
INFO - Program ended at Thu Aug 21 02:07:51 PDT 2014


environment_parameters.env (126 Bytes)

gpperfmon_maintenance.sh (8 KB)


[Kushal Choubay]

别忘了还有这个 - VACUUM,VACUUM FULL and REINDEX 对减小gpperfmon(以及其他任何)数据库也有帮助。

gpperfmon=# REINDEX DATABASE gpperfmon;

gpperfmon=# VACUUM [FULL] [TABLENAME] ; ------ 推荐使用脚本或者命令集,对各个表(用户表和系统表)执行vacuum。

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息