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ERROR——running docker in CORE on Fedora23

2016-05-03 10:24 1131 查看
[root@localhost 桌面]# uname -a

Linux localhost.localdomain 4.4.8-300.fc23.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Apr 20 16:59:27 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@n6 n6.conf]# uname -a

Linux n6 4.4.8-300.fc23.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Apr 20 16:59:27 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@n6 n6.conf]# docker daemon &

[1] 106

[root@n6 n6.conf]# WARN[0000] Udev sync is not supported. This will lead to unexpected behavior, data loss and errors. For more information, see https://docs.docker.com/reference/commandline/daemon/#daemon-storage-driver-option
WARN[0000] Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. Please use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` or use `man docker` to refer to dm.thinpooldev section.

INFO[0000] [graphdriver] using prior storage driver "devicemapper"

INFO[0000] Default bridge (docker0) is assigned with an IP address Daemon option --bip can be used to set a preferred IP address

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support swap memory limit.

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support memory reservation.

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support oom control.

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support memory swappiness.

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support kernel memory limit.

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support cgroup cpu shares

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support cgroup cfs period

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support cgroup cfs quotas

WARN[0000] Your kernel does not support cgroup blkio weight

INFO[0000] Loading containers: start.


INFO[0000] Loading containers: done.

INFO[0000] Daemon has completed initialization

INFO[0000] Docker daemon commit=ee06d03/1.9.1 execdriver=native-0.2 graphdriver=devicemapper version=1.9.1

INFO[0000] API listen on /var/run/docker.sock

[root@n6 n6.conf]#

[root@n6 n6.conf]# docker images


docker.io/centos core 28e524afdd05 4 weeks ago 196.7 MB

docker.io/centos latest 28e524afdd05 4 weeks ago 196.7 MB

[root@n6 n6.conf]# docker run centos echo "hello world!"

INFO[0016] {Action=create, LoginUID=4294967295, PID=159}

INFO[0017] {Action=attach, ID=2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05, LoginUID=4294967295, PID=159}

INFO[0017] {Action=start, ID=2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05, LoginUID=4294967295, PID=159, Config={Hostname=2a1302e0f82b, AttachStdin=false, AttachStdout=true, AttachStderr=true, Tty=false, OpenStdin=false, StdinOnce=false,
Cmd={parts:[echo hello world!]}, Image=centos, NetworkDisabled=false, Labels=map[build-date:2016-03-31 license:GPLv2 name:CentOS Base Image vendor:CentOS], StopSignal=SIGTERM}, HostConfig={LxcConf={values:[]}, OomKillDisable=false, MemorySwappiness=-1, Privileged=false,
PortBindings=map[], PublishAllPorts=false, DNS=[], DNSOptions=[], DNSSearch=[], Devices=[], NetworkMode=default, RestartPolicy={Name:no MaximumRetryCount:0}, ReadonlyRootfs=false, LogConfig={Type:json-file Config:map[]}, ShmSize=67108864}}

WARN[0017] signal: killed

WARN[0018] failed to cleanup ipc mounts:

failed to umount /var/lib/docker/containers/2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05/shm: invalid argument

failed to umount /var/lib/docker/containers/2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05/mqueue: invalid argument

ERRO[0018] Error unmounting device 2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05: UnmountDevice: device not-mounted id 2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05

ERRO[0018] Handler for POST /v1.21/containers/2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05/start returned error: Cannot start container 2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05: [8] System error: mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset:
no such file or directory

ERRO[0018] HTTP Error err=Cannot start container 2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05: [8] System error: mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset: no such file or directory statusCode=500

Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 2a1302e0f82b742cb4f6e3f18061f00df2025a2c8479df492781ecd54a6e9c05: [8] System error: mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset: no such file or directory

[root@n6 n6.conf]#

[root@localhost 桌面]# ldd /usr/bin/docker
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