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2016-05-02 13:09 453 查看
关于ansible的setup,具体说明在http: //docs.ansible.com/ansible/setup_module.html

[root@ansible ~]# ansible db -m setup
db | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [
"ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [
"ansible_architecture": "x86_64",
"ansible_bios_date": "05/20/2014",
"ansible_bios_version": "6.00",
"ansible_cmdline": {
"KEYTABLE": "us",
"LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
"SYSFONT": "latarcyrheb-sun16",
"quiet": true,
"rd_LVM_LV": "VolGroup/lv_root",
"rd_NO_DM": true,
"rd_NO_LUKS": true,
"rd_NO_MD": true,
"rhgb": true,
"ro": true,
"root": "/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root"
"ansible_date_time": {
"date": "2016-05-02",
"day": "02",
"epoch": "1462151488",
"hour": "09",
"iso8601": "2016-05-02T01:11:28Z",
"iso8601_basic": "20160502T091128125057",
"iso8601_basic_short": "20160502T091128",
"iso8601_micro": "2016-05-02T01:11:28.125158Z",
"minute": "11",
"month": "05",
"second": "28",
"time": "09:11:28",
"tz": "CST",
"tz_offset": "+0800",
"weekday": "Monday",
"weekday_number": "1",
"weeknumber": "18",
"year": "2016"
"ansible_default_ipv4": {
"address": "",
"alias": "eth0",
"broadcast": "",
"gateway": "",
"interface": "eth0",
"macaddress": "00:0c:29:14:cc:24",
"mtu": 1500,
"netmask": "",
"network": "",
"type": "ether"
"ansible_default_ipv6": {},
"ansible_devices": {
"sda": {
"holders": [],
"host": "SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic 53c1030 PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ultra320 SCSI (rev 01)",
"model": "VMware Virtual S",
"partitions": {
"sda1": {
"sectors": "1024000",
"sectorsize": 512,
"size": "500.00 MB",
"start": "2048"
"sda2": {
"sectors": "103831552",
"sectorsize": 512,
"size": "49.51 GB",
"start": "1026048"
"removable": "0",
"rotational": "1",
"scheduler_mode": "cfq",
"sectors": "104857600",
"sectorsize": "512",
"size": "50.00 GB",
"support_discard": "0",
"vendor": "VMware,"
"sr0": {
"holders": [],
"host": "IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)",
"model": "VMware IDE CDR10",
"partitions": {},
"removable": "1",
"rotational": "1",
"scheduler_mode": "cfq",
"sectors": "2097151",
"sectorsize": "512",
"size": "1024.00 MB",
"support_discard": "0",
"vendor": "NECVMWar"
"ansible_distribution": "CentOS",
"ansible_distribution_major_version": "6",
"ansible_distribution_release": "Final",
"ansible_distribution_version": "6.6",
"ansible_dns": {
"nameservers": [
"search": [
"ansible_docker0": {
"active": true,
"device": "docker0",
"id": "8000.000000000000",
"interfaces": [],
"ipv4": {
"address": "",
"broadcast": "global",
"netmask": "",
"network": ""
"ipv6": [
"address": "fe80::3c17:8bff:fe88:6e2b",
"prefix": "64",
"scope": "link"
"macaddress": "3e:17:8b:88:6e:2b",
"mtu": 1500,
"promisc": false,
"stp": false,
"type": "bridge"
"ansible_domain": "",
"ansible_env": {
"HOME": "/root",
"LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
"LC_ALL": "en_US.UTF-8",
"LESSOPEN": "||/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s",
"LOGNAME": "root",
"MAIL": "/var/mail/root",
"PATH": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin",
"PWD": "/root",
"SHELL": "/bin/bash",
"SHLVL": "2",
"SSH_CLIENT": " 38108 22",
"SSH_CONNECTION": " 38108 22",
"SSH_TTY": "/dev/pts/0",
"TERM": "xterm",
"USER": "root",
"_": "/usr/bin/python"
"ansible_eth0": {
"active": true,
"device": "eth0",
"ipv4": {
"address": "",
"broadcast": "",
"netmask": "",
"network": ""
"ipv6": [
"address": "fe80::20c:29ff:fe14:cc24",
"prefix": "64",
"scope": "link"
"macaddress": "00:0c:29:14:cc:24",
"module": "e1000",
"mtu": 1500,
"pciid": "0000:02:01.0",
"promisc": false,
"type": "ether"
"ansible_fips": false,
"ansible_form_factor": "Other",
"ansible_fqdn": "db",
"ansible_hostname": "db",
"ansible_interfaces": [
"ansible_kernel": "2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64",
"ansible_lo": {
"active": true,
"device": "lo",
"ipv4": {
"address": "",
"broadcast": "host",
"netmask": "",
"network": ""
"ipv6": [
"address": "::1",
"prefix": "128",
"scope": "host"
"mtu": 65536,
"promisc": false,
"type": "loopback"
"ansible_lvm": {
"lvs": {
"lv_root": {
"size_g": "48.54",
"vg": "VolGroup"
"lv_swap": {
"size_g": "0.97",
"vg": "VolGroup"
"vgs": {
"VolGroup": {
"free_g": "0",
"num_lvs": "2",
"num_pvs": "1",
"size_g": "49.51"
"ansible_machine": "x86_64",
"ansible_memfree_mb": 105,
"ansible_memory_mb": {
"nocache": {
"free": 217,
"used": 265
"real": {
"free": 105,
"total": 482,
"used": 377
"swap": {
"cached": 0,
"free": 991,
"total": 991,
"used": 0
"ansible_memtotal_mb": 482,
"ansible_mounts": [
"device": "/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root",
"fstype": "ext4",
"mount": "/",
"options": "rw",
"size_available": 44720926720,
"size_total": 51164958720,
"uuid": "ac02f356-e4ce-448b-914d-4ba34575f6a2"
"device": "/dev/sda1",
"fstype": "ext4",
"mount": "/boot",
"options": "rw",
"size_available": 421961728,
"size_total": 499355648,
"uuid": "06425d02-4d1f-49a1-afdb-8ef1dafd3334"
"ansible_nodename": "db",
"ansible_os_family": "RedHat",
"ansible_pkg_mgr": "yum",
"ansible_processor": [
"Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz"
"ansible_processor_cores": 1,
"ansible_processor_count": 1,
"ansible_processor_threads_per_core": 1,
"ansible_processor_vcpus": 1,
"ansible_product_name": "VMware Virtual Platform",
"ansible_product_serial": "VMware-56 4d a2 b5 7d 5d 89 ea-96 fa 0b 4a 97 14 cc 24",
"ansible_product_uuid": "564DA2B5-7D5D-89EA-96FA-0B4A9714CC24",
"ansible_product_version": "None",
"ansible_python_version": "2.6.6",
"ansible_selinux": {
"config_mode": "enforcing",
"mode": "enforcing",
"policyvers": 24,
"status": "enabled",
"type": "targeted"
"ansible_service_mgr": "upstart",
"ansible_ssh_host_key_dsa_public": "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",
"ansible_ssh_host_key_rsa_public": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAuIPddB4RPpv6RoeFlxMQV8l0aZPUy/S3z8JgmVgTZAGZCtULe6YFPnqUN1FvcPrIrHDDaRZ8AthzH8fpELGU9DDQpUpvHRXlV7Q29feQ1+N5v4fGE0nCwiS+T2exnBgyIh84FTDhpL/wdielu4+PtF3ED/IPGrxEepjm/ethqzV00g9e8IpdxKaFmhGFJB2HjPjBzywz/UwUzZ1XPNNRGWO/niVxivmIQPzul0OAIddTiXLW+5ay3D5ajrsFXfbpkUUBuwxzTdlNYmOR/YUonK76LUvIoUF4WZish4XcBEpHXn2lCI6zDyj8nGVX5yUDIlRdgTcMB0EWtv2cwLVkZw==",
"ansible_swapfree_mb": 991,
"ansible_swaptotal_mb": 991,
"ansible_system": "Linux",
"ansible_system_vendor": "VMware, Inc.",
"ansible_uptime_seconds": 15909,
"ansible_user_dir": "/root",
"ansible_user_gecos": "root",
"ansible_user_gid": 0,
"ansible_user_id": "root",
"ansible_user_shell": "/bin/bash",
"ansible_user_uid": 0,
"ansible_userspace_architecture": "x86_64",
"ansible_userspace_bits": "64",
"ansible_virtualization_role": "guest",
"ansible_virtualization_type": "VMware",
"module_setup": true
"changed": false

[root@ansible ~]# ansible-doc -s setup
less 436
Copyright (C) 1984-2009 Mark Nudelman
less comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
For information about the terms of redistribution,
see the file named README in the less distribution.
Homepage: http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less - name: Gathers facts about remote hosts
action: setup
fact_path              # path used for local ansible facts (*.fact) - files in this dir will be run (if executable) and
their results be added to ansible_local facts if a file is not
executable it is read. File/results format can be json or ini-
filter                 # if supplied, only return facts that match this shell-style (fnmatch) wildcard.


[root@ansible ~]# ansible db -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_default_ipv4'
db | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_default_ipv4": {
"address": "",
"alias": "eth0",
"broadcast": "",
"gateway": "",
"interface": "eth0",
"macaddress": "00:0c:29:14:cc:24",
"mtu": 1500,
"netmask": "",
"network": "",
"type": "ether"
"changed": false
[root@ansible ~]# ansible db -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_memory_mb'
db | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_memory_mb": {
"nocache": {
"free": 217,
"used": 265
"real": {
"free": 101,
"total": 482,
"used": 381
"swap": {
"cached": 0,
"free": 991,
"total": 991,
"used": 0
"changed": false
[root@ansible ~]# ansible db -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_nodename'
db | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_nodename": "db"
"changed": false

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标签:  setup ansible