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mysql shell 查看 所有用户的 授权列表

2016-04-29 11:54 656 查看
[root@localhost ~]# mysql -h localhost -u root -p

Enter password:

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Server version: 5.6.25 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

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mysql> select * from information_schema.user_privileges;




| 'root'@'localhost' | def | SELECT | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | INSERT | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | UPDATE | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | DELETE | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | CREATE | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | DROP | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | RELOAD | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | SHUTDOWN | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | PROCESS | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | FILE | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | REFERENCES | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | INDEX | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | ALTER | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | SHOW DATABASES | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | SUPER | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | LOCK TABLES | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | EXECUTE | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | REPLICATION SLAVE | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | REPLICATION CLIENT | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | CREATE VIEW | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | SHOW VIEW | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | CREATE ROUTINE | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | ALTER ROUTINE | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | CREATE USER | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | EVENT | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | TRIGGER | YES |

| 'root'@'localhost' | def | CREATE TABLESPACE | YES |

| 'hzshark'@'localhost' | def | USAGE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | SELECT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | INSERT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | UPDATE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | DELETE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | CREATE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | DROP | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | RELOAD | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | SHUTDOWN | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | PROCESS | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | FILE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | REFERENCES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | INDEX | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | ALTER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | SHOW DATABASES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | SUPER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | LOCK TABLES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | EXECUTE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | REPLICATION SLAVE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | REPLICATION CLIENT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | CREATE VIEW | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | SHOW VIEW | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | CREATE ROUTINE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | ALTER ROUTINE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | CREATE USER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | EVENT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | TRIGGER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'' | def | CREATE TABLESPACE | NO |

| 'testlink'@'' | def | USAGE | NO |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | SELECT | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | INSERT | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | UPDATE | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | DELETE | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | CREATE | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | DROP | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | RELOAD | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | SHUTDOWN | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | PROCESS | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | FILE | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | REFERENCES | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | INDEX | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | ALTER | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | SHOW DATABASES | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | SUPER | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | LOCK TABLES | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | EXECUTE | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | REPLICATION SLAVE | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | REPLICATION CLIENT | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | CREATE VIEW | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | SHOW VIEW | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | CREATE ROUTINE | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | ALTER ROUTINE | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | CREATE USER | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | EVENT | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | TRIGGER | YES |

| 'root'@'::1' | def | CREATE TABLESPACE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | SELECT | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | INSERT | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | UPDATE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | DELETE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | CREATE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | DROP | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | RELOAD | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | SHUTDOWN | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | PROCESS | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | FILE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | REFERENCES | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | INDEX | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | ALTER | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | SHOW DATABASES | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | SUPER | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | LOCK TABLES | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | EXECUTE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | REPLICATION SLAVE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | REPLICATION CLIENT | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | CREATE VIEW | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | SHOW VIEW | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | CREATE ROUTINE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | ALTER ROUTINE | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | CREATE USER | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | EVENT | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | TRIGGER | YES |

| 'root'@'' | def | CREATE TABLESPACE | YES |

| ''@'localhost' | def | USAGE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | SELECT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | INSERT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | UPDATE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | DELETE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | CREATE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | DROP | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | RELOAD | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | SHUTDOWN | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | PROCESS | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | FILE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | REFERENCES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | INDEX | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | ALTER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | SHOW DATABASES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | SUPER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | LOCK TABLES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | EXECUTE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | REPLICATION SLAVE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | REPLICATION CLIENT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | CREATE VIEW | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | SHOW VIEW | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | CREATE ROUTINE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | ALTER ROUTINE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | CREATE USER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | EVENT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | TRIGGER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.40.%' | def | CREATE TABLESPACE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | SELECT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | INSERT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | UPDATE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | DELETE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | CREATE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | DROP | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | RELOAD | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | SHUTDOWN | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | PROCESS | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | FILE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | REFERENCES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | INDEX | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | ALTER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | SHOW DATABASES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | SUPER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | LOCK TABLES | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | EXECUTE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | REPLICATION SLAVE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | REPLICATION CLIENT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | CREATE VIEW | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | SHOW VIEW | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | CREATE ROUTINE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | ALTER ROUTINE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | CREATE USER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | EVENT | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | TRIGGER | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'10.155.30.%' | def | CREATE TABLESPACE | NO |

| 'hzshark'@'%' | def | USAGE | NO |


172 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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