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'* File:     pdm2excel.txt
'* Title:    pdm export to excel
'* Purpose:  To export the tables and columns to Excel
'* Model:    Physical Data Model
'* Objects:  Table, Column, View
'* Author:   Chirs
'* Created:  2015-01-28
'* Version:  1.0
Option Explicit
Dim rowsNum
rowsNum = 0
' Main function
' Get the current active model
Dim Model
Set Model = ActiveModel
If (Model Is Nothing) Or (Not Model.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an PDM model."
' Get the tables collection

Dim beginrow
Set EXCEL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
EXCEL.Visible = True
Set BOOK = EXCEL.Workbooks.Add(-4167) '新建工作簿

BOOK.Sheets(1).Name = "数据库表结构"
Set SHEET = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets("数据库表结构")

ShowProperties Model, SHEET
EXCEL.visible = true
SHEET.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 10
SHEET.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 30
SHEET.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20

SHEET.Columns(1).WrapText =true
SHEET.Columns(2).WrapText =true
SHEET.Columns(3).WrapText =true

End If

' Show properties of tables
Sub ShowProperties(mdl, sheet)
' Show tables of the current model/package
beginrow = rowsNum+1
' For each table
output "begin"
Dim tab
For Each tab In mdl.tables
ShowTable tab,sheet
if mdl.tables.count > 0 then
sheet.Range("A" & beginrow + 1 & ":A" & rowsNum).Rows.Group
end if
output "end"
End Sub

' 数据表查询
Sub ShowTable(tab, sheet)
If IsObject(tab) Then
Dim rangFlag
sheet.cells(1, 1) = "序号"
sheet.cells(1, 2) = "表名"
sheet.cells(1, 3) = "实体名"
sheet.Range(sheet.cells(1, 1),sheet.cells(1, 3)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
sheet.Range(sheet.cells(1, 1),sheet.cells(1, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = "19"

rowsNum = rowsNum + 1
sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 1) = rowsNum
sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 2) = tab.code
sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 3) = tab.name
sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum+1,1),sheet.cells(rowsNum+1,3)).Borders.LineStyle = "2"

BOOK.Sheets.Add , BOOK.Sheets(BOOK.Sheets.count)
BOOK.Sheets(rowsNum+1).Name = tab.code

Dim shtn
Set shtn = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets(tab.code)
shtn.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 30
shtn.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20
shtn.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20
shtn.Columns(4).ColumnWidth = 20
shtn.Columns(5).ColumnWidth = 30
shtn.Columns(6).ColumnWidth = 20

shtn.Columns(1).WrapText =true
shtn.Columns(2).WrapText =true
shtn.Columns(3).WrapText =true
shtn.Columns(4).WrapText =true
shtn.Columns(5).WrapText =true
shtn.Columns(6).WrapText =true

shtn.cells(1, 1) = "名称"
shtn.cells(1, 2) = "字段"
shtn.cells(1, 3) = "类型"
shtn.cells(1, 4) = "长度"
shtn.cells(1, 5) = "是/否空"
shtn.cells(1, 6) = "备注"
shtn.cells(1, 7) = tab.code
shtn.cells(1, 8) = tab.Name
shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 1),shtn.cells(1, 3)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 5),shtn.cells(1, 6)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 1),shtn.cells(1, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = "19"
shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 5),shtn.cells(1, 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = "19"

Dim col ' running column
Dim colsNum
Dim rNum
colsNum = 0
rNum = 0
for each col in tab.columns
rNum = rNum + 1
colsNum = colsNum + 1

shtn.cells(rNum+1, 1) = col.name
shtn.cells(rNum+1, 2) = col.code
shtn.cells(rNum+1, 3) = col.datatype
shtn.cells(rNum+1, 4) = col.length
shtn.cells(rNum+1, 5) = "NOT"
shtn.cells(rNum+1, 6) = col.comment
shtn.Range(shtn.cells(rNum-colsNum+2,1),shtn.cells(rNum+1,3)).Borders.LineStyle = "2"
rNum = rNum + 1

Output "FullDescription: "       + tab.Name

End If
End Sub


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