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Python pencv documentation文档教程

2016-04-26 17:40 746 查看

Welcome to opencv documentation!

OpenCV API Reference


core. The Core Functionality

imgproc. Image Processing

imgcodecs. Image file reading and writing

videoio. Media I/O

highgui. High-level GUI and Media I/O

video. Video Analysis

calib3d. Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction

features2d. 2D Features Framework

objdetect. Object Detection

ml. Machine Learning

flann. Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional Spaces

photo. Computational Photography

stitching. Images stitching

cuda. CUDA-accelerated Computer Vision

cudaarithm. CUDA-accelerated Operations on Matrices

cudabgsegm. CUDA-accelerated Background Segmentation

cudacodec. CUDA-accelerated Video Encoding/Decoding

cudafeatures2d. CUDA-accelerated Feature Detection and Description

cudafilters. CUDA-accelerated Image Filtering

cudaimgproc. CUDA-accelerated Image Processing

cudaoptflow. CUDA-accelerated Optical Flow

cudastereo. CUDA-accelerated Stereo Correspondence

cudawarping. CUDA-accelerated Image Warping

shape. Shape Distance and Matching

superres. Super Resolution

videostab. Video Stabilization

viz. 3D Visualizer

bioinspired. Biologically inspired vision models and derivated tools

cvv. GUI for Interactive Visual Debugging of Computer Vision Programs

datasets. Framework for working with different datasets

face. Face Recognition

Binary descriptors for lines extracted from an image

optflow. Optical Flow Algorithms

reg. Image Registration

rgbd. RGB-Depth Processing

Saliency API

surface_matching. Surface Matching

text. Scene Text Detection and Recognition

tracking. Tracking API

xfeatures2d. Extra 2D Features Framework

ximgproc. Extended Image Processing

xobjdetect. Extended object detection.

xphoto. Additional photo processing algorithms

OpenCV4Android Reference

Android OpenCV Manager

Java API

OpenCV User Guide

Operations with images



Cascade Classifier Training


OpenCV Tutorials

OpenCV-Python Tutorials

Indices and tables


from: http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/
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