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2016-04-25 16:02 239 查看
[不带任何选项]我们经常这样使用rsync:$ rsync main.c machineB:/home/userB
1 只要目的端的文件内容和源端不一样,就会触发数据同步,rsync会确保两边的文件内容一样。
2 但rsync不会同步文件的“modify time”,凡是有数据同步的文件,目的端的文件的“modify time”总是会被修改为最新时刻的时间。
3 rsync不会太关注目的端文件的rwx权限,如果目的端没有此文件,那么权限会保持与源端一致;如果目的端有此文件,则权限不会随着源端变更。
4 只要rsync有对源文件的读权限,且对目标路径有写权限,rsync就能确保目的端文件同步到和源端一致。
5 rsync只能以登陆目的端的账号来创建文件,它没有能力保持目的端文件的输主和属组和源端一致。(除非你使用root权限,才有资格要求属主一致、属组一致)[-t选项]我们经常这样使用-t选项:$ rsync -t main.c machineB:/home/userB1 使用-t选项后,rsync总会想着一件事,那就是将源文件的“modify time”同步到目标机器。
2 带有-t选项的rsync,会变得更聪明些,它会在同步前先对比两边文件的时间戳和文件大小,如果一致,则就认为两边文件一样,对此文件就不再采取更新动作了。
3 因为rsync的聪明,也会反被聪明误。如果目的端的文件的时间戳、大小和源端完全一致,但是内容恰巧不一致时,rsync是发现不了的。这就是传说中的“坑”!
4 对于rsync自作聪明的情况,解决办法就是使用-I选项。[-I选项]我们经常这样使用-I选项:$ rsync -I main.c machineB:/home/userB1 -I选项会让rsync变得很乖很老实,它会挨个文件去发起数据同步。
2 -I选项可以确保数据的一致性,代价便是速度上会变慢,因为我们放弃了“quick check”策略。(quick check策略,就是先查看文件的时间戳和文件大小,依次先排除一批认为相同的文件)
3 无论情况如何,目的端的文件的modify time总会被更新到当前时刻。【-v选项】这个选项,简单易懂,就是让rsync输出更多的信息,我们可以举一个例子:$ rsync -vI main.c machineB:/home/userB

sent 81 bytes received 42 bytes 246.00 bytes/sec
total size is 11 speedup is 0.09你增加越多的v,就可以获得越多的日志信息。$ rsync -vvvvt abc.c machineB:/home/userB
cmd= machine=machineB user= path=/home/userB
cmd[0]=ssh cmd[1]=machineB cmd[2]=rsync cmd[3]=--server cmd[4]=-vvvvte. cmd[5]=. cmd[6]=/home/userB
opening connection using: ssh machineB rsync --server -vvvvte. . /home/userB
note: iconv_open("ANSI_X3.4-1968", "ANSI_X3.4-1968") succeeded.
(Client) Protocol versions: remote=28, negotiated=28
(Server) Protocol versions: remote=30, negotiated=28
[sender] make_file(abc.c,*,2)
[sender] flist start=0, used=1, low=0, high=0
[sender] i=0 abc.c mode=0100664 len=11 flags=0
send_file_list done
file list sent
send_files starting
server_recv(2) starting pid=31885
received 1 names
[receiver] i=0 abc.c mode=0100664 len=11
recv_file_list done
get_local_name count=1 /home/userB
recv_files(1) starting
generator starting pid=31885 count=1
delta transmission enabled
abc.c is uptodate
generate_files phase=1
send_files phase=1
recv_files phase=1
generate_files phase=2
send files finished
total: matches=0 hash_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=0
generate_files finished
recv_files finished
client_run waiting on 14318

sent 36 bytes received 16 bytes 104.00 bytes/sec
total size is 11 speedup is 0.21
_exit_cleanup(code=0, file=main.c, line=1031): entered
_exit_cleanup(code=0, file=main.c, line=1031): about to call exit(0)[-z选项]这是个压缩选项,只要使用了这个选项,rsync就会把发向对端的数据先进行压缩再传输。对于网络环境较差的情况下建议使用。一般情况下,-z的压缩算法会和gzip的一样。[-r选项]我们在第一次使用rsync时,往往会遇到这样的囧境:$ rsync superman machineB:/home/userB
skipping directory superman如果你不额外告诉rsync你需要它帮你同步文件夹的话,它是不会主动承担的,这也正是rsync的懒惰之处。所以,如果你真的想同步文件夹,那就要加上-r选项,即recursive(递归的、循环的),像这样:$ rsync -r superman machineB:/home/userB我们在上面的讲解中说过,如果时间戳和文件大小完全一致,只有文件内容不同,且你没有使用-I选项的话,那么,rsync是不会进行数据同步的。那么,提个问题:“因为在Linux的世界里,文件夹也是文件,如果这类文件(文件夹)也只有内容不同,而时间戳和文件大小都相同,rsync会发现么?”实验大家可以自己动手做,结论在这里告诉大家:对于文件夹,rsync是会明察秋毫的,只要你加了-r选项,它就会恪尽职守的进入到文件夹里去检查,而不会只对文件夹本身做“quick check”的。[-l选项]如果我们要同步一个软链接文件,你猜rsync会提示什么?$ ll
total 128
-rw-rw-r-- 1 userA userA 11 Dec 26 07:00 abc.c
lrwxrwxrwx 1 userA userA 5 Dec 26 11:35 softlink -> abc.c
$ rsync softlink machineB:/home/userB
skipping non-regular file "softlink"嗯,你猜对了,rsync又无情地拒绝了我们。它一旦发现某个文件是软链接,就会无视它,除非我们增加-l选项。$ rsync -l softlink machineB:/home/userB使用了-l选项后,rsync会完全保持软链接文件类型,原原本本的将软链接文件复制到目的端,而不会“follow link”到指向的实体文件。如果我偏偏就想让rsync采取follow link的方式,那就用-L选项就可以了。你可以自己试试效果。[-p选项]这个选项的全名是“perserve permissions”,顾名思义,就是保持权限。如果你不使用此选项的话,rsync是这样来处理权限问题的:1 如果目的端没有此文件,那么在同步后会将目的端文件的权限保持与源端一致;
2 如果目的端已存在此文件,那么只会同步文件内容,权限保持原有不变。如果你使用了-p选项,则无论如何,rsync都会让目的端保持与源端的权限一致的。[-g选项和-o选项]这两个选项是一对,用来保持文件的属组(group)和属主(owner),作用应该很清晰明了。不过要注意的一点是,改变属主和属组,往往只有管理员权限才可以。[-D选项]-D选项,原文解释是“preserve devices(root only)”,从字面意思看,就是保持设备文件的原始信息。由于博主没有实际体验过它的好处,所以没有太多发言权。[-a选项]1 -a选项是rsync里比较霸道的一个选项,因为你使用-a选项,就相当于使用了-rlptgoD这一坨选项。以一敌七,唯-a选项也。(在看了前文之后,你应该可以很轻松的理解这七个选项的作用了)
2 -a选项的学名应该叫做archive option,中文叫做归档选项。使用-a选项,就表明你希望采取递归方式来同步,且尽可能的保持各个方面的一致性。
3 但是-a选项也有阿克琉斯之踵,那就是-a无法同步“硬链接”情况。如果有这方面需求,要加上-H选项。[--delete选项、--delete-excluded选项和--delete-after选项]三个选项都是和“删除”有关的:1 –delete:如果源端没有此文件,那么目的端也别想拥有,删除之。(如果你使用这个选项,就必须搭配-r选项一起)
2 –delete-excluded:专门指定一些要在目的端删除的文件。
3 –delete-after:默认情况下,rsync是先清理目的端的文件再开始数据同步;如果使用此选项,则rsync会先进行数据同步,都完成后再删除那些需要清理的文件。看到这么多delete,你是否有点肝颤? 的确,在rsync的官方说明里也有这么一句话:This option can be dangerous if used incorrectly!
It is a very good idea to run first using the dry run option
(-n) to see what files would be deleted to make sure
important files aren't listed.从这句话里,我们学到了一个小技巧,那就是-n选项,它是一个吓唬人的选项,它会用受影响的文件列表来警告你,但不会真的去删除,这就让我们有了确认的机会和回旋的余地。我们看看实际用法吧:$ rsync -n --delete -r . machineB:/home/userB/
deleting superman/xxx
deleting main.c
deleting acclink[--exclude选项和--exclude-from选项]如果你不希望同步一些东西到目的端的话,可以使用–exclude选项来隐藏,rsync还是很重视大家隐私的,你可以多次使用–exclude选项来设置很多的“隐私”。如果你要隐藏的隐私太多的话,在命令行选项中设置会比较麻烦,rsync还是很体贴,它提供了–exclude-from选项,让你可以把隐私一一列在一个文件里,然后让rsync直接读取这个文件就好了。[--partial选项]这就是传说中的断点续传功能。默认情况下,rsync会删除那些传输中断的文件,然后重新传输。但在一些特别情况下,我们不希望重传,而是续传。我们在使用中,经常会看到有人会使用-P选项,这个选项其实是为了偷懒而设计的。以前人们总是要手动写–partial –progress,觉得太费劲了,倒不如用一个新的选项来代替,于是-P应运而生了。有些读者会问–partial我知道作用了,可–progress是干什么用的呢?为什么很多人要使用它呢,它有那么大的吸引力?(真有…)[--progress选项]使用这个选项,rsync会显示出传输进度信息,有什么用呢,rsync给了一个很有意思的解释:
-i, --itemize-changes
Requests a simple itemized list of the changes  that  are  being
made to each file, including attribute changes.  This is exactly
the same as specifying --out-format='%i %n%L'.   If  you  repeat
the option, unchanged files will also be output, but only if the
receiving rsync is at least version 2.6.7 (you can use -vv  with
older  versions  of  rsync, but that also turns on the output of
other verbose messages).

The "%i" escape has a cryptic output that is  11  letters  long.
The  general  format  is like the string YXcstpoguax, where Y is
replaced by the type of update being done, X is replaced by  the
file-type,  and  the other letters represent attributes that may
be output if they are being modified.

The update types that replace the Y are as follows:

o      A < means that a file is being transferred to the  remote
host (sent).

o      A  >  means that a file is being transferred to the local
host (received).

o      A c means that a local change/creation is  occurring  for
the  item  (such  as  the  creation of a directory or the
changing of a symlink, etc.).

o      A h means that the item is a hard link  to  another  item
(requires --hard-links).

o      A  .  means that the item is not being updated (though it
might have attributes that are being modified).

o      A * means that the rest of the itemized-output area  con-
tains a message (e.g. "deleting").

The  file-types  that replace the X are: f for a file, a d for a
directory, an L for a symlink, a D for a device, and a S  for  a
special file (e.g. named sockets and fifos).

The  other  letters  in  the string above are the actual letters
that will be output if the associated attribute for the item  is
being  updated or a "." for no change.  Three exceptions to this
are: (1) a newly created item replaces each letter with  a  "+",
(2)  an identical item replaces the dots with spaces, and (3) an
unknown attribute replaces each letter with a "?" (this can hap-
pen when talking to an older rsync).

The attribute that is associated with each letter is as follows:

o      A c means either that a  regular  file  has  a  different
checksum (requires --checksum) or that a symlink, device,
or special file has a changed value.  Note  that  if  you
are sending files to an rsync prior to 3.0.1, this change
flag will be present only for checksum-differing  regular

o      A  s  means  the  size of a regular file is different and
will be updated by the file transfer.

o      A t means the modification time is different and is being
updated  to  the  sender's  value (requires --times).  An
alternate value of T means  that  the  modification  time
will  be  set  to the transfer time, which happens when a
file/symlink/device is updated without --times and when a
symlink  is  changed and the receiver can't set its time.
(Note: when using an rsync 3.0.0 client,  you  might  see
the  s  flag combined with t instead of the proper T flag
for this time-setting failure.)

o      A p means the permissions are  different  and  are  being
updated to the sender's value (requires --perms).

o      An o means the owner is different and is being updated to
the sender's value (requires --owner and super-user priv-

o      A  g means the group is different and is being updated to
the sender's value (requires --group and the authority to
set the group).

o      The u slot is reserved for future use.

o      The a means that the ACL information changed.

o      The  x  means  that  the  extended  attribute information

One other output is possible:  when  deleting  files,  the  "%i"
will  output  the string "*deleting" for each item that is being
removed (assuming that you are talking to a recent enough  rsync
that  it  logs deletions instead of outputting them as a verbose
This gives a bored user something to watch.
Linux Rsync service
rpm -q rsync (rsync.conf) [X] path=/... comment=...
/usr/bin/rsync --daemon
开机启动:echo "usr/bin/rsync --daemon" >> /etc/rc.local

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