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quartz 任取调度

2016-04-25 09:27 295 查看


   用Quartz的行话讲,作业是一个执行任务的简单Java类。任务可以是任何Java代码。只需你实现org.quartz.Job接口并且在出现严重 错误情况下抛出JobExecutionException异常即可。Job接口包含唯一的一个方法execute(),作业从这里开始执行。一旦实现了 Job接口和execute()方法,当Quartz确定该是作业运行的时候,它将调用你的作业。Execute()方法内就完全是你要做的事情。要注 意,自己实现job时必须有一个public 的无参数的构造方法.对于job,大多数情况下都要依赖于某些具体的条件,这时,就要用到JobDataMap了。JobDataMap是Map的一个子
类,获取时很简单,直接用get方法就ok了,基于参数,我们就可以定制不同的job任务了。下面是一个简单的job,用来列举出所有的参数并且获得参数 名为name的值.

   public class HelloJob implements Job {

 private static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(HelloJob.class);

 public HelloJob() {


 public void execute(JobExecutionContext context)

   throws JobExecutionException {

jobDataMap =  context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap();


  Iterator i = jobDataMap.entrySet().iterator();  

  while(i.hasNext()) {

  Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry)i.next();

  _log.info(me.getKey() + ": "+me.getValue());


  _log.info("U Are Welcome:"+jobDataMap.get("name"));




    Quartz并不存储一个真正的Job实例,相反的,它通过jobdetail来定义job,并指定job的name和group,在一个调度器 (Scheduler)中,name和group是唯一被定义的,一个触发器(trigger)只能指定一个job,但多个触发器可以指定同一个job.



    scheduleJob(JobDetail jobDetail, Trigger trigger):把jobDetail添加到调度器中,并指定触发器trigger.在这里要注意,在同一个调度器中,jobDetail的name和 group是唯一的;Trigger的name和group也必须是唯一的。如果在trigger中指定job的name,则该name必须和

    scheduleJob(Trigger trigger):指定的trigger中必须包含jobdetai的name.以便于让quartz知道要执行的任务,如果指定的jobdetail的 name不在调度器中的任务列表中,则会抛出JobPersistenceException异常。

jobName,String groupName)方法:

删除指定的job,并且删除所有相关联的触发器。(Delete the identified Job from the Scheduler - and any associated Triggers.)




    第一种类型叫做RAMJobStore,它利用通常的内存来持久化调度程序信息。这种作业存储类型最容易配置、构造和运行。对许多应用来说,这种作业存储 已经足够了。然而,因为调度程序信息是存储在被分配给JVM的内存里面,所以,当应用程序停止运行时,所有调度信息将被丢失。


    第二种类型称为JDBC作业存储。Quartz提供两种不同的实现,但两种实现一般都需要JDBC驱动程序和后台数据库来持久化调度程序信息。这两种类型 的不同在于你是否想要控制数据库事务或这释放控制给应用服务器例如BEA's WebLogic或Jboss。(这类似于J2EE领域中,Bean管理的事务和和容器管理事务之间的区别)这两种JDBC作业存储是:

JobStoreTX:当你想要控制事务或工作在非应用服务器环境中是使用 (注:自己控制事务)。

    · JobStoreCMT:当你工作在应用服务器环境中和想要容器控制事务时使用 (web服务器控制事务)。









    QRTZ_TRIGGERS                   存放Trigger(包括SIMPLE_TRIGGERS和CRON_TRIGGERS)和jobDetail的对应关系


    QRTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS            存储简单触发器 





    QRTZ_JOB_DETAILS                 存储jobDetail


    QRTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS               存储复杂触发器CRON_TRIGGERS








 # Configure Main Scheduler Properties 




 org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = ZXScheduler

 org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO


 # Configure ThreadPool   配置数据库连接池


 org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool

 org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 12

 org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority = 5


 # Configure JobStore  配置做业存储方式




 org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 1000

 #org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore



 org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX

= org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.MSSQLDelegate

 org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties = false


 org.quartz.jobStore.dataSource = myDS


 org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix = QRTZ_

 org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = false


 # Configure Datasources  配置数据库的连接,不用解释


 org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.driver = com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver

 org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.URL = jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=quartzTest

 org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.user = sa

 org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.password = sa

 org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.maxConnections = 5


















    cron 触发器规范:

    Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-month Month Day-of-Week Year

    秒       分      时     天           月    周          年  


    Seconds            0-59    ,
- * /

    Minutes            0-59    , - * /

    Hours              0-23    , - * /

    Day-of-month       1-31    , - * ? / L C

    Month              1-12 or JAN-DEC    , - * /

    Day-of-Week        1-7 or SUN-SAT    , - * ? / L C #

    Year (Optional)    empty, 1970-2099    , - * /

    关于字符串的设置(在cron expression中所有字符不区分大小写):

    The '*' character is used to specify all values. For example, "*" in the minute field means "every minute".


    The '?' character is allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields. It is used to specify 'no specific value'. This is useful when you need to specify
something in one of the two fileds, but not the other. See the examples below for clarification.


'-' character
is used to specify ranges For example "10-12" in the hour field means "the hours 10, 11 and 12".


    The ',' character is used to specify additional values. For example "MON,WED,FRI" in the day-of-week field means "the days Monday, Wednesday, and Friday".


    The '/' character is used to specify increments. For example "0/15" in the seconds field means "the seconds 0, 15, 30, and 45". And "5/15" in the seconds
field means "the seconds 5, 20, 35, and 50". You can also specify '/' after the '*' character - in this case '*' is equivalent to having '0' before the '/'.


    The '#' character is allowed for the day-of-week field. This character is used to specify "the nth" XXX day of the month. For example, the value of "6#3"
in the day-of-week field means the third Friday of the month (day 6 = Friday and "#3" = the 3rd one in the month). Other examples: "2#1" = the first Monday of the month and "4#5" = the fifth Wednesday of the month. Note that if you specify "#5" and there is
not 5 of the given day-of-week in the month, then no firing will occur that month.

    '#'被用在周字段。它用来指定第几个周几中激活。如:"6#3"-->月的第三个周五;"2#1"-->月的第一个周一;"4#5"-- >月的第五个周三。要注意,如果要使用#后面跟5,但当月并没有第五周相应的周天,那么job将不被执行(激活);

    The 'C' character is allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields. This character is short-hand for "calendar". This means values are calculated against
the associated calendar, if any. If no calendar is associated, then it is equivalent to having an all-inclusive calendar. A value of "5C" in the day-of-month field means "the first day included by the calendar on or after the 5th". A value of "1C" in the day-of-week
field means "the first day included by the calendar on or after sunday".

for the features described for the 'C' character is not complete


    Support for specifying both a day-of-week and a day-of-month value is not complete (you'll need to use the '?' character in on of these fields).


    Pay attention to the effects of '?' and '*' in the day-of-week and day-of-month fields!



    1、"0 15 10 * * 6L 2002-2005"   在2002至2005年的每月每天的10:15触发。

    2、"0 15 10 ? * 6L 2002-2005"   在2002至2005年的每月的最后一个周五触发。

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