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2016-04-20 22:18 483 查看

* This is the shortcut to DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
defined('DS') or define('DS',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

defined('TIME') or define('TIME', time());

defined('MTIME') or define('MTIME', intval(microtime(true)));//返回当前unix时间戳
* This is the shortcut to Yii::app()
function app()
return Yii::app();

* This is the shortcut to Yii::app()->clientScript
function cs()
// You could also call the client script instance via Yii::app()->clientScript
// But this is faster
return Yii::app()->getClientScript();

* This is the shortcut to Yii::app()->user.
function user()
return Yii::app()->getUser();

* This is the shortcut to Yii::app()->createUrl()
function url( $route , $params = array (), $ampersand = '&' )
return Yii::app()->createUrl( $route , $params ,$ampersand );

* This is the shortcut to CHtml::encode
/* function h( $text )
return htmlspecialchars( $text ,ENT_QUOTES,Yii::app()->charset);
} */

* This is the shortcut to Yii::app()->request->baseUrl
* If the parameter is given, it will be returned and prefixed with the app baseUrl.
function baseDir( $url =null)
//static $baseUrl = null;
//if ( $baseUrl ===null)
$baseUrl =Yii::app()->getRequest()->getBaseUrl();
return $url ===null ? $baseUrl : $baseUrl . '/' .ltrim( $url , '/' );

* Returns the named application parameter.
* This is the shortcut to Yii::app()->params[$name].
function param( $name )
return Yii::app()->params[ $name ];
* A useful one that I use in development is the following
* which dumps the target with syntax highlighting on by default
function dump( $target )
return CVarDumper::dump( $target , 10, true) ;

function mk_dir($dir, $mode = 0777)
if (is_dir($dir) || @mkdir($dir,$mode)) return true;
if (!mk_dir(dirname($dir),$mode)) return false;
return @mkdir($dir,$mode);

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