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Meteor 项目服务器端页面渲染

2016-04-13 15:45 561 查看

Server Side Rendering for Meteor

From https://meteorhacks.com/server-side-rendering/

Last weekend, I was able to spend enough time on hacking meteor specially to understand the state of the Server Side Rendering (SSR).

And luckily, I could be able to run blaze with it’s full power on the server after few hours of work. Let’s me show you what I’ve come up with and how useful it can be.



My initial idea was to replace fast-render by rendering whole initial set of templates
on the server. So, my research goes towards that. And I wanted to implement this without forking meteor. So anyone can use it right-away by adding a package.


[Meteor 项目,欲知详情https://atmospherejs.com/meteorhacks/ssr,atmosphere上有介绍]


(1)添加包Meteor add meteorhacks:ssr

(2)client html文件中请求服务器数据 getposts

(3)server端 Template.[模版名称].[请求的数据]


I was able to load all the client side templates on the server. That means now we can write template helpers targeting server side and render those templates on the server.

For that you can use 
Let’s give it a try:

Install the SSR package

meteor add meteorhacks:ssr

Template on the Client

 <!-- client/posts.html -->
 {{#each getPosts category}}
rawclient_posts.html hosted
with ❤ by GitHub

Helpers written on the server

// server/posts.js
Template.posts.getPosts = function(category) {
return Posts.find({category: category}, {limit: 20});

Render it on the server

// server/main.js

var html = SSR.render('posts', {category: 'meteor'})

I did this, in order to get the initial HTML when the page loads for the first time. But, I couldn’t be able to get it working since it involves lot of other stuffs beside server side rendering. (Like routing, subscriptions and so on)


What I build was a 98% working blaze in the server. That includes dynamic templates, template inclusion, mongo cursors inside helpers and few more stuff.

Most of the stuff has been already done by Meteor. But I had to change few things. Once such thing is the use of 
It does not works well for our purpose. I also had to implement dynamic
templatessupport for the Server Side as well.

Server Side only Templates

Normally, Meteor builds templates while you are bundling your app. But it does not build templates reside on your server directory. Because of that, we still needs to define our templates(only 
inside client directory, even though we only use them on the server.

So, I’ve made it simple by introducing another API called
compile templates on the server. In order to do that, you need to create your templates in the 
and you need to write 
 files with just
the template content.

Demo Time

Let’s say I need to create an email which contains a list of blog post titles created by a given user. This is how I’m gonna do that with 

template on the 

 <!-- private/posts.html -->
 <h1> Recent Posts by {{owner}} </h1>
 {{#each getPosts owner}}
rawprivate_posts.html hosted
with ❤ by GitHub

compile the template and create helpers

// compile the template
SSR.compileTemplate('posts', Assets.getText('posts.html'));

Template.posts.getPosts = function(owner) {
return Posts.find({owner: owner}, {limit: 20});

get the html whenever you need it

var html = SSR.render('posts', {owner: 'user@company.com'})


I really like to see SSR(may be not this package) natively integrated into the Meteor core in the future. But there is a ton of more stuff needed to be done before that. So, I fear SSR won’t be implemented by Meteor very soon. (even if someone sends

Until that, we can use this package as a solution.

Things we can do with SSR

So, now we can do a lot of interesting stuff with SSR and Blaze. Here are some of them.

Easy emails with Blaze and inline CSS
PDF Rendering
Static Page Building
SEO without phantomjs and spiderable (I’m working on this for Telescope)
Iron Router integration (as an alternative to fast-render)
In the coming weeks, I’ll work on few demos and show you the power of this module. In the meantime, let me know, what do you think about this. If you build something with this, don’t forget to share it.
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