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Hive2.x 版本的安装及配置

2016-04-12 18:23 507 查看
博主学习Hadoop学习到Hive,一开始跟着资料去安装Hive 1.x一点问题也没有,方便快捷啊,但是看了一下官方文档,上面好像说Hive 2.0修复了很多bug,那么我想,我还是用Hive2.0好了。于是我开始按照原来的流程配置Hive2.0,遇到了各种问题,而且由于版本太新,国内网站上的解决方案基本上没有用。查阅各种资料,现在终于配置好了。所以写这篇博文分享,希望减少跟我一样的新手在使用Hive2.0的时候遇到的阻力。

Hive 1.x与2.x

As of June 2015, Hive has two “main lines”, master and branch-1.

All new feature work and bug fixes in Hive are contributed to the master branch. As of June 2015, releases from master are numbered 2.x. The 2.x versions are not necessarily backwards compatible with 1.x versions.

branch-1 is used to build stable, backward compatible releases. Releases from this branch are numbered 1.x (where 1.3 will be the first release from it, as 1.2 was released from master prior to the creation of branch-1). Until at least June 2016 all critical bug fixes (crashes, wrong results, security issues) applied to master must also be applied to branch-1. The decision to port a feature from master to branch-1 is at the discretion of the contributor and committer. However no features that break backwards compatibility will be accepted on branch-1.


Java 1.7

Note: Hive versions 1.2 onward require Java 1.7 or newer. Hive versions 0.14 to 1.1 work with Java 1.6 as well. Users are strongly advised to start moving to Java 1.8 (see HIVE-8607).

Hadoop 2.x (preferred), 1.x (not supported by Hive 2.0.0 onward).

Hive versions up to 0.13 also supported Hadoop 0.20.x, 0.23.x.

Hive is commonly used in production Linux and Windows environment. Mac is a commonly used development environment. The instructions in this document are applicable to Linux and Mac. Using it on Windows would require slightly different steps.


1 下载解压

第一步当然是和老版本一样,在官网上下载Hive的最新的稳定版压缩包,在Linux系统下解压。如果你只使用这一个版本的Hive,可以把HIVE_HOME和其bin目录添加到环境变量PATH中去。安装过Hadoop的朋友对这个应该相当熟悉。像我的话,由于想要Hive 1.x和2.x一起使用,所以我没有配置环境变量,这样每次要使用Hive的时候就cd到对应的bin目录下执行就行了。

2 mysql metastore



对的,安装好mysql并配置好了之后,还要将连接mysql的驱动:mysql-connector-java-5.1.28.jar 拷贝到HiveHome 目录下的lib文件夹中,这样Hive才可能成功连接mysql。

3 配置hive-site.xml


cp hive-default.xml.template hive-site.xml

将模板复制并命名为 hive-site.xml,我们要做的配置就是在这个文件中修改一些参数。这一点也和Hadoop类似。

在这个文件中,查找到如下属性,然后修改其中的value到与你的主机相符的配置,例如mysql所在的主机? 端口一般都是3306;hive是用来存元数据的数据库名称;username和password要与你在上一步设置mysql时的一致:

<description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>

<description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>

<description>username to use against metastore database</description>

<description>password to use against metastore database</description>



schematool -dbType mysql -initSchema

4 错误1


5 错误2



6 成功

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