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class Card(object):               #抽象类Card,并不用于实例化
def __init__( self, rank, suit ):
self.suit= suit
self.rank= rank
self.hard, self.soft = self._points()

class NumberCard( Card ):
def _points( self ):
return int(self.rank), int(self.rank)

class AceCard( Card ):
def _points( self ):
return 1, 11

class FaceCard( Card ):

def _points( self ):
return 10, 10

cards = [ AceCard('A', 'spade'), NumberCard('2','clube'), NumberCard('3','diamond'),]    



class Card:
def __init__( self, rank, suit, hard, soft ):
self.rank= rank
self.suit= suit
self.hard= hard
self.soft= soft

class NumberCard( Card ):
def __init__( self, rank, suit ):
super().__init__( str(rank), suit, rank, rank )     #在子类中使用super().__init__(*args)要传入除了self外所有参数

class AceCard( Card ):
def __init__( self, rank, suit ):
super().__init__( "A", suit, 1, 11 )

class FaceCard( Card ):
def __init__( self, rank, suit ):
super().__init__( {11: 'J', 12: 'Q', 13: 'K' }[rank], suit,10, 10 )




class GameStrategy:
def insurance( self, hand ):        #hand是手牌
return False
def split( self, hand ):
return False
def double( self, hand ):
return False
def hit( self, hand ):
return sum(c.hard for c in hand.cards) <= 17

4:若init方法太繁琐,有时用 静态方法 生成并且返回实例会更清晰简洁


class Hand5:
def __init__( self, dealer_card, *cards ):
self.dealer_card= dealer_card
self.cards = list(cards)

def freeze( other ):      #冻结手牌
hand= Hand5( other.dealer_card, *other.cards )
return hand

def split( other, card0, card1 ):
hand0= Hand5( other.dealer_card, other.cards[0], card0 )
hand1= Hand5( other.dealer_card, other.cards[1], card1 )
return hand0, hand1

def __str__( self ):
return ", ".join( map(str, self.cards) )

d = Deck()
h = Hand5( d.pop(), d.pop(), d.pop() )
s1, s2 = Hand5.split( h, d.pop(), d.pop() )


1 class Player:
def __init__( self, table, bet_strategy, game_strategy ):
self.bet_strategy = bet_strategy
self.game_strategy = game_strategy
self.table= table

class Player2:
def __init__( self, **kw ):
"""Must provide table, bet_strategy, game_strategy."""
self.__dict__.update( kw )    #__dict__见下,dict.update(name='pd',...)可添加键值对
P = Player2(table = table,bet_strategy = bet_strategy, game_strategy = game_strategy) #注意实例化的参数形式   

class Player3( Player ):
def __init__( self, table, bet_strategy, game_strategy, **extras):
self.bet_strategy = bet_strategy
self.game_strategy = game_strategy
self.table= table
self.__dict__.update( extras )

>>> class aha(object):
...     def __init__(self,name,age):
...             self.name = name
...             self.age = age
>>> aha.__dict__
dict_proxy({'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'aha' objects>, '__module__': '__main__', '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'aha' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002C35908>})
>>> a=aha('pd',12)
>>> a.__dict__
{'age': 12, 'name': 'pd'}



class ValidPlayer:
def __init__( self, table, bet_strategy, game_strategy ):
assert isinstance( table, Table )                   #assert遇错误会报错并且中断程序
assert isinstance( bet_strategy, BettingStrategy )
assert isinstance( game_strategy, GameStrategy )
self.bet_strategy = bet_strategy
self.game_strategy = game_strategy
self.table= table


class ValidPlayer:
Creates a new player associated with a table,and configured with proper betting and play strategies
:param table: an instance of :class:`Table`
:param bet_strategy: an instance of :class:`BettingStrategy`
:param game_strategy: an instance of :class:`GameStrategy`
通过 ValidPlayer.__doc__ 访问这段话
def __init__( self, table, bet_strategy, game_strategy ):
assert isinstance( table, Table )                   #assert遇错误会报错中断
assert isinstance( bet_strategy, BettingStrategy )
assert isinstance( game_strategy, GameStrategy )
self.bet_strategy = bet_strategy
self.game_strategy = game_strategy
self.table= table
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