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2016-04-04 17:23 513 查看
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#include <string>

#include "Base.h" //提供base64转码功能

using namespace std;

#include "cryptlib.h"

int main()





return 0;







void GenerateKey(){

int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*)); //密钥库上下文

int* cryptContext;

cryptContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*)); //加密上下文

int* cryptCertificate;

cryptCertificate = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*)); //证书上下文

int status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, "D:\\Private key file.p15", CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE);//创建密钥库,(CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE)

status = cryptCreateContext(cryptContext,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA);//RSA算法的密钥上下文

status = cryptSetAttributeString(*cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, "test1",5);//密钥标签

status = cryptGenerateKey(*cryptContext);

status = cryptAddPrivateKey(*keyset, *cryptContext, "1234");//向密钥库添加私钥

status = cryptCreateCert(cryptCertificate,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_CERTTYPE_CERTIFICATE);//创建证书

status = cryptSetAttribute(*cryptCertificate, CRYPT_CERTINFO_XYZZY, 1);//设置为简单证书

/* Add the public key and certificate owner name and sign the

certificate with the private key */

status = cryptSetAttribute(*cryptCertificate, CRYPT_CERTINFO_SUBJECTPUBLICKEYINFO, *cryptContext);//证书公钥绑定

status = cryptSetAttributeString(*cryptCertificate, CRYPT_CERTINFO_COMMONNAME, "test1",5);//证书CN

status = cryptSignCert(*cryptCertificate, *cryptContext);//使用私钥自签发证书

status = cryptAddPublicKey(*keyset, *cryptCertificate);//向证书添加公钥

status = cryptDestroyCert(*cryptCertificate);

status = cryptDestroyContext(*cryptContext);

status = cryptKeysetClose(*keyset);







void signature(){


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int* sigKeyContext;

sigKeyContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int status = 0;

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, "D:\\Private key file.p15", CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);//读取密钥库,(CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY)

status = cryptGetPrivateKey(*keyset,sigKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1", "1234");//通过标签和保护密钥获取私钥

CRYPT_CONTEXT hashContext;

void *signature;

int signatureLength;

status = cryptCreateContext( &hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_MD5 );//创建hash上下文

/* 对数据做摘要 */

status = cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "1234", 4 );

status = cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "1234", 0 );

/* 为签名值分配空间 */

int signatureMaxLength;

cryptCreateSignature( NULL, 0, &signatureMaxLength, *sigKeyContext, hashContext );

signature = malloc( signatureMaxLength );


status = cryptCreateSignature( signature, signatureMaxLength, &signatureLength, *sigKeyContext, hashContext );

status = cryptDestroyContext( hashContext );

/* 创建hash上下文 */

status = cryptCreateContext( &hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_MD5 );

/* 对数据做摘要 */

status = cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "1234", 4 );

status = cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "1234", 0 );

/* 使用公钥验证签名 */

status = cryptCheckSignature( signature, signatureLength, *sigKeyContext, hashContext );

status = cryptDestroyContext( hashContext );







void ExportKey(){


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int* sigKeyContext;

sigKeyContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int status = 0;

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, "D:\\Private key file.p15", CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);

status = cryptGetPublicKey(*keyset,sigKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1");//通过标签获取公钥

CRYPT_CONTEXT pubKeyContext, cryptContext;

void *encryptedKey;

int encryptedKeyLength,encryptedKeyMaxLength;

/* 生成保护密钥 */

status = cryptCreateContext( &cryptContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_3DES );

status = cryptGenerateKey( cryptContext );

status = cryptExportKey( NULL, 0, &encryptedKeyMaxLength, *sigKeyContext, cryptContext ); //获取公钥大小

encryptedKey = malloc( encryptedKeyMaxLength );

status = cryptExportKey( encryptedKey, encryptedKeyMaxLength, &encryptedKeyLength, *sigKeyContext, cryptContext );//导出公钥

cout<<(char*) encryptedKey<<endl;







void encrypt(string text,string pwd,string iv,BYTE* result,int* length){


int status = cryptCreateContext(&context,CRYPT_UNUSED,CRYPT_ALGO_3DES);

status = cryptSetAttributeString(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV,iv.c_str(),iv.size()); //初始向量

status = cryptSetAttributeString(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY,pwd.c_str(),pwd.size());//密钥

int keysize;

status = cryptGetAttribute(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE,&keysize);

if (text.size() % keysize > 0){

*length = text.size() + keysize - text.size() % keysize;



*length = text.size();


for(int i =0 ;i<text.size();i++){

result[i] = text[i]; //存储到BYTE数组中


status = cryptEncrypt(context,result,*length);//加密处理

for(int i = 0 ; i < *length ; i++)


printf("%x ",result[i]);


status = cryptDestroyContext(context);

if(status!=0) cout<<"fail"<<endl;


void decrypt(BYTE* enc , int* length,string pwd,string iv){


int status = cryptCreateContext(&context,CRYPT_UNUSED,CRYPT_ALGO_3DES);

status = cryptSetAttributeString(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV,iv.c_str(),iv.size());

status = cryptSetAttributeString(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY,pwd.c_str(),pwd.size());

int keysize;

status = cryptGetAttribute(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE,&keysize);

status = cryptDecrypt(context,enc,*length);

status = cryptDestroyContext(context);



* 公钥加密信封,返回base64编码字符串


string envelop(string text,string keyFile){

BYTE* message;

message = new BYTE[text.size()];

for(int i=0;i<text.size();i++){



int messageLength = text.size();


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int* pubKeyContext;

pubKeyContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int status = 0;

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, keyFile.c_str(), CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);

status = cryptGetPublicKey(*keyset,pubKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1");

CRYPT_ENVELOPE cryptEnvelope;

int bytesCopied;

status = cryptCreateEnvelope( &cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_CRYPTLIB );

/* Add the public key */

status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PUBLICKEY, *pubKeyContext );

/* Add the data size information and data, wrap up the processing, and pop out the processed data */

status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_DATASIZE, messageLength );

status = cryptPushData( cryptEnvelope, message, messageLength, &bytesCopied );

status = cryptFlushData( cryptEnvelope );

BYTE* envelopedData;

envelopedData = new BYTE[1000];

int envelopedDataBufferSize = 1000;

status = cryptPopData( cryptEnvelope, envelopedData, envelopedDataBufferSize, &bytesCopied );

status = cryptDestroyEnvelope( cryptEnvelope );

string base64Result = base64_encode(envelopedData,bytesCopied);


return base64Result;


string develop(string env,string keyFile){

BYTE* message;

string debase = base64_decode(env);

message = new BYTE[debase.size()];

for(int i=0;i<debase.size();i++){

message[i] = debase[i];


int* privKeyContext;

privKeyContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int messageLength = debase.size();


CRYPT_ENVELOPE cryptEnvelope;

int bytesCopied, status;


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE,keyFile.c_str(), CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);

status = cryptGetPrivateKey(*keyset,privKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1", "1234");

status = cryptCreateEnvelope( &cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO );

/* Push in the enveloped data and the private decryption key required to de-envelope it, and pop out the recovered message */

status = cryptPushData( cryptEnvelope, message, messageLength, &bytesCopied );

status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PRIVATEKEY, *privKeyContext );

status = cryptFlushData( cryptEnvelope );

BYTE* result;

result = new BYTE[1000];

int resultLength = 1000;

status = cryptPopData( cryptEnvelope, result, resultLength, &bytesCopied );

status = cryptDestroyEnvelope( cryptEnvelope );


string r = string((char*)result);

return r;


string exportCert(string keyFile){


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int* certContext;

certContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int status = 0;

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, keyFile.c_str(), CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);

status = cryptGetPublicKey(*keyset,certContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1");

void *certificate;

int certLength;

int certMaxLength;

status = cryptExportCert( NULL, 0, &certMaxLength,CRYPT_CERTFORMAT_CERTIFICATE

, *certContext );

/* Allocate memory for the encoded certificate */

certificate = malloc( certMaxLength );

/* Export the encoded certificate from the certificate object */

status = cryptExportCert( certificate, certMaxLength, &certLength, CRYPT_CERTFORMAT_CERTIFICATE

, *certContext );

unsigned char* certChar = (unsigned char*)certificate;


string cert_base64 = base64_encode(certChar,certLength);

return cert_base64;


void importCert(string cert_base64){

CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptCertificate;

int status;

string certStr = base64_decode(cert_base64);

/* Import the certificate object from the encoded certificate */

BYTE* cert;

int certLength = certStr.size();

cert = new BYTE[certLength];

for(int i = 0 ; i<certLength;i++){

cert[i] = certStr[i];



status = cryptImportCert( cert, certLength, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cryptCertificate );


[cpp] view
plain copy



#include <string>

#include "Base.h" //提供base64转码功能

using namespace std;

#include "cryptlib.h"

int main()





return 0;







void GenerateKey(){

int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*)); //密钥库上下文

int* cryptContext;

cryptContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*)); //加密上下文

int* cryptCertificate;

cryptCertificate = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*)); //证书上下文

int status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, "D:\\Private key file.p15", CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE);//创建密钥库,(CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE)

status = cryptCreateContext(cryptContext,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA);//RSA算法的密钥上下文

status = cryptSetAttributeString(*cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, "test1",5);//密钥标签

status = cryptGenerateKey(*cryptContext);

status = cryptAddPrivateKey(*keyset, *cryptContext, "1234");//向密钥库添加私钥

status = cryptCreateCert(cryptCertificate,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_CERTTYPE_CERTIFICATE);//创建证书

status = cryptSetAttribute(*cryptCertificate, CRYPT_CERTINFO_XYZZY, 1);//设置为简单证书

/* Add the public key and certificate owner name and sign the

certificate with the private key */

status = cryptSetAttribute(*cryptCertificate, CRYPT_CERTINFO_SUBJECTPUBLICKEYINFO, *cryptContext);//证书公钥绑定

status = cryptSetAttributeString(*cryptCertificate, CRYPT_CERTINFO_COMMONNAME, "test1",5);//证书CN

status = cryptSignCert(*cryptCertificate, *cryptContext);//使用私钥自签发证书

status = cryptAddPublicKey(*keyset, *cryptCertificate);//向证书添加公钥

status = cryptDestroyCert(*cryptCertificate);

status = cryptDestroyContext(*cryptContext);

status = cryptKeysetClose(*keyset);







void signature(){


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int* sigKeyContext;

sigKeyContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int status = 0;

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, "D:\\Private key file.p15", CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);//读取密钥库,(CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY)

status = cryptGetPrivateKey(*keyset,sigKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1", "1234");//通过标签和保护密钥获取私钥

CRYPT_CONTEXT hashContext;

void *signature;

int signatureLength;

status = cryptCreateContext( &hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_MD5 );//创建hash上下文

/* 对数据做摘要 */

status = cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "1234", 4 );

status = cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "1234", 0 );

/* 为签名值分配空间 */

int signatureMaxLength;

cryptCreateSignature( NULL, 0, &signatureMaxLength, *sigKeyContext, hashContext );

signature = malloc( signatureMaxLength );


status = cryptCreateSignature( signature, signatureMaxLength, &signatureLength, *sigKeyContext, hashContext );

status = cryptDestroyContext( hashContext );

/* 创建hash上下文 */

status = cryptCreateContext( &hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_MD5 );

/* 对数据做摘要 */

status = cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "1234", 4 );

status = cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "1234", 0 );

/* 使用公钥验证签名 */

status = cryptCheckSignature( signature, signatureLength, *sigKeyContext, hashContext );

status = cryptDestroyContext( hashContext );







void ExportKey(){


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int* sigKeyContext;

sigKeyContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int status = 0;

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, "D:\\Private key file.p15", CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);

status = cryptGetPublicKey(*keyset,sigKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1");//通过标签获取公钥

CRYPT_CONTEXT pubKeyContext, cryptContext;

void *encryptedKey;

int encryptedKeyLength,encryptedKeyMaxLength;

/* 生成保护密钥 */

status = cryptCreateContext( &cryptContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_3DES );

status = cryptGenerateKey( cryptContext );

status = cryptExportKey( NULL, 0, &encryptedKeyMaxLength, *sigKeyContext, cryptContext ); //获取公钥大小

encryptedKey = malloc( encryptedKeyMaxLength );

status = cryptExportKey( encryptedKey, encryptedKeyMaxLength, &encryptedKeyLength, *sigKeyContext, cryptContext );//导出公钥

cout<<(char*) encryptedKey<<endl;







void encrypt(string text,string pwd,string iv,BYTE* result,int* length){


int status = cryptCreateContext(&context,CRYPT_UNUSED,CRYPT_ALGO_3DES);

status = cryptSetAttributeString(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV,iv.c_str(),iv.size()); //初始向量

status = cryptSetAttributeString(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY,pwd.c_str(),pwd.size());//密钥

int keysize;

status = cryptGetAttribute(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE,&keysize);

if (text.size() % keysize > 0){

*length = text.size() + keysize - text.size() % keysize;



*length = text.size();


for(int i =0 ;i<text.size();i++){

result[i] = text[i]; //存储到BYTE数组中


status = cryptEncrypt(context,result,*length);//加密处理

for(int i = 0 ; i < *length ; i++)


printf("%x ",result[i]);


status = cryptDestroyContext(context);

if(status!=0) cout<<"fail"<<endl;


void decrypt(BYTE* enc , int* length,string pwd,string iv){


int status = cryptCreateContext(&context,CRYPT_UNUSED,CRYPT_ALGO_3DES);

status = cryptSetAttributeString(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV,iv.c_str(),iv.size());

status = cryptSetAttributeString(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY,pwd.c_str(),pwd.size());

int keysize;

status = cryptGetAttribute(context,CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE,&keysize);

status = cryptDecrypt(context,enc,*length);

status = cryptDestroyContext(context);



* 公钥加密信封,返回base64编码字符串


string envelop(string text,string keyFile){

BYTE* message;

message = new BYTE[text.size()];

for(int i=0;i<text.size();i++){



int messageLength = text.size();


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int* pubKeyContext;

pubKeyContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int status = 0;

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, keyFile.c_str(), CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);

status = cryptGetPublicKey(*keyset,pubKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1");

CRYPT_ENVELOPE cryptEnvelope;

int bytesCopied;

status = cryptCreateEnvelope( &cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_CRYPTLIB );

/* Add the public key */

status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PUBLICKEY, *pubKeyContext );

/* Add the data size information and data, wrap up the processing, and pop out the processed data */

status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_DATASIZE, messageLength );

status = cryptPushData( cryptEnvelope, message, messageLength, &bytesCopied );

status = cryptFlushData( cryptEnvelope );

BYTE* envelopedData;

envelopedData = new BYTE[1000];

int envelopedDataBufferSize = 1000;

status = cryptPopData( cryptEnvelope, envelopedData, envelopedDataBufferSize, &bytesCopied );

status = cryptDestroyEnvelope( cryptEnvelope );

string base64Result = base64_encode(envelopedData,bytesCopied);


return base64Result;


string develop(string env,string keyFile){

BYTE* message;

string debase = base64_decode(env);

message = new BYTE[debase.size()];

for(int i=0;i<debase.size();i++){

message[i] = debase[i];


int* privKeyContext;

privKeyContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int messageLength = debase.size();


CRYPT_ENVELOPE cryptEnvelope;

int bytesCopied, status;


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE,keyFile.c_str(), CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);

status = cryptGetPrivateKey(*keyset,privKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1", "1234");

status = cryptCreateEnvelope( &cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO );

/* Push in the enveloped data and the private decryption key required to de-envelope it, and pop out the recovered message */

status = cryptPushData( cryptEnvelope, message, messageLength, &bytesCopied );

status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PRIVATEKEY, *privKeyContext );

status = cryptFlushData( cryptEnvelope );

BYTE* result;

result = new BYTE[1000];

int resultLength = 1000;

status = cryptPopData( cryptEnvelope, result, resultLength, &bytesCopied );

status = cryptDestroyEnvelope( cryptEnvelope );


string r = string((char*)result);

return r;


string exportCert(string keyFile){


int* keyset;

keyset = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int* certContext;

certContext = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*));

int status = 0;

status = cryptKeysetOpen(keyset,CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, keyFile.c_str(), CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY);

status = cryptGetPublicKey(*keyset,certContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "test1");

void *certificate;

int certLength;

int certMaxLength;

status = cryptExportCert( NULL, 0, &certMaxLength,CRYPT_CERTFORMAT_CERTIFICATE

, *certContext );

/* Allocate memory for the encoded certificate */

certificate = malloc( certMaxLength );

/* Export the encoded certificate from the certificate object */

status = cryptExportCert( certificate, certMaxLength, &certLength, CRYPT_CERTFORMAT_CERTIFICATE

, *certContext );

unsigned char* certChar = (unsigned char*)certificate;


string cert_base64 = base64_encode(certChar,certLength);

return cert_base64;


void importCert(string cert_base64){

CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptCertificate;

int status;

string certStr = base64_decode(cert_base64);

/* Import the certificate object from the encoded certificate */

BYTE* cert;

int certLength = certStr.size();

cert = new BYTE[certLength];

for(int i = 0 ; i<certLength;i++){

cert[i] = certStr[i];



status = cryptImportCert( cert, certLength, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cryptCertificate );

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