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2016-03-30 11:13 225 查看
transform 使改观,改革,变换 transform hope into reality 把希望变成现实

transform heat into power 把热能转换成动力

finally 最后,终于 Finally they hit upon a strategy 最后他们提出一条建议
It's not finally settled yet.这事还没有最后解决
Finally , they decided not to go 最后他们决定不去了

option 选择(权),选课 have no option but to leave 别无选择只能离开
a range of options 选择范围    limited options 有限的选择

 depress 使沮丧,使不景气  depress the growth of economy 使汽车市场不景气
Her death depressed him 她的去世使他意志消沉 
Wet weather always depresses me 阴雨天总是让我感到沮丧

brook 小溪,容忍 a frozen brook 一条结冰的小溪
brook no interference 不能容忍干扰 The matter brooks no delay 此事刻不容缓

soak 浸泡,渗透 soak the beans in vinegar 把豆子泡在醋里
soak oneself in the sunshine 沐浴在阳光里 soak in bath 泡在浴缸

guy 伙计,家伙 a friendly guy 友好的人  a funny guy 有趣的家伙
He's a nice guy 他是个好人  a tough guy 硬汉

pitch 球场,强度,扔 pitch into the air 抛在空中 pitch a spear 掷标枪

brick 砖 a house built of red brick 红砖建造的房子 burn bricks 烧制砖块

vary 变化,有不同 vary in quality 质量参差不齐 vary one's habit 改变习惯
vary with the seasons 随四季而改变

twin 双胞胎之一,孪生的 give birth to twin 生双胞胎 distinguish the twins apart分辨双胞胎

procession 队伍,行列  a long parading procession 长长的游行队伍 A procession moves slowly  down the road 队列在路上缓慢行进 a solemn procession 庄严的游行a wedding procession 婚礼队列  

resolution 决心,正式决定 a man of great resolution 极其果断的人 make a resolution to lose weight 下定决定减肥

 tent 帐篷 set up a tent 支起帐篷 sleep in tent 睡在帐篷 blow the tent away 把帐篷吹走

festival 节日,喜庆日 We hold a music festival every year 我们每年举办音乐节 a jazz festival 爵士音乐节 the Spring Festival 春节 spend the festival with my family 和我的家人一起过节

wool 羊毛,毛线,毛织品 comb the wool 梳理羊毛 blue wool coat 蓝色毛外衣 

jar 罐子 store sth in jar 将某物储存在罐子里 sweet 糖果罐

income 收入,所得,收益 live on a small income 靠微薄的收入生活 income tax 所得税 suit your spending to your income 让你的收支相符

Portuguese 葡萄牙的,葡萄牙人的,葡萄牙语 speak Portuguese 说葡萄牙语

hazard 危险,公害 Smoking is definitely a health hazard 无疑吸烟对健康有害 a safety hazard 安全隐患 public hazard 公害 It's a political hazard 这是一场政治风险
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标签:  英语