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2016-03-30 09:08 225 查看
五  LogSubsystem

class Log(val dir: File,
@volatile var config: LogConfig,
@volatile var recoveryPoint: Long = 0L,
scheduler: Scheduler,
time: Time = SystemTime) extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup {

import kafka.log.Log._

/* A lock that guards all modifications to the log */
private val lock = new Object

/* last time it was flushed */
private val lastflushedTime = new AtomicLong(time.milliseconds)

/* the actual segments of the log */
private val segments: ConcurrentNavigableMap[java.lang.Long, LogSegment] = new ConcurrentSkipListMap[java.lang.Long, LogSegment]

/* Calculate the offset of the next message */
@volatile var nextOffsetMetadata = new LogOffsetMetadata(activeSegment.nextOffset(), activeSegment.baseOffset, activeSegment.size.toInt)

val topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition = Log.parseTopicPartitionName(name)
The name of this log */
def name  = dir.getName()
* The size of the log in bytes
def size: Long = logSegments.map(_.size).sum

* The earliest message offset in the log
def logStartOffset: Long = logSegments.head.baseOffset

* The offset metadata of the next message that will be appended to the log
def logEndOffsetMetadata: LogOffsetMetadata = nextOffsetMetadata

*  The offset of the next message that will be appended to the log
def logEndOffset: Long = nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset



* Append the given messages starting with the given offset. Add
* an entry to the index if needed.
* It is assumed this method is being called from within a lock.
* @param offset The first offset in the message set.
* @param messages The messages to append.
def append(offset: Long, messages: ByteBufferMessageSet) {
if (messages.sizeInBytes > 0) {
trace("Inserting %d bytes at offset %d at position %d".format(messages.sizeInBytes, offset, log.sizeInBytes()))
// append an entry to the index (if needed)
if(bytesSinceLastIndexEntry > indexIntervalBytes) {
index.append(offset, log.sizeInBytes())
this.bytesSinceLastIndexEntry = 0
// append the messages
this.bytesSinceLastIndexEntry += messages.sizeInBytes

* Find the physical file position for the first message with offset >= the requested offset.
* The lowerBound argument is an optimization that can be used if we already know a valid starting position
* in the file higher than the greatest-lower-bound from the index.
* @param offset The offset we want to translate
* @param startingFilePosition A lower bound on the file position from which to begin the search. This is purely an optimization and
* when omitted, the search will begin at the position in the offset index.
* @return The position in the log storing the message with the least offset >= the requested offset or null if no message meets this criteria.
private[log] def translateOffset(offset: Long, startingFilePosition: Int = 0): OffsetPosition = {
val mapping = index.lookup(offset)
log.searchFor(offset, max(mapping.position, startingFilePosition))

* Read a message set from this segment beginning with the first offset >= startOffset. The message set will include
* no more than maxSize bytes and will end before maxOffset if a maxOffset is specified.
* @param startOffset A lower bound on the first offset to include in the message set we read
* @param maxSize The maximum number of bytes to include in the message set we read
* @param maxOffset An optional maximum offset for the message set we read
* @return The fetched data and the offset metadata of the first message whose offset is >= startOffset,
*         or null if the startOffset is larger than the largest offset in this log
def read(startOffset: Long, maxOffset: Option[Long], maxSize: Int): FetchDataInfo = {
if(maxSize < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid max size for log read (%d)".format(maxSize))

val logSize = log.sizeInBytes // this may change, need to save a consistent copy
val startPosition = translateOffset(startOffset)

// if the start position is already off the end of the log, return null
if(startPosition == null)
return null

val offsetMetadata = new LogOffsetMetadata(startOffset, this.baseOffset, startPosition.position)

// if the size is zero, still return a log segment but with zero size
if(maxSize == 0)
return FetchDataInfo(offsetMetadata, MessageSet.Empty)

// calculate the length of the message set to read based on whether or not they gave us a maxOffset
val length =
maxOffset match {
case None =>
// no max offset, just use the max size they gave unmolested
case Some(offset) => {
// there is a max offset, translate it to a file position and use that to calculate the max read size
if(offset < startOffset)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to read with a maximum offset (%d) less than the start offset (%d).".format(offset, startOffset))
val mapping = translateOffset(offset, startPosition.position)
val endPosition =
if(mapping == null)
logSize // the max offset is off the end of the log, use the end of the file
min(endPosition - startPosition.position, maxSize)
FetchDataInfo(offsetMetadata, log.read(startPosition.position, length))


class LogManager(val logDirs: Array[File],
val topicConfigs: Map[String, LogConfig],
val defaultConfig: LogConfig,
val cleanerConfig: CleanerConfig,
ioThreads: Int,
val flushCheckMs: Long,
val flushCheckpointMs: Long,
val retentionCheckMs: Long,
scheduler: Scheduler,
val brokerState: BrokerState,
private val time: Time) extends Logging {
val RecoveryPointCheckpointFile = "recovery-point-offset-checkpoint"
val LockFile = ".lock"
val InitialTaskDelayMs = 30*1000
private val logCreationOrDeletionLock = new Object
private val logs = new Pool[TopicAndPartition, Log]()

private val dirLocks = lockLogDirs(logDirs)
private val recoveryPointCheckpoints = logDirs.map(dir => (dir, new OffsetCheckpoint(new File(dir, RecoveryPointCheckpointFile)))).toMap
* Get the log if it exists, otherwise return None
def getLog(topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition): Option[Log] = {
val log = logs.get(topicAndPartition)
if (log == null)

* Create a log for the given topic and the given partition
* If the log already exists, just return a copy of the existing log
def createLog(topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition, config: LogConfig): Log = {
logCreationOrDeletionLock synchronized {
var log = logs.get(topicAndPartition)

// check if the log has already been created in another thread
if(log != null)
return log

// if not, create it
val dataDir = nextLogDir()
val dir = new File(dataDir, topicAndPartition.topic + "-" + topicAndPartition.partition)
log = new Log(dir,
recoveryPoint = 0L,
logs.put(topicAndPartition, log)
info("Created log for partition [%s,%d] in %s with properties {%s}."
{import JavaConversions._; config.toProps.mkString(", ")}))

*  Delete a log.
def deleteLog(topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition) {
var removedLog: Log = null
logCreationOrDeletionLock synchronized {
removedLog = logs.remove(topicAndPartition)
if (removedLog != null) {
//We need to wait until there is no more cleaning task on the log to be deleted b
efore actually deleting it.
if (cleaner != null) {
info("Deleted log for partition [%s,%d] in %s."
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标签:  kafka