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使用Anaconda2 和 Pycharm搭建Python IDE

2016-03-27 10:05 453 查看

一 下载地址:

Anaconda2 https://www.continuum.io/downloads

Pycharm2016 https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/

二 windows 下安装:


在Pycharm File->settings->Project **->Project Interpreter->选择Anaconda 自带的python



三 Linux 下安装(以Ubuntu为例):

1. Enviroment

OS: ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 64-bit

IDE: PyCharm 5.0.4 Community Edition

Interpreter: Python 2.7.11

2. Build a Python IDE

a. Install Python 2.7.11, Numpy and Matplotlib

The Anaconda2 is strongly recommanded, which contains

a great many packages, including numpy, scipy and matplotlib.

First install Anaconda2, for example the install shell script

‘Anaconda2-2.5.0-Linux-x86_64.sh’ in path /home/devel/Downloads.

i. Open a terminal, run:

cd /home/devel/Downloads

ii. Run:

bash Anaconda2-2.5.0-Linux-x86_64.sh

iii. Follow the orders to complete the installation.

b. Install Pycharm5

The Pycharm5 is one of the most popular python IDEs in Linux and

Windows. For example, the package ‘pycharm-community-5.0.4.tar.gz’

in path /home/devel/Downloads.

i. Open a terminal, run:

cd /home/devel/Downloads

ii. Run:

tar xfz pycharm-community-5.0.4.tar.gz

iii. Then in the current folder, folder ‘pycharm-community-5.0.4’

appears. Then go into this folder by running:

cd ./pycharm-community-5.0.4/bin

iiii. Then there should be a ‘pycharm.sh’ in the current folder.

this is the installing shell script of pycharm. Run:

bash pycharm.sh

iiiii. Follow the orders to complete the installation.

c. Set the Pycharm

The Pycharm is opened once you have completed the intallation. It’s

quite friendly to use.

i. If you never intalled the pycharm before, use the default setting

when you are asked.

ii. You can choose the python interpreter, the Python 2.7.11 contained

in anaconda2 is strongly recommended.

d. Programm in Pycharm

Following the tips or user manual, it’s not hard to use.
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