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ActionRecognitionUsing OpenCV

2016-03-26 17:05 483 查看
erran RemziShared on Google+10
months ago1

Gyuldjan Saami10
months ago

Berrotoroto (clap)


months ago

This behavior recognition is what the algorithm to achieve?

Berran Remzi7
months ago

+朱佳 This was first version of my program. It uses Motion history image and SVM train every freme.
Method is similar to pattern recognition on images

months ago

+Berran Remzi I am also studying the subject of human action recognition, using spatio-temporal feature and method
of identifying CRFs, the effect is not very satisfactory. What features you use? Is MHI frame or converted to other forms of features?

Berran Remzi7
months ago

+朱佳 I got a best result with BoF Bag of word - SIFT feature detector for find features and SVM
for train and predict. Without using MHI. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/619039/Bag-of-Features-Descriptor-on-SIFT-Features-with-O this link is similar to my method, with one difference - its is programed for photos.

yash jain5
months ago

Its amazing! can you pls let me know hoe you trained video samples!!

Berran Remzi5
months ago

+yash jain I will send testing program code after 2 days. Training is made with SVM.TRAIN function

weeks ago

what feature did you select?I am also coding the program, could you please share the code ?

binali perera5
months ago

In my final year project I'm try to detect sleeping, crying, playing. Do you think is it possible with open CV

Berran Remzi1
month ago

+binali perera it little comlicated, for detecting cry you maybe need de listen te cry sound

Berran Remzi3
weeks ago

+Berran Remzi http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/619039/Bag-of-Features-Descriptor-on-SIFT-Features-with-O look at this projet its similar to my project with only difference its recognite images
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