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markdown 语法

2016-03-25 10:46 387 查看

Markdown 语法

Markdown 语法

Italics and Bold









Italics and Bold

Italics – surround words with an underscore ( _ )

Or you can surround words with one asterisk ( * )

Bold – surround words with two asterisks ( ** )

Italics and Bold – surround words with two asterisks ( _ , ) or (_** , **)

It doesn’t matter which order you place the asterisks or underscores


To make headers in Markdown, you preface the phrase with a hash mark (#). You place the same number of hash marks as the size of the header you want.

Header one to Header seven

In general, headers one and six should be used sparingly

You can also make a header bold and italicize


Two different link types in Markdown, but both of them render the exact same way

inline link – you wrap the link text in brackets ( [ ] ), and then you wrap the link in parenthesis ( ( ) )

EG : Visit GitHub!

You can also make link text bold and italics

The link text can be a header

reference link – the link is actually a reference to another place in the document

An advantage of the reference link style is that multiple links to the same place only need to be updated once

Reference links don’t appear in the rendered Markdown. You define them by providing the same tag name wrapped in brackets, followed by a colon, followed by the link.

Here’s [a link to something else][another place].

Here’s [yet another link][another-link].

And now back to [the first link][another place].

[another place]: www.github.com

[another-link]: www.google.com


The syntax is nearly the same as Links.

The difference is that an image is prefaced with an exclamation point ( ! ), followed by the same two brackets, and a pair of parentheses containing the image URL

方括号外加 !

Within the image brackets, you can place some “alt text,” which is a phrase or sentence that describes the image for the visually impaired.



A blockquote is a sentence or paragraph that’s been specially formatted to draw attention to the reader.

To create a block quote, all you have to do is preface a line with the “greater than” caret (>)

A line just one

You can also place a caret character on each line of the quote. This is particularly useful if your quote spans multiple paragraphs.

Even blank lines must contain the caret character. This ensures that the entire blockquote is grouped together.

Block quotes can contain other Markdown elements, such as italics, images, or links.

some people die



There are two types of lists in the known universe: unordered and ordered.

* To create an unordered list, you’ll want to preface each item in the list with an asterisk ( * ). Each list item also gets its own line.

* Dashes work just as well 下划线一样好使

* An ordered list is prefaced with numbers, instead of asterisks.

* You might find the need to make a list with more depth

* All you have to do is to remember to indent each asterisk one space more than the preceding item



Hard break – 插入空行,以使 markdown 强制换行(否则它将所有语句排成一行)

Sort break – You can accomplish this by inserting two spaces after each new line. (句尾插入两个空格)

One of the common uses for these soft breaks is in formatting paragraphs in lists. List 中各行的对齐


两种不同的方式标识一段 code

If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks:

var example = true

Code Fencing , allows for multiple lines without indentation :

在代码前后增加 三个反单引号

if (isAwesome){
return true


MarkDown Tutorial

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