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2016-03-22 16:41 489 查看


1 安装git

centos:yum install –y git

ubuntu:apt –get install git

2 配置用户

[root@localhost github]# git config --global user.name "fbx"

[root@localhost github]# git config --global user.email "fbx@idmxh.com"

3 创建版本库、初始化、及提交

1) 创建仓库

[root@localhost home]# mkdir github

[root@localhost home]# cd github

[root@localhost github]# pwd


2) 初始化

[root@localhost github]# git init

Initialized empty Git repository in /home/github/.git/


[root@localhost github]# ls -a

.  ..  .git

3) 添加目录/文件入仓库

[root@localhost github]# cp -R /home/wwwroot/default/newtravel .

[root@localhost github]# ls


[root@localhost github]# git add newtravel

4) 提交改变

[root@localhost github]# git commit -m "add newtravel floder"


4 查看仓库状态

[root@localhost github]# git status

# On branch master

# Changed but not updated:

#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)

#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)


# modified:   readme.txt


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

5 查看文件更改的内容

[root@localhost github]# git diff readme.txt

diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt

index 34884aa..a98f1ba 100644

--- a/readme.txt

+++ b/readme.txt

@@ -1,2 +1 @@

this is a file to help you know me!

-add new line!

6 查看更改历史

[root@localhost github]# git log

commit 5e3d07b852cbd460a51b84058b48304fc0bb55d8

Author: fbx <fbx@idmxh.com>

Date:   Sat Jan 9 17:44:08 2016 +0800

delete last line

commit 916e1b47e125ef83e1751b23016b8d0f3843a08c

Author: fbx <fbx@idmxh.com>

Date:   Sat Jan 9 17:42:55 2016 +0800

delete last line

commit  465f50a73bf48eccb23f3d839f725c00a3dcd39e

Author: fbx <fbx@idmxh.com>

Date:   Sat Jan 9 17:39:51 2016 +0800

add new file to readme.txt


[root@localhost github]# git log --pretty=oneline

5e3d07b852cbd460a51b84058b48304fc0bb55d8 delete last line

916e1b47e125ef83e1751b23016b8d0f3843a08c delete last line

465f50a73bf48eccb23f3d839f725c00a3dcd39e add new file to readme.txt

c126fd1f4b406950aeb2b29f29dd6dc3dcd9fc3e add readme.txt file

fe4a9132d0f83c53746640962ab21d4c89bf12fe add newtravel floder

7 版本回退



[root@localhost github]# git reset --hard HEAD^^

HEAD is now at 465f50a add new file to readme.txt


[root@localhost github]# git reset --hard 5e3d07b852cbd460a51b84058b48304fc0bb55d8

HEAD is now at 5e3d07b delete last line


[root@localhost github]# git reflog

5e3d07b HEAD@{0}: 5e3d07b852cbd460a51b84058b48304fc0bb55d8: updatin

465f50a HEAD@{1}: HEAD^^: updating HEAD

5e3d07b HEAD@{2}: commit: delete last line

916e1b4 HEAD@{3}: commit: delete last line

465f50a HEAD@{4}: commit: add new file to readme.txt

c126fd1 HEAD@{5}: commit: add readme.txt file

fe4a913 HEAD@{6}: commit (initial): add newtravel floder

8 撤销修改

[root@localhost github]# git checkout -- readme.txt

9 文件删除

[root@localhost github]# rm readme.txt

rm: remove regular file `readme.txt'? y

[root@localhost github]# ls


[root@localhost github]# git status

# On branch master

# Changed but not updated:

#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)

#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)


# deleted:    readme.txt


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")


git checkout – readme.txt

[root@localhost github]# git checkout -- readme.txt

[root@localhost github]# ls

newtravel  readme.txt

2) 删除

[root@localhost github]# ls


[root@localhost github]# git rm readme.txt

rm 'readme.txt'

[root@localhost github]# git status

# On branch master

# Changes to be committed:

#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)


# deleted:    readme.txt


[root@localhost github]# git commit -m "delete readme.txt file"

[master ab53274] delete readme.txt file

1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

delete mode 100644 readme.txt

[root@localhost github]# git status

# On branch master

nothing to commit (working directory clean)

[root@localhost github]# git log --pretty=oneline

ab532746073c9fe2ddf0580a71995152d148c20e delete readme.txt file

5e3d07b852cbd460a51b84058b48304fc0bb55d8 delete last line

916e1b47e125ef83e1751b23016b8d0f3843a08c delete last line

465f50a73bf48eccb23f3d839f725c00a3dcd39e add new file to readme.txt

c126fd1f4b406950aeb2b29f29dd6dc3dcd9fc3e add readme.txt file

fe4a9132d0f83c53746640962ab21d4c89bf12fe add newtravel floder


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