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2016-03-15 15:02 253 查看
</pre><pre name="code" class="java">package com.qunar.flight.ib2b.trade.center.web.util;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;

* 用于表示记账金额, 标准6位小数.
public final class Money implements Comparable<Money>, Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = -6657228621542472076L;

private static final transient RoundingMode DEFAULT_ROUNDING = RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN;

private static final transient MathContext DEF_MC = MathContext.DECIMAL64;

private static final transient int PARSE_SCALE = 6;

private BigDecimal amount;

public static Money of(BigDecimal amount) {
return new Money(amount);

public static Money of(double amount) {
return of(BigDecimal.valueOf(amount));

public static Money ofMajor(long amountMajor) {
return of(BigDecimal.valueOf(amountMajor));

public static Money parseStoreValue(long amount) {
return of(BigDecimal.valueOf(amount, PARSE_SCALE));

public static Money total(Money... monies) {
if (monies.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Money array must not be empty");
Money total = monies[0];
for (int i = 1; i < monies.length; i++) {
total = total.plus(monies[i]);
return total;

// just for serialize/deserialize
private Money() {


private Money(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;

private Money with(BigDecimal newAmount) {
if (newAmount.equals(amount)) {
return this;
return new Money(newAmount);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

* Checks if the amount is zero.
* @return true if the amount is zero
public boolean isZero() {
return amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0;

* Checks if the amount is greater than zero.
* @return true if the amount is greater than zero
public boolean isPositive() {
return amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0;

* Checks if the amount is zero or greater.
* @return true if the amount is zero or greater
public boolean isPositiveOrZero() {
return amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0;

* Checks if the amount is less than zero.
* @return true if the amount is less than zero
public boolean isNegative() {
return amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0;

* 检查 值 <= 0
* @return true if the amount is zero or less
public boolean isNegativeOrZero() {
return amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0;

public Money plus(Money... toAdds) {
BigDecimal total = amount;
for (Money money : toAdds) {
total = total.add(money.amount, DEF_MC);
return with(total);

public Money plus(BigDecimal amountToAdd) {
if (amountToAdd.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.add(amountToAdd, DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money plus(double amountToAdd) {
if (amountToAdd == 0) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(amountToAdd), DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money minus(Money... accountMoneys) {
BigDecimal total = amount;
for (Money money : accountMoneys) {
total = total.subtract(money.amount, DEF_MC);
return with(total);

public Money minus(Money moneyToSubtract) {
return minus(moneyToSubtract.amount);

public Money minus(BigDecimal amountToSubtract) {
if (amountToSubtract.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.subtract(amountToSubtract, DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money minus(double amountToSubtract) {
if (amountToSubtract == 0) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(amountToSubtract), DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money minusMajor(long amountToSubtract) {
if (amountToSubtract == 0) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(amountToSubtract), DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money minusMinor(long amountToSubtract, int scale) {
if (amountToSubtract == 0) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(amountToSubtract, scale), DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money multiply(BigDecimal valueToMultiplyBy) {
if (valueToMultiplyBy.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.multiply(valueToMultiplyBy, DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money multiply(double valueToMultiplyBy) {
if (valueToMultiplyBy == 1) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(valueToMultiplyBy), DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money multiply(long valueToMultiplyBy) {
if (valueToMultiplyBy == 1) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(valueToMultiplyBy), DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money divide(BigDecimal value) {
if (value.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.divide(value, DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money divide(double value) {
if (value == 1) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(value), DEF_MC);
return with(newAmount);

public Money divide(long value) {
if (value == 1) {
return this;
BigDecimal newAmount = amount.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(value), DEF_MC);

return with(newAmount);

public Money negate() {
if (isZero()) {
return this;
return with(amount.negate());

public Money abs() {
return (isNegative() ? negate() : this);

public boolean isGreaterThan(Money other) {
return compareTo(other) > 0;

public boolean isLessThan(Money other) {
return compareTo(other) < 0;

public BigDecimal getAmount() {
return amount;

public int compareTo(Money o) {
return amount.compareTo(o.amount);

public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (other instanceof Money) {
Money otherMoney = (Money) other;
return amount.equals(otherMoney.amount);
return false;

public int hashCode() {
return 7 * amount.hashCode();

public long toStoreValue() {
return amount.movePointRight(PARSE_SCALE).setScale(0, DEFAULT_ROUNDING).longValue();

public BigDecimal toStoreDecimal() {
return amount.setScale(PARSE_SCALE, DEFAULT_ROUNDING);

public String toString() {
return amount.toString();

public String toMoneyString() {
return amount.setScale(2, DEFAULT_ROUNDING).toString();

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

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