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Copy database via backup and restore

2016-03-10 11:20 483 查看
When copying the database using wizard in SQL server is failed, I use the following method to copy the database successfully.

--backup the database
backup database test1 to disk='c:\test1_full.bak'

-- use the filelistonly command to work out  what the logical names
-- are to use in the MOVE commands.  the logical name needs to
-- stay the same, the physical name can change
restore filelistonly from disk='c:\test1_full.bak'
|  LogicalName  |           PhysicalName           |
| test1         | C:\mssql\data\test1.mdf          |
| test1_log     | C:\mssql\data\test1_log.ldf      |

restore database test2 from disk='c:\test1_full.bak'
with move 'test1' to 'C:\mssql\data\test2.mdf',
move 'test1_log' to 'C:\mssql\data\test2.ldf'

 is an informational command and is not required to perform a restore. A user can use this to figure out what
the logical names are for the data files, that can be used with the 
to restore the database to a new location.
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标签:  database